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Plagiarism Don’t do it.

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Presentation on theme: "Plagiarism Don’t do it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plagiarism Don’t do it

2 Definition Use of another person’s word, ideas or work
without properly crediting the source

3 Examples Directly copying from a source
Using someone else’s ideas if not exact words Purchasing or downloading a paper to use as your own Re-using a paper from another class (without approval)

4 The direct quotation Use quotation marks Citation
Highlights original wording To those who say sleepy teenagers are not managing their time well, Carroll responds “it’s not the activities that prevent them from getting enough sleep – it’s the school start times” (Carroll). It is important to fairly represent a counter-argument so one does “not confuse it with something [one] already believe[s]” (Graf and Birkenstein 33). NOTE BRACKETS: For change in pronoun and verb tense

5 Paraphrase Putting a passage into your own words Citation
Early school starts and a teens’ need to wake later in the morning keep them from getting enough sleep (Carroll). When restating or explaining a quote it is important to match the tone of the author (Graf and Birkenstein 47).

6 Paraphrase Summary Re-wording In your own words Needs citation Passage – specific point Whole work – all main points About same length Always shorter

7 Combining Direct Quote and Paraphrase
Any exact wording has to be in quotes Do not rely on this method It is not staying up late for athletics or studies that stops teens from getting enough sleep, “it’s the school start times” (Carroll). Students’ fear of over explaining can keep them from explaining enough, but “it is better to risk being overly explicit” (Graf and Birkenstein 49).

8 When is it NOT plagiarism?
Common Knowledge Facts, dates, shared discipline knowledge, easily accessible information Pushing back start times can interfere with parents’ work schedules. “More than 80% of middle schools start before 8:30am” (Cite!) Your analysis Conclusions you draw from your reading and research

9 BEWARE These Other Quotation Problems
FAILURE TO EMBED What happens if you remove the quote? PARTIAL or CHOPPY EMBED When read aloud does it flow? RUN-ONS Is a linking/transition word needed? BEWARE These Other Quotation Problems

10 Bibliography Format For more info see the Purdue OWL page,
List all sources in alphabetical order with the following format: Last Name, First Name. Title of Book or Article. Publisher, Publication Date. For example: Krugman, Andrew. "Fear of Eating." New York Times, 21 May 2007, late ed., p. A1.

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