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Melanie Adia TaJayla Brandon Shelby Dani Isaac Tallon Nyla Kylee

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Presentation on theme: "Melanie Adia TaJayla Brandon Shelby Dani Isaac Tallon Nyla Kylee"— Presentation transcript:

1 Each group will be responsible for analyzing the assigned Document(s) and presenting to the class!
Melanie Adia TaJayla Brandon Shelby Dani Isaac Tallon Nyla Kylee Nicolas Bradyn Jaleyah Jack Lexi Leah Lacie Abilene Cordajah Jennifer Dalton Arizona Akyra Emily J’Keya Logan Document F Documents G & H I & J K L M Analyze for Similarities & Differences How does Doc G relate to Doc C? Does Doc H dispute the last line of Doc G? Compare I to G What conclusion can you draw about Muslim treatment of the plague dead (Doc J) What do you think about the final words of the document? Why do you think the people reacted as they did at the scene at the al-Azhar Mosque? What drove people to join the flagellants?

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