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P ERSUASIVE A DVERTISING Miss Schmitz 7 th Grade English-Language Arts July, 2012.

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1 P ERSUASIVE A DVERTISING Miss Schmitz 7 th Grade English-Language Arts July, 2012

2 H OW TO N AVIGATE Go to next slideGo back to previous Go to Main Menu

3 L EARNING O UTCOMES To recognize methods that advertisers often use to persuade To analyze advertisements for these techniques To apply the techniques to different audiences

4 M AIN M ENU 1. Lesson 2. Activity 3. Movie 4. Quiz 5. Resources

5 L ESSON Advertisers use many techniques of persuasion to make us want to purchase their products. In this unit, we will focus on 5 persuasive techniques advertisers use to entice an audience: Bandwagon Avant-Garde Testimonials Facts and Figures Transfer

6 L ESSON Bandwagon: Advertisers make it seem that everyone is buying this product, so you feel you should buy it too. Example: The best, most exciting board game is sweeping the nation. All your friends and neighbors are playing.

7 L ESSON Avant-Garde This technique is the opposite of Bandwagon. Advertisers make it seem that the product is so new that you will be the first on the block to have it. Example: Hurry and be the first to own the new iPhone 4s with the newest technology!

8 L ESSON Testimonials Advertisers use celebrities and regular people to endorse products. Example: Im Katy Perry, and Proactiv works on me!

9 L ESSON Facts & Figures Statistics, percentages, and numbers are used to convince you that this product is better or more effective than another product. Example: 30% more effective than the leading brand. 4 out of 5 dentists recommend.

10 L ESSON Transfer Wants you to associate the good feelings created in the ad with the product. Example: A happy family sitting by a warm fireplace eating soup will associate comfort and security with the product

11 A CTIVITY Click on the Activity below. Print out the worksheet and follow the directions. ONLY COMPLETE pages 112-113 today.

12 Q UIZ 1. Which advertising technique uses percentages, statistics, and numbers to convince the audience their product is better? A. Avant-GardeC. Facts & Figures B. TestimonialsD. Bandwagon



15 Q UIZ 2. Everybody on the block already owns these shoes. You should, too! This is an example of what technique? A. BandwagonC. Transfer B. TestimonialsD. Avant-Garde



18 Q UIZ 3. The video clip you watched is an example of which of the following techniques? A. Avant-GardeC. Bandwagon B. Facts & FiguresD. Testimonials



21 Q UIZ 4. Which technique suggests that you will be the first on the block to own the product, and that only cool people like you will have this? A. Facts & FiguresC. Testimonials B. Avant-GardeD. Bandwagon



24 Q UIZ 5. Which technique gives you a good and positive feeling when you view it, and therefore makes you want to buy the product? A. TestimonialsC. Transfer B. Facts & FiguresD. Bandwagon



27 C ONCLUSION Be aware of the 5 advertising techniques as you view various TV commercials and ads in print magazines or billboards Bandwagon Avant-Garde Facts & Figures Testimonials Transfer

28 A DDITIONAL R ESOURCES Check out these other advertisements and see if you can guess the advertising technique! ATT Ad Chevy Ad

29 R EFERENCES YouTube video clip: Nicki Manaj Ad ATT Ad Chevy Ad Graphic Clip Art: Google images Lesson & Activity handout: Springboard Textbook

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