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Martin Luther information Report ?

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1 Martin Luther information Report ?
By Campbell Daniels

2 Who Was Martin Luther ? Martin Luther was a German professor of theology, composer, priest , monk and a seminal figure in the Protestant reformation. Luther came to reject several and practices of the late medieval Catholic Church.

3 What Did Martin Luther Do?
A German leader of the Protestant reformation, b. Eisleben, saxony of a family of small but free land holders.

4 WHEN WAS MARTIN BORN ? November 10 of 1483

5 When Did Martin Luther Do The Important Things He Did ?
But in 1517 Luther penned a document attaching the Catholic Churches corrupt practice of selling indulgences to absolve sin.

Eisleben German

7 Where Did Martin Luther Do The Important Thing ?
The German reformer Martin Luther was the first greasy figure in the 16th century reformation in German.

8 Why Did Martin Luther Challenge The Catholic Church?.
The Catholic Church solid indulgences in the late medieval period and their sale motivated Martin Luther to present his 95 theses.

9 How Did Martin Luther Challenge The Catholic Church ?
For one thing he translated the Bible into German. Before then it was why did Martin Luther want to change the Roman Catholic Church? Martin Luther was determined to change the Roman Catholic.

10 How Did The Catholic Church Try And Stop Martin Luther?
Martin Luther started the reformation with his 95 theses in 1517 the inquisition also tried people deemed to have broken the Churches rules and held the power to condemn those found guity to.


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