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National Report HAITI.

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1 National Report HAITI

2 Surveys New surveys: No by Haiti New equipment : Not yet
-New surveys on July 2016 at St Louis du Sud from INDEMAR Coastal Engineering of Dominican Republic for International Port of the South. SEMANAH participated in the surveys. -And also from HLNMS Holland in October 2016 in Bay of Cayes, Anse Hainauld, Jeremie and Miragoane to secure access channels as part of Hurricane Matthew Relief. SEMANAH has not participate in the surveys. -Thank you to IHO, MACHC and the countries involved in the rescue of Hurricane Matthew. New equipment : Not yet -US Navy CNMOC offers a minimal set of equipment to IHO Order 1A hydrographic survey. -Mexico offers a portable SBES and GPS. New ships : 2 new ships Problems encountered Problems of communication between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, please pass directly through SEMANAH to relay the information to the MOFA.

3 New charts : No New publications : No MSI Capacity Building :
Existing infrastructure for transmission : Yes Capacity Building : Training received MSI : 2 MSDI : 1 Bathymetric Data Processing : 1

4 Thank you very much. Merci beaucoup.

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