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Presentation on theme: "Paleo-Indians."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paleo-Indians

2 Paleo Americans Why do you think we don’t see these animals anymore?
What could have been done to save them? This is a woolly mammoth

3 Archaelogists Study artifacts to learn about ancient peoples

4 Carbon 14 Dating How do we know how old things are?

5 Ice Age Ocean Levels The water level dropped Three-hundred feet
As glaciers grew, it created land

6 Landbridges Alaska was connected to Asia

7 saber-toothed cats, giant ground sloths, mastodons, mammoths

8 Migration As the Ice Age “ended” the climate changed
The weather grew warmer Ice caps began to recede

9 Paleo-Indians were Stone-age people Made tools from stones
were hunter-gatherers relied on animals and plants for food moved constantly in search of their food followed the animals as they migrate

10 Changing environment Short grasses replaced taller grasses
Led to extinction of large animals like the mammoth Replaced by buffalo and deer

11 Paleo-Indians The coming of the Ice Ages caused people to adapt to the new environments  The end of the Ice Age caused people to adapt to new environments Migration caused people to adapt to new environments

12 Migration Eventually people migrated to where climate and weather created an environment that could support larger populations

13 Culture to Civilization
Way of life  human social development; considered most advanced

14 Agriculture Allowed people to settle in one place
Steady supply of food Population grew Complex societies grew

15 Early crops Maize Beans peppers

16 Domestication Breeding animals (and plants) to meet human needs

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