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Most Promising Targeted Interventions:

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Presentation on theme: "Most Promising Targeted Interventions:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Most Promising Targeted Interventions:
Check-in/Check-out or Teacher Check, Connect and Expect

2 Check-In/Check-Out programs… called many different things
Aka. Behavior Education Program (BEP) Teacher Check and Connect Variations on a long-standing strategy of using daily progress report for behavior Many variations of CICO. We’re going to talk about CICO and TCCE.

3 Check-In/Check Out Implementation Manual
The Behavior Education Program: A Check-in, Check-out Intervention Check-In/Check Out Implementation Manual Crone, Horner, & Hawken (2004). Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools: The Behavior Education Program. New York, NY: Guilford Press ( Information I will be presenting today is from this book. Each team gets a copy of this book and the FBA book. Relatively inexpensive: Book $28; DVD $55; Package $65 © 2005 by The

4 What is Check-In/Check-Out (CICO) and Teacher Check, Connect and Expect (TCCE)?
School-based programs for providing systematic and frequent reinforcement and encouragement for positive behaviors so that the student receives high rates of immediate feedback. Most useful with: Students who do not respond to school-wide interventions Students with repeated referrals Students seeking adult attention Key is that it has most impact for students who seek adult attention. Peer attention too. CICO/TCCE can be modified and individualized in many ways but the focus is to develop a system for this intervention that is easily accessible to adults and students.

5 Teacher Check Connect and Expect: How does it work?
Student is greeted in a friendly positive way by the teacher. Teacher reviews behavior expectations with the student, and encourages student to do well. After each time period, teacher checks in with student about progress during time period and indicates points on daily progress report (DPR). At end of day, teacher writes the total amount of points achieved for the day on DPR. Completed DPRs are sent to the targeted team for input into data information system. Targeted team reviews progress after four weeks unless otherwise indicated. Good for elementary school where teacher has student all day. It is also easier to implement because it is only one person to check in/out and you don’t need to recruit someone to be a CICO coordinator. However, not as reliable and research on effectiveness has not done on this intervention/

6 Check-In/Check-Out: How does it work?
Morning check-in Students checks in with coordinator within 15 minutes of arrival time Coordinator collects and hands out Daily Progress Report (DPR) form daily goal set with students Students encouraged to make good choices Student gives DPR form to each teacher prior to each period (section of time). (Can also be used in cafeteria or playground… anywhere there is a supervisor).

7 Check-In/Check-Out: How does it work?
End of day check-out During last 20 minutes of the day Goes over daily progress Reviews progress towards goals Points tallied Reward Graphs student progress Daily Progress Report form copy taken home and signed. Return signed copy next morning.

8 Check In / Check Out A model for what Targeted Interventions should be!
How does CICO do this? Explicitly teaching expected behavior to the student Structured prompts for appropriate behavior Opportunities to practice skills Opportunities for positive feedback Strategies for fading support as the student gains new skills System for communicating with parents Regular Data for Monitoring student progress

9 Check-In/Check-Out View DVD

10 Who Qualifies for CICO or TCCE?
More than two referrals over an established time period Teacher or parent referral Not dangerous to self/others Adult attention is rewarding

Low-level problem behavior (not severe) 2-5 referrals Behavior occurs across multiple locations Examples talking out minor disruption work completion INAPPROPRIATE Serious or violent behaviors/ infractions Extreme chronic behavior (6-10+ referrals) Requires more individualized support

12 Lessons Learned PBIS Targeted Team and EST may need to blend
Targeted interventions should build upon Universal system. Completing procedures for the CICO/TCCE system leads to better outcomes. Targeted interventions should be tried first before moving to individualized practices. Matching student need to intervention should be based on function of behavior.

13 CICO/TCCE Components:
1. Determine how Check-in/Check-out or TCCE will be implemented in your school 2.Develop Daily Progress Report and Progress Summary 3.Develop reinforcement system for students on Check-in/Check-out or TCCE 4.Develop referral system 5.Create system for managing daily data 6.Plan for fading students off intervention 7.Develop staff training 8.Develop student and parent training These are the components for developing CICO. We will walk you through these steps and help facilitate the development of your action plan for CICO.

14 1. Determine how CICO or TCCE will be implemented in your school
Establish the Team (student) Assign Check-In/Check-out Coordinator (if CICO) Determine location within building if Check- In/Check-Out; in classroom if TCCE Establish number of students you will serve Determine the name of this program for your school

15 Establish the Team (student) & Assign Check-In/Check-out Coordinator (if CICO)
Identify members of Student focused team. If CICO, identify a CICO Coordinator: “Someone the students enjoy and trust” Enthusiastic Leads check-in and check-out with students Enters data daily Attends weekly targeted team meetings Make sure to assign a back-up CICO Coordinator!

16 Determine location within building if Check-In/Check-Out; in classroom if TCCE
Where will the Program occur? If CICO, then the space needs to be: Predictable – same location each day Enough space to accommodate the Coordinator and several students at a time Central location but relatively isolated If TCCE, then space considerations need to emphasize discretion and convenience

17 Establish number of students you will serve

18 Activity # 6 How will CICO/TCCE be implemented?
Complete these steps Establish the Team (student) and assign Check- In/Check-out Coordinator (if CICO). Use School Profile Form. Determine location within building if Check- In/Check-Out; in classroom if TCCE Establish number of students you will serve. Use your ODR data. Determine a catchy name of this program for your school. Go back tot he school profile form and review now that you know you will be needing a CICO coordinator. Discuss how to make this accessible, non-stigmatizing, and confidential. Approximately 7-12% of students will succeed on this program. Examples of names: Kennedy Card Program, Hawks Success Program, etc.

19 CICO/TCCE Components:
1. Determine how Check-in/Check-out or TCCE will be implemented in your school 2.Develop Daily Progress Report and Progress Summary 3.Develop reinforcement system for students on Check-in/Check-out or TCCE 4.Develop referral system 5.Create system for managing daily data 6.Plan for fading students off intervention 7.Develop staff training 8.Develop student and parent training

20 Daily Progress Report (DPR)
At least 2 copies Portable Group vs. Individualized goals Age appropriate Prescribed time periods Clear, concise, understandable for students, families and staff.

21 Check-In/Check-Out Form Daily Progress Report A- Day. B-Day Name:
Check-In/Check-Out Form Daily Progress Report A- Day B-Day Name: Jeremy Walker Date: 9/18/02 Teachers: Please indicate YES (2), So-So (1), or No (0) regarding the student’s achievement for the following goals: Goals 1/5 2/6 3/7 HR 4/8 Be respectful Be responsible Keep Hand & Feet to Self Follow Directions Be There – Be Ready TOTAL POINTS 8 7 10 TEACHER INITIALS A.K. B.D. R.S. J.T. B.L. Daily Goal 40/ Daily Score 41/50 Jeremy Walker Student Signature Teacher comments: Please state briefly any specific behaviors or achievements that demonstrate the student’s progress. (I additional space is required, please attach a note and indicate so below) Period 1/5 Behavior is improving! Period 2/6 Period 3/7 Period 4/8 Home Room Excellent behavior today! Parent/Caregiver Signature: Angel Walker Parent/Caregiver Comments: Keep up the good work!

22 Paw Print Card We Expect Your Best!
Date ____________________ Student ____________________________________ 0=No 1=Sorta 2=Great! Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible Follow Teacher Initials 8:30 AM to AM Break AM Break to Lunch Lunch to PM Break PM Break to End of day Total Points = ________________ Points Possible = (18 Fridays) Today _________________% Goal _________________% Successes: ______________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature__________________________________________________________________

23 Name _____________________________________________________
KENNEDY CARD Name _____________________________________________________ Materials To Class Work And Let Other Follow Directions the First Time Teacher Parent 2 1 No Assignments: Wow, = _____ Goal = 36

24 HAWK Report Helping A Winning Kid. Date _________________
HAWK Report Helping A Winning Kid Date _________________ Teacher___________________________ Student_____________________________ 0 = No 1= Good 2= Excellent Be Safe Be Respectful Be Your Personal Best Teacher initials Keep hands, feet, and objects to self Use kind words and actions Follow directions Working in class Class Recess Lunch Total Points = Points Possible = Today ______________% Goal ______________% This DPR is somewhat individualized for the student to highlight specific behaviors the adults are looking for within the overarching expectations. It is best to have a generic card and only individualize if/when you need to. Parent’s signature______________________________ WOW:_________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

25 This is the VTPBiS State Team CICO program
This is the VTPBiS State Team CICO program. WE noticed that a few people (10%) need a little extra support to be successful in this training. We nominated --- to participate in this opportunity. They will be checking in with us throughout the day and we will keep you posted on their success.

26 Develop Progress Summary Check-in, Check-out Form: Elementary School Version
Student Check-Out % of points earned Goal Check-in Delivered Contract Signed Parent Copy of DPR


28 Activity # 7 Create DPR Forms and Progress Summary
Complete these steps: Create DPR Form: Expectations should match Universal expectations DPR should be teacher and student friendly. Daily Progress Report must have the following: Defined # of check-in periods (up to ten) Defined # of expectations/goals (3-5) a three point rating scale There should be a place to write each student’s goals Use examples from BEP book pgs. 201 – 204; and at at CICO forms). and SWIS CICO Readiness Checklist Create CICO/TCCE Progress Summary Form: Refer to BEP book pgs

29 CICO/TCCE Components:
1. Determine how Check-in/Check-out or TCCE will be implemented in your school 2.Develop Daily Progress Report and Progress Summary 3.Develop reinforcement system for students on Check-in/Check-out or TCCE 4.Develop referral system 5.Create system for managing daily data 6.Plan for fading students off intervention 7.Develop staff training 8.Develop student and parent training

30 Develop reinforcement system for students on Check-in/Check-out or TCCE
Types of rewards: PRAISE, PRAISE, PRAISE Positive adult contact Provide students reinforcement for meeting daily point goals is essential: -Spinner System -Credit Card System -Activities

31 Student Reinforcement
Small reinforcer for successful check-in -On time -Returned signed DPR -Has all materials -Filled out new DPR Small reinforcer from teacher for perfect periods Small reinforcer for successful check-out -Being there in time to make the bus -Having DPR -Met daily goal Additional incentives for weekly, monthly achievements

32 Student Reinforcement – Connected to School-Wide PBIS
SW dollars, mini-store at checkpoint Check-in/Check-out dollars (worth more than SW bucks) Accelerated value/redemption

33 CICO/TCCE Components:
(1) Determine how Check-In/Check-Out or TCCE will be implemented in your school (2) Develop DPR (3) Develop reinforcement system for students (4) Develop referral system (5) Create system for managing daily data (6) Plan for fading students off intervention (7) Develop staff training (8) Develop student and parent training

34 Referral Sources Office Discipline Referrals
Universal Screening (will identify internalizing non-responders) Other data – absentees, visits to nurse, academics, other Parent Request Teacher Request

35 Request for Assistance
Must have a request for assistance form that guides the process All faculty & staff should be familiar with how to use the form to make a referral Request for assistance forms should be easily accessible Request for assistance forms should be given to Targeted Coordinator Targeted Coordinator should respond to person making referral within 2 days

36 Develop the Request for Assistance Process
What, Where, How long? Determine maximum capacity System for prioritizing students Process for graduating from program

37 Request for Assistance Form
(See Pg 94 in Crone et al. text) Elements to include: Student’s name Date Name of referring person Reason for referral (description of problem behavior) Hypothesized reason for the problem behavior (what does the student gain by misbehaving)? Behavior strategies tried thus far All staff should know how to use form to make referral Easily accessible to all staff



40 Contract/Agreement Agreement to succeed
(See Pg 108 in Crone et al. text) Agreement to succeed Student: Student chooses to participate Parent Check-In/Check-Out Coordinator Teachers Contract may be written or verbal Better if written

41 Permission for Check-In/Check-Out
Winder School Permission for Check-In/Check-Out Date ____________________ Student _____________________________________ Grade _______________ Teacher _____________________________________ Parent / Guardian _____________________________ I would like to include your child in our Check-In/Check-Out Program. A report will be filled out daily by the teacher(s) and checked at the end of the day by our coordinator, Mrs. Williams. Students will need to pick up their report every morning between 8:45 and 9:00 a.m. and then return to Mrs. Williams between 3:45 and 4:00 p.m. The student will be able to earn incentives and rewards for appropriate behavior. As parents, you are responsible for making sure your child arrives on time each day for check-in and that you review and sign the daily BEP Report. Together, we can make this a positive experience for your child. _____ I do give consent for my student to participate. _____ I do not give consent for my student to participate. ___________________________________ Date _________________________ ( Parent / Guardian ) For further information, please call: ___________________________________ at , Sabrina Williams or call ___________________________________.



44 Activity # 8 Create Reward System and Referral Process
Complete these steps: Develop reward system using guidelines in Workbook Establish Referral Criteria and Process and create: Request for Assistance Form (see BEP book pg. 197 and at CICO forms). Student Agreement Contract (see BEP book pg. 219) Parent Consent Form or Contract (see example at at CICO forms). ) If necessary, develop a parent consent form (BEP book pg. 199 and at at CICO forms).

45 CICO/TCCE Components:
(1) Determine how Check-In/Check-Out will be implemented in your school (2) Develop DPR (3) Develop reinforcement system for students on Check-In/Check-Out (4) Develop referral system (5) Create system for managing daily data (6) Plan for fading students off of intervention (7) Develop staff training (8) Develop student and parent training

46 CICO-SWIS Organized around same three areas as SWIS:
Data Entry Reporting Tool Reports organized to be used for two levels of problem-solving Overall CICO Implementation Individual Student Progress Monitoring

47 CICO-SWIS – View Reports

48 CICO-SWIS: Next Steps Daily Progress Report must be aligned with SWIS CICO Readiness Checklist and have the following: Defined # of check-in periods (up to ten) Defined # of expectations/goals (3-5) a three point rating scale SWIS account must be renewed to include SWIS CICO. Individuals must receive training. If interested, sign up on list.

49 CICO/TCCE Components:
(1) Determine how Check-In/Check-Out will be implemented in your school (2) Develop DPR (3) Develop reinforcement system for students On Check-In/Check-out (4) Develop referral system (5) Create system for managing daily data (6) Plan for fading students off intervention (7) Develop staff training (8) Develop student and parent training

50 Graduating from the Program
80% or better for at least 4 weeks, on a daily basis Consult with teacher's), team Meet with student to introduce graduation process -Show data -Explain how to use rating card/how to judge own Behavior CELEBRATE Talk with parents about graduation, how they can continue to support their child

51 Graduating from the Program
Shift to self-management Teacher ratings = Student ratings Rewards for honesty and accuracy Rewards become contingent on good behavior Fade teacher ratings, rewards (not as much) Fade data collection

52 Activity # 9 Managing the daily data and Fading Students from CICO/TCCE
Complete these steps: Create your Data System: Using the guiding questions in the Workbook, determine the who, what, when, where and how of your data system for CICO. Review questions on BAT. Plan for fading students off of CICO: Determine criteria for fading students off of intervention and how this will occur.

53 CICO/TCCE Components:
(1) Determine how Check-In/Check-Out will be implemented in your school (2) Develop DPR (3) Develop reinforcement system for students On Check-In/Check-out (4) Develop referral system (5) Create system for managing daily data (6) Plan for fading students off intervention (7) Develop staff training (8) Develop student and parent training

54 Staff Training 1-2 hour in-service for ALL staff:
Staff/Teacher’s role in the process Mission, culture, process, forms Referrals for program Program capacity, prioritizing, time to placement Rating students’ behavior (Completing the DPR) Giving effective feedback during and after class Graduating from the program Opportunities to practice, review forms Booster sessions

55 Teacher Feedback to Students
Start each period on a good note Attend to appropriate behavior (especially if it is a target behavior) -Be specific -Developmental considerations Review and explain DPR ratings calmly and objectively -Be specific and brief (app. 30 seconds) Do not engage students in debates over ratings Use rational detachment Acknowledge concerns/feelings, then re-direct to next day’s/period’s/activity’s potential for more points

56 Example: Giving Feedback
Joe feels he was graded unfairly. He is scowling, avoiding eye contact, and has his hands buried in his pockets. Teacher responses: “Joe, I can see you’re upset by the grade you received for this period. However, I gave you this grade because I saw you whispering to Tommy while I was teaching. I know you’ll do better next period, and I’m sure you’ll get all your points then.”

57 Teacher Feedback to Students
Praise all points, even if your goal was not met Provide additional reward if student has a perfect period -SW incentive, early out, etc. Consider age, task demands Each period is a fresh start

58 Parent Introduction For all parents Positive Brief Collaborative
Opportunity to refer

59 Student Body Introduction
Check-In/Check-Out as an Opportunity Earn more rewards Earn respect of peers Emphasize Check-In/Check-Out achievements (with permission) Incorporate into school’s culture

60 Introductory Meeting with Parents and Student
Parents first: Buy-in, support Together with child -Give rationale -Emphasize positive aspects -Emphasize opportunities to earn rewards -Developmental considerations -Student and parents sign CICO or TCCE Contract Teach target behaviors (refresh as needed) Explain finality of teacher ratings Physically walk through checkpoints or routine

61 Activity # 10 Develop Staff, Student and Parent Training/Roll-out
Complete these steps: Plan and schedule staff training/roll-out Plan and schedule parent training/roll-out Plan student training

62 Activity # 11 CICO Assessment/Action Plan
Complete these steps: Complete the CICO Self-Assessment and Action Plan

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