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Seed-propagated cultivars (terms and definitions)

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1 Seed-propagated cultivars (terms and definitions)
a cultivar is a group of plants with traits that are distinct, uniform, and stable distinct: 1 or more identifiable traits uniform: variation among plants can be described stable: traits remain unchanged (in essential distinctness and uniformity) when reproduced or reconstituted

2 Types of seed-propagated cultivars (Fehr’s classification)
lines open-pollinated (OP) cultivars synthetics hybrids (F1 hybrids) F2 cultivars multilines

3 Line cultivars are maintained by selfing or sibbing are highly uniform, “crossers” may lack vigor may be natural self pollinators (‘Tendercrop’ snap bean) or cross-pollinated species (‘Nittany Lion Red’ geranium) highly apomictic cultivars are considered pure lines; e.g., ‘Merion’ Kentucky bluegrass

4 Open-pollinated cultivars
are normally cross-pollinated plants; some variation is expected have 1 or more distinguishing traits; e.g., ‘Thumbelina Mix’ zinnia are inexpensive to produce, are self perpetuating

5 Synthetic cultivars Syn 1 cultivar (1st gen. progeny) from intercrossing a set of clones or lines can’t be reproduced from seed of Syn 1 Syn 2 is by open pollination of Syn 1 provide some pest/disease resistance by their genetic diversity

6 Hybrid (F1) cultivars 1st generation (F1) progeny from crossing, e.g., 2 inbred lines (single cross) pollination control is an important factor are highly uniform, often exhibit ‘hybrid vigor’, but are more expensive can’t be reproduced from F1 seed

7 F2 cultivars OP field production of an F1 hybrid can’t be perpetuated by seed of F2 are much cheaper than F1 hybrids, but are more variable

8 Multiline cultivars a seed mixture of cultivars or lines typically, component lines are grown separately, then composited are often used in the flower seed industry for flower color mixes

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