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Which is the “quality product”?

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Presentation on theme: "Which is the “quality product”?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Which is the “quality product”?
They are all quality products!

2 Food Quality is: Is the product safe to eat?
Does the product satisfy given needs? Will it make the consumer ill after eating it? The need may be nutritional, e.g. does it contain enough protein? Consumers may have additional “wants” for their product. These could include: Tasting a particular way Meeting a certain price level Creating a particular image Having a certain mouthfeel

3 Quality Assurance A quality assurance system identifies in advance where problems could occur. Control checks are put in place to stop these happening. It involves a lot of documentation and record keeping- including batch numbers of raw materials, and records of processes that have taken place This means if there is a complaint, the manufacturer should be able to trace the manufacturing details of the product

4 28 Bloggs House Bloggs Lane Wokingham Berks Dear Mr Lasange, I recently bought your frozen lasagne. I kept the lasagne frozen and followed the instructions on the packaging in order to prepare the lasagne. However, one hour after eating the lasagne, I become ill. I suffered from diahorrea and vomiting for 3 days. The use by date was 31 Oct 2009, and the code on the box was Yours Sincerely, Mr Bloggs

5 Luckily Mr Lasagne has kept records and is able to identify the batch from the code and expiry date the customer provided. From this he is able to find out: Cooking temperatures of the lasagne before it was frozen Storage temperatures of raw ingredients Place and time of manufacture Who was working on the production line If the batch has reached particular chemical and microbiological standards- i.e. was it safe to eat Temperature of freezer at factory

6 The food manufacturer is now able to prove that the lasagne was cooked according to the correct standards. These records are essential to show that the company has shown “due diligence”. The checks that take place during the production process are called Quality Control checks.

7 What type of checks may be involved in QC checks?
Date checks Temperature Visual Weight checks Metal detection pH What type of checks may be involved in QC checks? Tenderness Colour Organoleptic- sensory testing Texture Chemical analysis Microbiological analysis

8 My Quality Control Checklist for Scones
Process Quality Checks 1. Collecting ingredients – flour, butter, sugar, water Check dates on ingredients, check storage temperatures, check weights of raw ingredients 2. Set oven to correct temperature Check temperature of oven using oven thermometer 3. Collect equipment and prepare the work area Check equipment is clean and wipe work surface 4. Rub in the butter to the flour with fingertips Texture check on rubbed in mixture Visual check for foreign bodies 5. Add enough water to make a soft dough Texture check on dough, Colour check on dough, Visual check for foreign bodies 6. Roll out to desired shape Thickness check, colour check, texture check, visual check 7. place scones on greased baking tray and brush with milk Weight check of individual “raw” scones, thickness check 8. Bake at 230°C/Mark 9 for 7-9 mins until risen Temperature check on oven 9. Take scones out of the oven and cool on a wire rack Colour check, visual check, Weight check, Organoleptic testing

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