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Backend System Requirements

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1 Backend System Requirements
System Requirements Specification EVLA Correlator Backend Project Document A25251N0000 Revision 2.0 May 10, 2002 14-15 May, 2002 Backend System Requirements

2 Backend System Requirements
Assumptions Correlator Handles Packetization of Lag Frames Lag Frames Will Not Necessarily Arrive in Lag Set Order Lag Frame Delivery a One-Time Shot Lag Set Length Always Power of 2 Timely Delivery of Indirect Data e2e Capable of Handling Output Rates and Volumes 14-15 May, 2002 Backend System Requirements

3 Backend System Requirements
Constraints Critical Component in the Astronomical Data Path Operations Performed Shall be Reversible Performance Limits Set by Technology and Budget 14-15 May, 2002 Backend System Requirements

4 Backend System Requirements
Input Data Lag Frames State Counts Data Valids Meta-data Observational Mode Data Processing Parameters Status Requests 14-15 May, 2002 Backend System Requirements

5 Backend System Requirements
Output Data Formatted Observational Output Status Reports Error Reports Warning Reports Failure Reports Recovery Reports 14-15 May, 2002 Backend System Requirements

6 Backend System Requirements
Correlator Interface Receive Lag Frame Data Packets All Backend Processors Have Paths to All Correlator Outputs Sufficient Bandwidth to Meet Performance Requirement All Frames For Same Baseline Routed to Same BE Processor 14-15 May, 2002 Backend System Requirements

7 Monitor & Control Interface
Receive Non-Lag Frame Data Receive Status and Queries Send Query Responses and Internally Generated Messages 14-15 May, 2002 Backend System Requirements

8 Backend System Requirements
End-to-End Interface Transfer Formatted Data All Backend Processors Have a Path to the e2e System Sufficient Bandwidth to Meet Performance Requirement 14-15 May, 2002 Backend System Requirements

9 Backend System Requirements
Data Processing Lag Set Assembly Normalization Coarse Quantization Correction Time Stamp Adjustment Interference Removal/Reduction Windowing Fourier Transform Integration Output Formatting 14-15 May, 2002 Backend System Requirements

10 Internal Monitor and Control
No User Interface of Its Own Respond to Outside Queries Selectable Internal Test Modes Self Monitoring Self Recovery Problem Reporting 14-15 May, 2002 Backend System Requirements

11 Backend System Requirements
Performance Maximum Aggregate Input Rate of 1.6 Gbytes/sec Maximum Aggregate Output Rate of 25 Mbytes/sec 14-15 May, 2002 Backend System Requirements

12 Backend System Requirements
Reliability Detect and Recover From Processor Failures Detect and Recover From Process Failures Detect and Recover From Internal Network Failures No Total System Reboots Between Maintenance Windows (Goal) 14-15 May, 2002 Backend System Requirements

13 Backend System Requirements
Scalability Total System Extensible to Higher Rates of Input, Output, and Data Processing Hardware Extensible in a Manner That is Transparent to Software and Vice Versa Upgrades Meet Seamlessly With Unchanged Components 14-15 May, 2002 Backend System Requirements

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