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AFROSAI’s Strategic Planning Experience

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1 AFROSAI’s Strategic Planning Experience
IDI-INTOSAI Regions workshop Oslo 4-6 September 2017

2 Basic information Question Region’s status/response
When last has your Region carried out a strategic planning exercise? AFROSAI is currently mid-way in its strategic plan period, which runs from A taskforce has reviewed current stage of implementation and prioritised actions to take forward. To what extent have you used the INTOSAI Framework for Regional Professionalism and IDI Guidance on Strategic Management in INTOSAI Regions to guide your strategic planning and to create maximum value for your member SAIs? As the last Strategic Plan was developed prior to the development of this Framework, this wasn’t an option. However the IDI Guidance was used.

3 Region’s Strategic Priorities/Objectives
AFROSAI has identified 3 strategic priorities in its current Strategic Plan Capacity Building; Facilitate the development of the technical and institutional capacities of AFROSAI members Knowledge Sharing and Management; Strengthen cooperation and knowledge sharing between SAI members Being a model organisation; Make AFROSAI an exemplary International Organisation managed in accordance with the principles of Good Governance, which effectively communicates with its stakeholders

4 Key mechanisms/initiatives to achieve region’s priorities & objectives
Strategic Priority 1 Women leadership Academy Strengthen cooperation with sub-regions (AFROSAI-E and CREFIAF) Promote and support the use of SAI PMF and other global public goods Development of an advocacy framework for external stakeholders on institutional strengthening Strategic Priority 2 Develop a knowledge sharing platform to facilitate knowledge sharing irrespective of SAI model or language groups, Encourage and facilitate cooperative audits on environmental (WGEA) and emerging issues Strategic Priority 3 Implement Communications Strategy and operate AFROSAI website Cooperation with other regional organizations Financial strategy to explore options for financial sustainability NEW; Emerging issues Across the three priorities of the Strategic Plan identifies areas which allows for follow-up and integration of professionalization of auditors combating illicit financial flows; contribution of SAIs to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and African Union Agenda 2063

5 What capacity have you created, or do you plan to create to achieve region’s objectives?
Work to obtain stable and sufficient funding Effective stakeholder management Effective governance structure and processes

6 Conclusion Question Region’s advice & suggestions
Is there any advice that you wish to ask of the other Regions and role players at the workshop (in terms of some of the challenges that you may be experiencing in carrying out strategic planning)? How have you approached the topic of being able to achieve results at SAI level? How do you make sure there is a logical linkage between objectives and activities in a context of limited resources? Do you have any suggestions for enhancements to the INTOSAI Framework of Regional Professionalism and/or the IDI Guidance on Strategic Management in INTOSAI Regions?

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