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Presentation on theme: "Pinnipeds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pinnipeds

2 CHARACTERISTICS: Most live in cold water Closest relative is terrestrial bears; carnivores Legs modified to flippers

3 Dense fur; blubber Newborn Harp Seal

4 To land to reproduce & rest

5 Sea Lions

6 Visible external ears

7 Swim w/forelimbs Support weight on forelimbs

8 Hind limbs reversible Sexual Dimorphism Males much larger

9 Largest group of pinnipeds
“True Seals” Harbor Seal, Harp Seal, Gray Seal, etc

10 No external ear Swim with hindlimbs; non- reversible Unable to support weight on forelimbs Male & female usually equal size

11 Large pair of tusks to search for inverts; both males & females

12 Whiskers act as “feelers”

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