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The ideal microclimate for optimal sleeping comfort

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Presentation on theme: "The ideal microclimate for optimal sleeping comfort"— Presentation transcript:

1 The ideal microclimate for optimal sleeping comfort

2 The ideal comfort zone It has happened to all of us; nothing is as annoying as having trouble sleeping or being awake because of a sleeping environment that is too cold or too hot.

3 Thermic is a proactive solution for dealing with temperature fluctuations during sleep.

4 Thermic is a temperature-regulating application for mattress materials
Thermic is a temperature-regulating application for mattress materials. It ensures that the ideal microclimate in bed is maintained. The active component in Thermic is added in microcapsules to the mattress ticking. The high concentration of microcapsules turns your mattress into a clever thermal regulator.

5 Phase change materials
The active components in the Thermic microcapsules are Phase Change Materials (PCM). Phase Change Materials (PCM) are able to change their physical state (solid or liquid) depending on temperature fluctuations. That is why PCM’s are known as ‘intelligent materials’; they respond appropriately to external influences.

6 Leading-edge technology for your mattress
The responsive PCM’s added to the mattress ticking in microcapsules absorbs the heat if the environmental temperature rises and stores it in the microcapsules. The capsules release the energy as heat when the temperature drops. Mattress fabrics with PCM capsules have a unique thermo-regulatory property. It allows your mattress to create the ideal microclimate for optimal sleeping comfort.


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