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Understanding Writing With Skill

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1 Understanding Writing With Skill
ITECH Understanding Writing With Skill 6 -Trait Rubric for Writing 1/1/2019

2 6 Traits for Good Writing
Content Ideas are well developed Organization Has Introduction Logical Order Conclusion Voice Paper Sounds Like Me 1/1/2019 Mr. Kilmer - ITech

3 6 Traits for Good Writing
Word Choice Accurate, strong, specific words Sentence Fluency Smooth and Easy to Read Conventions Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling 1/1/2019 Mr. Kilmer - ITech

4 Trait # 1 Content Read the paper and ask: Are the ideas clear?
Are there lots of details showing? Does the writer need to add more information? What questions are not answered? 1/1/2019 Mr. Kilmer - ITech

5 What is the difference between the two pictures?
Shadows Lights Lines Ground Texture Good writing paints a picture with words 1/1/2019 Mr. Kilmer - ITech

6 Trait # 2 Organization Paper has a main idea
Paragraphs talk about only one thing Each paragraph has a topic sentence Paper has a strong beginning Paper is easy to follow Ending is well thought out 1/1/2019 Mr. Kilmer - ITech

7 How is running a good farm like a well organized paper?
How is running a good farm like a well organized paper? Places for all tools, seeds, animals, equipment; things can be found, not disorganized. The feed and seeds are not in the chicken coop, they are in the grain house, animals are not kept in the shed, but in the barn, grain is in granary or silo, not in garage. 1/1/2019 Mr. Kilmer - ITech

8 Trait # 3 Voice Paper sounds like the writer
Paper shows the writer cares about the topic Paper is lively or exciting It is different than everyone else 1/1/2019 Mr. Kilmer - ITech

9 Voice is like singing Every one has their own personality. When that is transferred to your paper it is called voice. It is like singing – everyone has their own voice, unlike others. 1/1/2019 Mr. Kilmer - ITech

10 Trait # 4 Word Choice Just like in music, the exact note makes a big difference Choose strong, specific and accurate words Words are fun and interesting Try using words in new ways 1/1/2019 Mr. Kilmer - ITech

11 Word Choice is like a good tool
Writing compositions can be much like woodworking. It is OK to experiment and try using different techniques to do the job. If a tool doesn’t work, try another one. The same is true with words. They are your tools. 1/1/2019 Mr. Kilmer - ITech

12 Trait # 5 Sentence Fluency
Sentences are smooth and easy to read Sentences start in a variety of ways Some are short – some are longer Sentences are complete Transitions are used between paragraphs 1/1/2019 Mr. Kilmer - ITech

13 Sentence and Gears Will smooth or choppy give you the best edge on a jointer? Transitions in writing help make the edge smoother. It’s like correctly using a clutch and shifting gears. 1/1/2019 Mr. Kilmer - ITech

14 Trait # 6 Conventions Conventions are the final touch of perfection, like decorations on a cake Spelling is correct Capitalization is correct Grammar is correct Punctuation is perfect It Looks good 1/1/2019 Mr. Kilmer - ITech

15 Conventions & Cake The cake is like content, how it tastes—but conventions are like frosting, decoration, how it is presented 1/1/2019 Mr. Kilmer - ITech

16 Your Closet and the 6-Traits
How can we use a closet to remember what the 6 Traits are? 1/1/2019 Mr. Kilmer - ITech

17 Six-Traits Closet: Ideas and Content -- Outfits on hangers
Organization -- How the closet is arranged Voice -- T-shirts with personality and attitude, color Sentence Fluency -- Pants: shorts, mid-length, long (patterned or plain) Word Choice -- Shoes -- need to match the outfit Conventions -- Underwear -- foundation garments that make an outfit comfortable but shouldn't show 1/1/2019 Mr. Kilmer - ITech

18 Writing Rating TRAIT 1 2 3 4 5 Name
Content Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions 5 - Practically Perfect, Meets all the criteria 3 - Average work, not exceptional in any way 1 - Includes very few of the required standards Score 1/1/2019 Mr. Kilmer - ITech

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