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Creating Community using Technology

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1 Creating Community using Technology
Emily Medders

2 Uses for Technology in the Secondary School Classroom
Distance Education Assisting students with disabilities Building Community in the four walls of the classroom -Won’t really discuss the second bullet

3 Distance Education Takes many forms
MyCampus/Blackboard Second Life/Web 2.0 Access to nearly unlimited resources online

4 Distance Education Difficult to create a classroom “culture”
Usually much more focused on the teacher’s culture Issues - When knowledge is embedded in the dominant culture, learners who are foreign to that culture lose their motivation to understand it. - Increases the need to build relationships with your students

5 Building Community Everyday uses Students sharing technology
Presenting information Calculators Students sharing technology Forces interaction Allows for learning from peers

6 Building Community Project based learning
Allows for students to make choices for themselves Allows for creativity Gives students a chance to learn how to use different technologies while studying a topic of their choice Choices = responsibility for learning

7 Online Resources
Second Life And many more!

8 Bibliography Alvermann, D. E., Phelps, S. F., & Ridgeway, V. G. (2007). Content reading and literacy: Succeeding in today's diverse classrooms (A. Martinez, Ed., 5th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education. (Original work published 1994) National Foundation for the Improvement of Education. (2000). Connecting the bits: A reference for using technology in teaching and learning in K-12 schools. Retrieved from Steelman, J. D., Grable, L. L., & Vasu, E. S. ( , Fall/Winter). Expanding global awareness: The use of student-developed multimedia created in a cooperative learning environment. International Journal of Social Education, 19(2), Retrieved from Uzuner, S. (2009, June). Questions of culture in distance learning: A research review. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 10(3). Retrieved from

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