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Official’s Training Youth Lacrosse

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1 Official’s Training Youth Lacrosse

2 Agenda Day 1 Day 2 Field & Equipment Timing Personal Fouls
Technical Fouls Day 2 Mechanics Fouls, FDSW, Play-On Penalty Enforcement

3 New Official’s Training Day 2

4 Mechanics

5 Pre-Game Coin Toss Line Up
Call captains to center, do not use your whistle. Home team faces the table area, visiting team faces away. Ask visiting team for the call, repeat the call, toss the coin, and catch it (do not flip onto back of hand) Ask winning captain his choice - Goal or Alternating Possession (AP) Position captains & signal to benches Line Up Call the teams onto the field. Do not use your whistle. Teams 5 yards apart, left shoulder facing the goal they will defend. Check that goalie is on end closest to the goal he will be guarding Check that the In-home is on the field and at the opposite end from the goalie. Offer a short talk and have goalies cross.

6 Face-off Mechanics Wing needs to help seeing this.

7 Face-off Mechanics Make sure the box and clock is right, know if a penalty can expire during faceoff, count the players. Visually check that face-off players have: Hands around the shaft. All fingers touching the ground. Gloves not touching the head of the stick. Sticks parallel to center line. Heads of sticks vertical. Ball centered. Body to left of crosse. Everything out of the cylinder. Strings not touching the ball. Sticks and gloves up to but not touching the 4-inch center line. “Down”, (quick adjustment if necessary), “Set”, (variable pause), “Whistle” All officials count the field prior to face-off

8 Face-off Mechanics Face-off Official Wing official
Watch for movement, pinning, kicking, withholding Ends when possession or ball crosses restraining line (Verbal “play”) Wind & verbal “Possession – Blue”. All players are released. If violation, signal, verbally award ball, point & quickly restart at Center X Wing official Secondary check of face-off crosses Watch for wing line violation No contact until within 5 yards of ball Watch for restraining line violation Yell “Possession Color!” and wind arm when either team gains possession.

9 Face-off

10 Face-off

11 Face-off exceptions There is no face-off if
Extra-man situation with possession A play-on indicates possession Flag down situation (creating an extra-man) If the flag down creates an even situation, there is a faceoff Dead ball foul between periods Simultaneous fouls Illegal procedure after “set” as part of face-off

12 Man-Down Face-offs Before the Face-off Make sure penalty box is right
Count the field If penalty could expire during face-off, tell table & coaches player can return when: Penalty expires AND possession is called Communicate number of “hot” player Must stay onsides

13 Coverage Around Goal in Settled Situations
Lead: Has his goal as his primary responsibility. Try to stay on goal line extended (GLE) unless there is a contested play near the end line or must move to get a better angle on the play. Always return to GLE before whistling ball into play. Move in and out with ball. Be as close to the crease as possible without interfering with play. Do not allow players to get behind you. Has end line responsibility on all shots (chase shots to the end line!).

14 Coverage Around Goal in Settled Situations
Trail: Watches for offsides. Watches action in his area. Reports fouls to the table. Can help with crease violations. Has most restarts. Watches the shooter & passer for a late hit. Always know shooter’s number.

15 Who Watches What? T L T is “on” when ball is in the brown area
L is “on” when ball is in yellow area

16 Who Watches What? T L T is “on” when ball is in the brown area
L is “on” when ball is in yellow area

17 Who Watches What? T L T is “on” when ball is in the brown area
L is “on” when ball is in yellow area

18 Who Watches What? T L T is “on” when ball is in the brown area
L is “on” when ball is in yellow area

19 Scoring Goal Goal Disallowed
Loose ball passes completely across goalline Shot or kick Goal Disallowed Period ends before ball crosses goalline Illegal crosse Offense player illegally in crease Attack player jumps or dives into crease Penalty by team on offense Head comes off crosse Contact with goalie, goal, or netting before ball crosses goalline Any other illegal equipment other than crosse and goal stands

20 Goal Scored Mechanics – Lead Official
Sounds his whistle immediately when the ball has passed beyond the goal line. Runs to the edge of the crease, turns to face “action” in front of the goal, and gives the goal signal Retrieves the ball from the goal Tosses the ball to his partner Takes a position at the end of the wing line Notes the number of the player scoring the goal on the scorecard.

21 Goal Scored Mechanics – Trail Official
Watches the shooter for a late hit Waits for the goal signal by the Lead (don’t sound your whistle unless the Lead has missed the goal). Watches the crease for fouls. Moves toward the high crease so the players know you’re there. Tells the Lead the jersey number of the scorer. Secures the ball from Lead and runs to the center of the field. Steps over midfield and turns around to face his partner (and the end of the field where the goal was just scored). Places the ball on the ground and straddles it while he writes the number of the player scoring the goal on his scorecard. Watch wing official for ready. Conducts face-off duties.

22 Goal Scored

23 Transition Trail becomes Lead Lead becomes Trail Goalie makes the save
Break to midline; see the ball, quick check for offsides GLE responsibility- get there! First 10 second count into attack box (Zone 4) Sprint to endline if contested shot; return to GLE at restart Move “in” and “out” (crease) Sideline responsibilities Goalie makes the save Goalie 4 second count; start the 20 second timer Stay behind the ball; you ultimately have off-sides 60 yard eyes- find the shooter Jog to the restraining line Sideline responsibilities Stay with ball if ball clears along your sideline

24 Normal Transition – with Substitutions
Coaches Area Table D3 D1 M3 M3 D2 A2 A1 M1 M1 Goalie Save A3 G G A3 A1 A2 D2 D1 M2 M2 D3

25 Restart Quick Restarts
In the event of: Make sure the goalie has 5 seconds to reset. Make sure all players are 5 yards away Tell the players where the ball should be and use a 5- second count. As soon as the ball is in the right place and in possession, restart for any loose-ball technical foul, any change of possession technical foul, any end line out of bounds

26 Restart Slower Restarts
Use your 20 second timer After goals After reporting time-serving penalties For sideline horns To summon player after a time-out or to start a period. Before whistle Count the field Check with partner

27 Restart – Zone 3 Stay Where You Are

28 20 yards lateral to Goal: always in the ALLEY
Restart – Zone 4 ZONE 4 20 yards lateral to Goal: always in the ALLEY

29 Restart Trail blows ball into play
Coaches Area Table

30 Restart Lead blows ball into play
Coaches Area Table

31 Deep Restart Ball on Trail’s side
Trail should stay behind ball

32 Deep Restart Ball on Lead’s Side
Trail should stay behind ball Lead must signal when ball is ready for play

33 Correction of errors Inadvertent whistle Inadvertent flag
Team in possession restarts, or If the ball is loose use Alternating Possession Inadvertent flag Wave flag off Determine possession the same as an inadvertent whistle Sideline Out of Bounds: Allow extra substitution time if point the wrong way. Get It Right Discuss with partners Admit your mistakes

34 RULE 7 Penalty Enforcement

35 Penalty Enforcement Once you have determined that a foul has been committed, you must determine which of the following situations you are in: For loose-ball technical fouls (and for most goalie interference and crease violation fouls), you will either employ the play-on technique or sound the whistle immediately. For a foul by the team in possession, or for any loose-ball personal foul, blow your whistle immediately.

36 Technical Fouls Loose Ball - Play On
During a loose-ball technical foul, crease violation, or goalkeeper interference Visually and verbally signal “Play-on!” Withhold the whistle until the play ends or advantage is gained or lost. A guideline is 1 or 2 seconds. If the offended team Gains possession, give verbal & visual indication - “Blue” Does not gain possession award the ball at the spot where the ball is or, if the ball is inside the attack area, in the alley next to the attack area. Allows the offended team not be disadvantaged by immediate suspension of play. Play-On indicates possession. Play On! Loose Ball Push Blue

37 Technical Fouls Loose Ball - Play On
For goalkeeper interference without possession Withhold the whistle until goalie gains possession, else award the ball in alley. For goalkeeper interference with possession Withhold the whistle until the goalie completes an outlet pass or leaves the crease. Play-On indicates possession.

38 Technical Fouls By Team in Possession
If the team that has possession commits a technical foul… Immediate whistle and award the ball to the opponents at the spot where the ball is or if the ball is inside the attack area in the alley next to the attack area.

39 Flag Down Slow Whistle (FDSW)
Fouls (personal or technical) with possession by the team that was fouled: Throw the flag straight up into the air (10 to 15 feet). Yell “Flag down!” , “Flag down!” , “Flag down!” Other official should acknowledge “Flag is down!” Allow the offensive team (with possession) to complete their play. Slow whistle mechanic. Sound your whistle to stop play when the rules require you to. (GOODIE) Make certain all residual action among the players has ceased.

40 Flag Down Slow Whistle (FDSW) Whistle Criteria
GOODIE Goal Out of the box, out of bounds, or on the ground Offensive foul Defense gains possession Injury Expiration of the clock

41 Flag Down Slow Whistle Enforcement
Personal Fouls - All Personal fouls are served even if a goal is scored. (1 to 3 minutes) Technical fouls - Are served if Team A does not score a goal during the flag-down situation. (30 seconds) Team A is awarded the ball: Just over midfield (a “free clear”) if the ball was in Team A’s defensive zone Where the ball was when the whistle blew to stop play if the ball was in Zone 3 “In the alley”, preferable the Trail’s alley, if the ball was in Zone 4 (i.e. Team A’s attack area) On the endline if the penalty occurs after the ball crosses the endline. Make sure free clear is out of reach of long poles

42 Penalty time Penalty time begins when play resumes
If a goal is scored: The player for the team scored against is released (if releasable) The player for the scoring team is not released All Non-Releasable penalties serve full time Penalty time carries over to next period Penalties on opposing players Shorter time is Non-Releasable for both players Multiple penalties on same player Non-Releasable served first “In-Home” serves bench penalties Goalies serve their own time Allow a 1 minute warm-up for a new goalie.

43 Penalty Decision Tree Personal Fouls
Loose Ball? No Yes Foul by ? B A Whistle & assess penalty Whistle & assess penalty FDSW Whistle & assess penalty Note: A is the team with possession B is the defense

44 Penalty Decision Tree Technical Fouls
Loose Ball? No Yes Foul by ? Play On B A FDSW Whistle & award ball to B Whistle or Possession Goal scored? No Yes Note: A is the team with possession B is the defense B serves 30 secs Wave off flag

45 Penalty Enforcement Making and Reporting the Call
Once you sound the whistle, you should: Make sure the play is completed, including any dead-ball residue after the play. Gather your thoughts. Check for flags from your partner. If there are multiple flags, you may need to conference to determine if you have two flags for the same foul or flags for two different fouls. Inform your partner of your call. Trail  Position yourself promptly but not “hurriedly”: Facing the table. With an unobstructed view of the table. Erect and stationary. Signal the penalty. Be big, loud, and clear. Appear detached – don’t be angry! Make sure penalized player is back from sideline, kneeling by table, with helmet on.

46 Penalty Reporting Trail - CNOTE
Face the table and announce the following: “C” - The uniform color of the offending player. Point to team. “N” - The number of offending player (and signal the number with your hands). “O” - The offense (foul) the player committed (give signal). “T” - The time to be served (30 seconds, 1 to 3 minutes). “E” – Explanation if necessary If the penalty is Non-releasable (Full Time, Locked) Good to mention the game time when to release the penalty & if it might carry over. Who will have possession and where the ball will restart (e.g., “Blue ball, free clear”; “Blue ball, outside the box”) Blue “Two” “Four” Push 30 seconds White ball

47 Penalty Reporting Lead
Set the field Check with or report to Trail on penalty Get ball to restart spot. Restart at spot, in Trail’s alley, at top of corner box, or Free clear Restart on endline if penalty occurs after ball crosses endline Count players. This is critical! Inform Goalie of restart spot & penalty situation (e.g. You’re down 1 for 1 minute)

48 Goal Scored Live Ball Foul
Play: B1 illegally body checks A1 before ball enters the goal (Live-ball foul) Signal: Blue, “Four”, Illegal body check, One minute. Goal is good. Face-off.” Blue “Four” Illegal Body Check 1 Minute Goal is Good Face Off

49 Goal Scored Dead Ball Foul
Play: B24 illegally body checks A1 after ball enters the goal. (Dead ball foul) Signal: “Blue” “Two” “Four”, Dead ball foul, Illegal body check, 1 minute. Goal is good. White ball. Blue “Two” “Four” Dead Ball Foul Illegal Body Check 1 Minute Goal is Good White Ball

50 Penalty Enforcement Dead-Ball Fouls
Most common Late Hits Conduct and USC Illegal crosse or equipment Illegal procedure (delay of game) Fighting Most Likely In a blowout game In tightly contested game In a rivalry game After other dead-ball fouls After a hard foul or cheap shot When players are jawing at each other When a coach is out of control

51 Bench Penalties In-home: Starting attack player, name provided by coach in pre-game. The In-home serves the time for a penalty called against a team when: no definite player is involved (not a simple offside) or when the penalty is against someone other than a player in the game

52 Handling a Rowdy Coach In cases of poor conduct, officials generally follow an escalating progression up ”The Ladder.” 1. Start with a verbal warning, 2. followed by a conduct foul when the offending team has possession, 3. then by a time-serving conduct foul, 4. then a 1- to 3-minute unsportsmanlike conduct, and 5. finally by a flagrant misconduct expulsion foul. Depending on the severity of the foul and what preceded it, steps in this progression may be repeated or skipped.

53 Youth Differences U9 U11 U13 U15 Equipment
All goalies must have arm pads and a cup. Officials should stop play immediately if the player with possession loses any piece of required equipment. Officials At least one official. Officials should explain fouls when possible. Two officials. Lineups Officials should meet with both teams, separately or together, either before the game or at the pre-game lineup, to explain any special ground rules, emphasize safety and fair play, and remind players that they must be properly equipped with mouthpiece in place at all times on the playing field. Faceoffs With a four goal lead, the team behind gets the ball at midfield. Standard face off Counts No 20 or 10 second counts Standard 20 and 10 second counts

54 Youth Differences U9 U11 U13 U15 Loose Ball
If a loose ball is not moving, stuck, or the players are having difficulty picking the ball up the referee may re-start play following the alternate possession rule. Time Serving Penalties Player must serve his penalty time but may immediately be replaced by a substitute. No man up situations Award ball per NHFS rules. Enforced per NFHS rules. Checks No body checking of any kind. Body checking permitted. Stick checks, body checks, legal holds, and legal pushes must be on a player in possession of the ball or within 3 yards of a loose ball or ball in flight. This is a change from the NFHS 5 yards but does not apply to restarts. Cross Checks, Illegal Body Checks, Checks Involving The Head/Neck, Slashing, Unnecessary Roughness, and Unsportsmanlike Conduct should be enforced stricter than the high school level.

55 Youth Differences U9 U11 U13 U15 Take-Out Checks
NO TAKE-OUT CHECKS ARE PERMITTED BY ANY PLAYER AT ANY AGE LEVEL. A take-out check is defined as: Any body check in which the player lowers his head or shoulder with the force and intent to put the other player on the ground. Any body checks considered more aggressive or more physical than necessary to stop the advancement of the player carrying the ball or to keep or move a player away from a loose ball. This includes but is not limited to checks: where a player makes contact with sufficient force and intent to knock down the opposing player; where a player makes contact with sufficient force and intent to injure the opposing player; made in a reckless or intimidating manner. Any body check on a player in a defenseless position. This includes but is not limited to body checks: from a player’s “blind side” of a player who has his head down in an attempt to play a loose ball; of a player whose head is turned away to receive a pass, even if that player turns toward the contact immediately before the body check. NOTE: Game officials should be especially alert to blind side checks at all youth levels.

56 Youth Differences U9 U11 U13 U15 Slash
Any one-handed check will be considered a slash, whether or not it makes contact. Slashing will be called per NHFS rules. Fouling Out A player with 3 personal fouls or 5 minutes in personal foul penalty time is disqualified from the game. A disqualified player must leave the field but his team may replace him with a substitute. No man up situation should occur. A substitute may enter the game when the disqualified player would have been permitted to re-enter had he not fouled out. A player with 4 personal fouls or 5 minutes in personal foul penalty time is disqualified from the game.

57 Youth Differences U9 U11 U13 U15 Stalling Not used at this level
If a team is stalling the advancement of the ball, a verbal command and a visual 5-second count to “advance the ball” will be given. If the team does not attempt to advance the ball within 5 seconds to within five yards of an opposing player, a turnover will occur. All NFHS Stalling and Advancing the Ball rules apply. Final Two Minutes Final two minute stalling rule not enforced. Final two minute stalling rule enforced.

58 Youth Differences U9 U11 U13 U15 Conduct
Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. Any player or coach who uses derogatory or profane language, whether addressing a player, coach, or official may receive a 1 to 3-minute non-releasable unsportsmanlike conduct penalty and a 3-minute non-releasable expulsion foul for the second offense. Any player or coach ejected from a game shall be suspended for his next regularly scheduled game. The second time a player or coach is ejected in the same season or tournament he will be suspended for the next two regularly scheduled games. A third ejection in the same season or tournament will result in a suspension for the remainder of the season or tournament. Officials have authority to terminate a youth game in response to flagrant unsportsmanlike acts including excessively rough play or the encouragement of excessively rough play by coaches, athletes, spectators, or fans. Game termination will be the last resort in ensuring the players’ safety and preserving the integrity of the game. If possible, game officials will issue at least one strong warning that the game is in danger of being terminated. Every effort should be taken to avoid game termination, including the enforcement of existing rules for team-conduct penalties, unsportsmanlike-conduct penalties, and ejection fouls. Mechanics for terminating a game for flagrant unsportsmanlike behavior are on the US Lacrosse Sportsmanship Card). Games terminated by an official will result in a 1-0 victory for the team that is innocent of the offense(s).

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