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Page to Stage & Musical Works

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1 Page to Stage & Musical Works
MO-Thespians Playwriting/Musical Composition Programs

2 Three Components for both events
Playwriting/ Compositions Stage Management Acting Three Components for both events

3 Experience DEVELOPMENT. The opportunity to work one-on-one with a Master Playwright who will help you revise and polish your page to stage script or a professional stage and music director to help you stage an opening musical number. WORKSHOP. Rehearsal time with professional mentors and a cast of student actors, to realize your creative vision. PERFORMANCE. A live performance of your play or opening number of your musical for a large audience of your fellow students. SELECTION. ONE student page to stage script and one opening musical number will be chosen to receive professional coaching and live performance at the 2018 Missouri State Thespian Festival.

4 Play Guidelines Scripts must be between 10-20 pages in standard format
Playwright Application and Script are to be submitted via as Microsoft Word attachment to No more than two scripts per school may be submitted Script content must be appropriate for school—extreme profanity and questionable content could result in disqualification . Scripts MUST be submitted by NOVEMBER 1st. NO LATE SCRIPTS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

5 Musical Guidelines Musical must be original – no adaptations
Submit only an opening number between 3-6 minutes in length with a 15 person cast limit. Musical subject can be about any subject. Musical submission should include full song lyrics and accompaniment either by instruments or a composition program such as Garage Band. Acapella pieces are not allowed. You may include dialogue that occurs before or during the opening number. Writers may submit more than one opening number. Musical Works Application w/ plot summary, musical sound file, and lyrics sheet are to be submitted via as Microsoft Word attachment to Scripts MUST be submitted by NOVEMBER 1st. NO LATE SCRIPTS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

6 Selection Process A Reading Committee, made up of theatre go-ers, theatre teachers, playwrights and professionals will read listen, and review all of the submitted scripts and opening numbers. The one-act committee will follow a grading rubric (see attached). The ONE script and musical number that has the highest scores from the majority of the Reading Committee will be selected. You will be notified via whether or not you were the selected playwright or composer by December 10th If selected, you will cast your show and opening number from the submitted video auditions and work on revisions.

7 STANDARD FORMAT We are asking for all plays to be submitted in the same format so that we can accurately compare length. This is “standard format,” and it’s what most professional playwrights use to present their work cleanly. First page: Center the title of the play in the middle of the page, with ‘by’ and the author’s name below it. Center the author’s contact information (school, school address, author’s cell phone number and author’s address) at the bottom of the page. My Brother and His Dog 1 (all pages numbered in top right hand corner) (in the center of the page) My Brother and His Dog By Mortimer Fireside (at the bottom of the page) Hazelton High School 1234 South Onmystreet Anywere, MO 12345 (314) Second page: Left justify a character list (you can give a brief description of each, not more than one line), the setting and the time. Use CHARACTERS, PLACE and TIME as headers. Second page example: My Brother and His Dog 2 CHARACTERS BOB SMITH, 40’s, high school science teacher in shabby clothes PATTY SMITH, 25, his second wife PLACE The Germantown High School Science Lab TIME The present. Late Friday afternoon, after school.



10 Stage Management We need a student stage manager for the selected play and the opening musical number who will Attend all the workshops with the playwright/composer and cast. read descriptions and stage directions help with blocking of the play or musical number introduce the play and the author supervise set-up and strike any chairs, tables or props used. Call any sound or lighting cues. Stage Manager applications are due November 1st via

11 Performers VIDEO AUDITIONS only for both Page to Stage and Musical Works. Page to Stage video audition submission should include 2 contrasting monologues, a headshot & theatrical resume. Video auditions should be no longer than 3 minutes in length. Musical Works video audition submission should include 16 bars each of two contrasting musical theatre numbers, a theatrical resume, and headshot. All auditions must be received by December 17th. Cast will be selected by the playwright/composer and will be notified before the state conference.

12 Video Audition Tips Recording equipment. Whatever camera equipment you’re using, do your best to maximize the quality of your audition by recording at a quiet time with enough light to get good resolution for clear sound and image. Lighting. Be aware of the light you’re shooting with. Severe or high contrast lighting can cast hard shadows on you and overhead light can be unflattering. If you’re in a room with overhead light, try shooting closer to an open window to add some natural light. Placing a lamp or two nearby is another way to add “fill” or soften light to reduce stark shadows and keep the attention on you. Wardrobe. Just like with getting good headshots, you want to make wardrobe and setting decisions that keep the attention on you in a positive way. Select simple wardrobe avoiding logos, busy patterns, white, and black. Our eyes are naturally drawn to the brightest part of an image.  Setting. Make sure your camera isn’t catching a bunch of distractions. Good self-taped auditions have simple, plain backgrounds. Hanging a colored sheet behind you is better for your self-taped audition than shooting with a cluttered or distracting background. Frame. The “frame” is what the camera sees and where it cuts you off. Use a medium shot so your gestures and movement can be seen but your facial expressions are still clear. Performance. Be prepared. Be dynamic. Speak/sing clearly. Use your body. Introduction. Personality, confidence and your unique ‘essence’ need to be present in your introduction. Tell us your name, your school and the titles of your audition pieces. Test run. Shoot a quick test and watch it back reviewing all the tips. Make sure you can easily see and hear yourself clearly on the recording. 

13 Schedule We will not know the specific schedule for conference until Registration is Complete! Page to Stage Performers will have 1-2 rehearsals during regular workshop times and 1 dress rehearsal in the performing space. Musical Works will have 2-3 rehearsals and 1 dress rehearsal in the performing space. Page to Stage will have 2 performances on Saturday for those who choose to come to the one-act performances. Musical Works will have 1 performance for all schools who are in attendance of the closing sessions. In case there is a SPLIT schedule… we will plan accordingly with the Playwrights/Stage Managers to make sure you are on the same schedule.

14 Questions????

15 Send Questions, Scripts, Opening Numbers, Auditions & Applications to:

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