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FirstLine_Tx_ 129 MRI (manually corrected results) Pixel size

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1 FirstLine_Tx_ 129 MRI (manually corrected results) Pixel size Pixel size Pixel size

2 11/26/2004 NEURO MRI PROTOCOL Head/Brain Brain – 8 Channel Brain Brain – 8 Channel w/Gd Brain w/ Gd Brain - Neonatal Brain - Stereotactic Internal Auditory Canal (IAC) 8 Channel IAC MDU MDU – 8 Channel Morphometeric –Research Protocol Neuro. Neck Orbits Parkinsons Pituitary – 8 Channel Pituitary Pituitary Known – 8 Channel Pituitary Known Seizure – 8 Channel Seizure Stroke Protocol TMJ Trigeminal Nerve VTI Protocol 199 Protocol 199 w/MRA Research Linomide (#47) (M.S. Research Protocol)

3 MS / LINOMIDE (#47) 1.5 T Research Protocol 1 2 3 4 5 6 Comment DIFFUSION 2 Acq. 2 Acq. Min. Coil Type Head Pt Position HF/S Plane Sag Ax Injection details 20 ml Gd hand inject Pulse Sequence SE T1 SE-EPI SE DE FLAIR Options FC, VB SAT(I) Echo Train Center Frequency Water Flip Angle TE1/TE2 Min. Full/90 TR 3000 TI Bandwidth 10.67 / 4 FOV (cm) 24 Phase FOV Slice Thickness (mm) Gap (mm) Int Matrix 256 X 192 NEX (averages) 0.5 Frequency Direction A/P Offset Gating, breathing Gd-DTPA No Yes - 20 ml Dynamic FatSat No of Slices 16 34 54 28 Image Time 1:26 :40 11:36 4:24 3:12 11/26/2004 HES

4 MORPHOMETRIC #10 1.5 T Research Protocol 1 2 3 Comment Coil Type Head Pt Position HF/S Plane Sag Ax Cor Pulse Sequence SE T1 SE DE SPGR Options FC, VB, SAT(I) Echo Train Center Frequency Water Flip Angle TE1/TE2 30/80 TR 3000 TI Bandwidth 10.67/4/27 FOV (cm) 24 Phase FOV Slice Thickness(mm) Gap (mm) Int Matrix 256 X 192 NEX (averages) 0.5 Frequency Direction A/P Gating, breathing Gd-DTPA No Dynamic FatSat No of Slices 52 124 Image Time 2:13 11:36 14:24

5 1.5 T Research Protocol #59 1 2 3 4 5 6 Comment DIFFUSION POST Coil Type Head Pt Position HF/S Plane Sag Ax Cor Injection details 20 ml Gd hand inject Pulse Sequence T1 SE SE DE SE T1 SE-EPI Options FC, VB SAT(I) Echo Train Center Frequency Water Flip Angle TE1/TE2 MIN. FULL/90 TR 3400 TI Bandwidth 10.61 / 4 FOV (cm) 24 Phase FOV 0.75 Slice Thickness (mm) Gap (mm) Int Matrix 256 X192 NEX (averages) 0.5 Frequency Direction A/P Gating, breathing Gd-DTPA No Yes - 20 ml Dynamic FatSat No of Slices 16 56 Image Time 1:26 10:26 4:08 :40 2:18 2/2/2005 HES

6 MRI Protocol for Shields MRI Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 11:51:56 -0400
<element tag="0008,0070" vr="LO" vm="1" len="18" name="Manufacturer">GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS</element> <element tag="0008,0080" vr="LO" vm="1" len="30" name="InstitutionName">Brigham and Womens Hosp </element> <element tag="0008,1010" vr="SH" vm="1" len="8" name="StationName">B221GE15</element> <element tag="0008,1030" vr="LO" vm="1" len="6" name="StudyDescription">CLIMB</element> <element tag="0008,103e" vr="LO" vm="1" len="24" name="SeriesDescription">AX PD/T2 SE (Dual Echo)</element> <element tag="0008,1060" vr="PN" vm="1" len="6" name="NameOfPhysiciansReadingStudy">NEURO</element> <element tag="0008,1070" vr="PN" vm="1" len="4" name="OperatorsName">KWK</element> <element tag="0008,1090" vr="LO" vm="1" len="12" name="ManufacturersModelName">SIGNA EXCITE</element> <<element tag="0010,21b0" vr="LT" vm="1" len="2" name="AdditionalPatientHistory">MS</element> <element tag="0018,0020" vr="CS" vm="1" len="2" name="ScanningSequence">SE</element> <element tag="0018,0023" vr="CS" vm="1" len="2" name="MRAcquisitionType">2D</element> <element tag="0018,0025" vr="CS" vm="1" len="2" name="AngioFlag">N</element> <element tag="0018,0050" vr="DS" vm="1" len="2" name="SliceThickness">3</element> <element tag="0018,0080" vr="DS" vm="1" len="4" name="RepetitionTime">3000</element> <element tag="0018,0081" vr="DS" vm="1" len="2" name="EchoTime">30</element> <element tag="0018,0082" vr="DS" vm="1" len="2" name="InversionTime">0</element> <element tag="0018,0083" vr="DS" vm="1" len="4" name="NumberOfAverages">0.5</element> <element tag="0018,0084" vr="DS" vm="1" len="10" name="ImagingFrequency"> </element> <element tag="0018,0085" vr="SH" vm="1" len="2" name="ImagedNucleus">1H</element> <element tag="0018,0086" vr="IS" vm="1" len="2" name="EchoNumbers">1</element> <element tag="0018,0087" vr="DS" vm="1" len="4" name="MagneticFieldStrength">1.5</element> <element tag="0018,0088" vr="DS" vm="1" len="2" name="SpacingBetweenSlices">3</element> <element tag="0018,0091" vr="IS" vm="1" len="2" name="EchoTrainLength">1</element> <element tag="0018,0093" vr="DS" vm="1" len="8" name="PercentSampling"> </element> <element tag="0018,0094" vr="DS" vm="1" len="4" name="PercentPhaseFieldOfView">100</element> <element tag="0018,0095" vr="DS" vm="1" len="8" name="PixelBandwidth"> </element> <element tag="0018,1000" vr="LO" vm="1" len="16" name="DeviceSerialNumber">0000LONGWOOD15MR</element> <element tag="0018,1020" vr="LO" vm="3" len="40" name="SoftwareVersions">12\LX\MR Software release:12.0_M5_0606.b</element> <element tag="0018,1030" vr="LO" vm="1" len="16" name="ProtocolName">CLIMB:RESEARCH/4</element> <element tag="0018,1100" vr="DS" vm="1" len="4" name="ReconstructionDiameter">240</element> <element tag="0018,1250" vr="SH" vm="1" len="4" name="ReceiveCoilName">HEAD</element> <element tag="0018,1310" vr="US" vm="4" len="8" name="AcquisitionMatrix">0\256\192\0</element> <element tag="0018,1312" vr="CS" vm="1" len="4" name="InPlanePhaseEncodingDirection">ROW</element> <element tag="0018,1314" vr="DS" vm="1" len="2" name="FlipAngle">90</element> <element tag="0018,1315" vr="CS" vm="1" len="2" name="VariableFlipAngleFlag">N</element> <element tag="0018,1316" vr="DS" vm="1" len="10" name="SAR"> </element> <element tag="0018,5100" vr="CS" vm="1" len="4" name="PatientPosition">HFS</element> <element tag="0020,0011" vr="IS" vm="1" len="2" name="SeriesNumber">5</element> <element tag="0020,1002" vr="IS" vm="1" len="4" name="ImagesInAcquisition">108</element> <element tag="0020,1041" vr="DS" vm="1" len="12" name="SliceLocation"> </element> <element tag="0028,0002" vr="US" vm="1" len="2" name="SamplesPerPixel">1</element> <element tag="0028,0004" vr="CS" vm="1" len="12" name="PhotometricInterpretation">MONOCHROME2</element> <element tag="0028,0010" vr="US" vm="1" len="2" name="Rows">256</element> <element tag="0028,0011" vr="US" vm="1" len="2" name="Columns">256</element> <element tag="0028,0030" vr="DS" vm="2" len="14" name="PixelSpacing">0.9375\0.9375</element> 5/20/09 7:41 PM At today's CLIMB meeting I heard that as of today the CLIMB MRI protocol has changed. MTR images are not part of the protocol any more and SPGR series are added to it.

7 MS Climb study Thu, 5 Jan :45: Faria, Aida Bakshi R ( ) Hello, As per our conversation yesterday I have made the changes to the CLIMB PROTOCOL and the MS Brain protocol at 221 Longwood MRI. They are as follows: 3Plane Loc                                           :16 Sag 3D MP-RAGE                               7:42 Sag T2 Flair              18 slices             1:36 Ax SE T1                  54 slices             3:27        3/4 FOV Ax SE DE T2            54 slices            11:36 Contrast injection = by body weight - Ax T2 Flair post        28 slices              2:56 Ax DWI post            31 slices                :40 Ax SE T1 post         54 slices               3:27       3/4 FOV  5 minute delay post  contrast Total Gradient time:                            34:6 minutes 3Plane Loc                                                    :16 Asset Calc                                                    :12 Sag T2 Flair                       18 slices             1:36 Ax SE T1                           54 slices             4:20 Ax SE DE T2                      54 slices             9:12     3/4 FOV Contrast injection = by body weight Ax T2 Flair prop  post         28 slices              3:28 Ax DWI post                     31 slices                :40 Ax SE T1 post                  54 slices               4:20       5 minute delay post contrast Total Gradient time:                                      24:07 minutes               

8 BPF vs T2, natural clustering pattern

9 Cases of interest, based on cutoff 2 clusters

10 % difference of raw data
REFNO CSF, ml ICC, ml T2, ml BPF PIXELSIZE, mm Slice thikness, mm FirstLineTx_ 15302 273.44 0.82 0.8437 0.9375 3.0000 CASE #67 16056 314.01 18.16 0.7636 CASE #37 17292 266.16 2.33 0.8107 0.7813 CASE #8 18188 169.69 2.55 0.8811 0.8594 CASE #30 17843 150.85 10.47 0.8704 CASE #52 19338 102.76 2.64 0.9184 CASE #1 REFNO Date of Scan Pixel size T2 LV (cc) T2LV , ml % difference of raw data COV 15302 07/10/06 mm; 3.0 mm 1.32 0.82 38% 33% 16056 10/26/06 21.08 18.16 14% 11% 17292 04/20/07 mm 3.0 mm 0.69 2.33 -238% 77% 18188 08/15/07 mm 3.0 mm 1.95 2.55 -31% 19% 17843 10/20/05 9.71 10.47 -8% 5% 19338 08/23/06 0.57 2.64 -363% 91% mean 39% PIXELSIZE, mm Slice Thickness, mm VOXELSIZE, ml 0.9375 3 0.0026 0.8594 0.0022 0.7813 0.0018

11 % difference of raw data
REFNO CSF, ml ICC, ml T2, ml BPF PIXELSIZE, mm Slice thikness, mm FirstLineTx_ 15302 273.44 0.82 0.8437 0.9375 3.0000 CASE #67 REFNO Date of Scan Pixel size T2 LV (cc) T2LV , ml % difference of raw data COV 15302 07/10/06 mm; 3.0 mm 1.32 0.82 38% 33% BKG BP 4 0.287 8 0.148 CSF 25 1.690 BKG BP 3 0.026 4 20.593 CSF 5 4.482 T2LV 6 0.021 7 0.005 8 27.606 16 0.232 22 0.649 25 3.008

12 % difference of raw data
REFNO CSF, ml ICC, ml T2, ml BPF PIXELSIZE, mm Slice thikness, mm FirstLineTx_ 16056 314.01 18.16 0.7636 0.9375 3.0000 CASE #37 REFNO Date of Scan Pixel size T2 LV (cc) T2LV , ml % difference of raw data COV 16056 10/26/06 mm; 3.0 mm 21.08 18.16 14% 11% BKG BP 4 0.311 CSF 25 1.303 BKG BP 3 0.026 4 18.615 CSF 5 0.422 T2LV 6 0.957 8 12.268 16 0.229 25 9.445

13 % difference of raw data
REFNO CSF, ml ICC, ml T2, ml BPF PIXELSIZE, mm Slice thikness, mm FirstLineTx_ 17292 266.16 2.33 0.8107 0.7813 3.0000 CASE #8 REFNO Date of Scan Pixel size T2 LV (cc) T2LV , ml % difference of raw data COV 17292 04/20/07 mm 3.0 mm 0.69 2.33 -238% 77% T2 PD SEG_2ch_manual TDS (SEG_2ch_gen) TDS+ (SEG_2ch_cleaned)

14 % difference of raw data
REFNO CSF, ml ICC, ml T2, ml BPF PIXELSIZE, mm Slice thikness, mm FirstLineTx_ 17292 266.16 2.33 0.8107 0.7813 3.0000 CASE #8 REFNO Date of Scan Pixel size T2 LV (cc) T2LV , ml % difference of raw data COV 17292 04/20/07 mm 3.0 mm 0.69 2.33 -238% 77% BKG BP 4 0.436 8 0.112 CSF 25 1.487 BKG 72.391 BP 3 0.020 4 19.192 CSF 5 1.983 T2LV 6 0.192 7 0.038 8 21.986 16 0.194 21 0.035 22 0.652 25 3.331

15 % difference of raw data
REFNO CSF, ml ICC, ml T2, ml BPF PIXELSIZE, mm Slice thikness, mm FirstLineTx_ 18188 169.69 2.55 0.8811 0.8594 3.0000 CASE #30 REFNO Date of Scan Pixel size T2 LV (cc) T2LV , ml % difference of raw data COV 18188 08/15/07 mm 3.0 mm 1.95 2.55 -31% 19% BKG BP 4 0.197 8 0.053 CSF 25 1.354 BKG. 93.239 BP 3 0.007 4 23.416 CSF 5 1.954 T2LV 6 0.386 7 0.024 8 23.907 10 0.002 16 0.171 21 0.062 22 0.651 25 1.389

16 % difference of raw data
REFNO CSF, ml ICC, ml T2, ml BPF PIXELSIZE, mm Slice thikness, mm FirstLineTx_ 17843 150.85 10.47 0.8704 0.9375 3.0000 CASE #52 REFNO Date of Scan Pixel size T2 LV (cc) T2LV , ml % difference of raw data COV 17843 10/20/05 mm; 3.0 mm 9.71 10.47 -8% 5% BKG BP 4 0.221 8 0.076 CSF 25 0.976 BKG. BP 3 0.008 4 17.853 CSF 5 0.999 T2LV 6 0.562 7 8 20.572 10 0.003 16 0.092 21 0.185 22 0.546 25 2.924

17 % difference of raw data
REFNO CSF, ml ICC, ml T2, ml BPF PIXELSIZE, mm Slice thikness, mm FirstLineTx_ 19338 102.76 2.64 0.9184 0.7813 3.0000 CASE #1 REFNO Date of Scan Pixel size T2 LV (cc) T2LV , ml % difference of raw data COV 19338 08/23/06 mm; 3.0 mm 0.57 2.64 -363% 91% PD T2 SEG_2ch_manual TDS (SEG_2ch_gen) TDS+ (SEG_2ch_cleaned)

18 % difference of raw data
REFNO CSF, ml ICC, ml T2, ml BPF PIXELSIZE, mm Slice thikness, mm FirstLineTx_ 19338 102.76 2.64 0.9184 0.7813 3.0000 CASE #1 REFNO Date of Scan Pixel size T2 LV (cc) T2LV , ml % difference of raw data COV 19338 08/23/06 mm; 3.0 mm 0.57 2.64 -363% 91% BKG BP 4 0.809 8 0.167 CSF 25 1.177 BKG. 72.460 BP 3 0.007 4 19.305 CSF 5 1.558 T2LV 6 0.298 7 0.051 8 24.077 16 0.311 21 0.139 22 0.287 25 1.505

19 TDS+ (SEG_2ch_cleaned) SEG_2ch_manual
REFNO CSF ICC T2 BPF PIXELSIZE, mm Slice thikness, mm VOXELSIZE, ml FirstLineTx_ 15187 253.25 8.5 0.7982 0.8594 3.0 0.0022 CASE #22 Excluded by LNR - motion artifact T2 PD TDS (SEG_2ch_gen) TDS+ (SEG_2ch_cleaned) SEG_2ch_manual

20 Excluded by LNR - motion artifact
REFNO CSF ICC T2 BPF PIXELSIZE, mm Slice thikness, mm VOXELSIZE, ml FirstLineTx_ 15187 253.25 8.5 0.7982 0.8594 3.0 0.0022 CASE #22 Excluded by LNR - motion artifact BKG BP 4 1.281 8 0.445 CSF 25 1.119 BKG. BP 4 18.338 CSF 5 0.421 T2LV 6 0.612 8 17.338 16 0.051 22 0.018 25 6.374

21 TDS+ (SEG_2ch_cleaned)
REFNO CSF ICC T2 BPF PIXELSIZE, mm Slice thikness, mm VOXELSIZE, ml FirstLineTx_ 13980 209.32 15.37 0.8326 0.7813 3.0000 0.0018 CASE #5 Excluded - motion artifact PD T2 TDS (SEG_2ch_gen) SEG_2ch_manual TDS+ (SEG_2ch_cleaned)

22 Excluded - motion artifact
REFNO CSF ICC T2 BPF PIXELSIZE, mm Slice thikness, mm VOXELSIZE, ml FirstLineTx_ 13980 209.32 15.37 0.8326 0.7813 3.0000 0.0018 CASE #5 Excluded - motion artifact

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