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Grundtvig Project Promotor Entity: Centro de Estudos e Formação Aquiles Estaço, Lda. Escola Profissional Fialho de Almeida – Vidigueira – Beja – Portugal.

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Presentation on theme: "Grundtvig Project Promotor Entity: Centro de Estudos e Formação Aquiles Estaço, Lda. Escola Profissional Fialho de Almeida – Vidigueira – Beja – Portugal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grundtvig Project Promotor Entity: Centro de Estudos e Formação Aquiles Estaço, Lda. Escola Profissional Fialho de Almeida – Vidigueira – Beja – Portugal "Helpful small communities: Integrate disadvantaged women by applicable adult education" Portugal; Latvia; Germany; Poland; Italy 1 Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig

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3 3 - Located in the extreme south-west of Europe; -The country is bordered in the north and east by Spain, and in the west and south by the Atlantic Ocean; -The population of Portugal is around 10 million. Mosteiro dos Jerónimos Torre de Belém Centro Vasco da Gama

4 Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 4

5 VIDIGUEIRA - ALENTEJO Vidigueira is located in the south of Portugal, in the vast plains of the Lower Alentejo, where, like in the Spanish Andalusia, we can feel the proximity of the Mediterranean. The municipality of Vidigueira is in the middle of the Alentejo Region, in the border of Lower and Higher Alentejo, between the towns of Beja and Évora. It has vast plains and in the north there is a small mountain, Serra do Mendro. On the east side flows the Guadiana River. Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 5

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9 9 Fialho de Almeida Fialho de Almeida, Portuguese writer, (1857-1911) was born in Vila de Frades, a small village near Vidigueira and he lived in Cuba. He said: God made the man in His image and likeness, and made the critic like the cat…caustic style, sharp claw. Scathing but with good humour. In,

10 Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 10 Rota do Fresco (Route of the Fresco) It is a visit to several churches of the region whose ceilings are covered with paintings. These are very important murals because of the technique used to paint the walls, we call it Fresco, because the drawings are painted on the top of a covering that must be wet during the whole process. These drawings are one of the religious heritage of the southern of Portugal. The fresco is a technique that was first used in Italy during the Renaissance period, where the paintings are made on a mortar of lime and sand still wet. In,

11 THE PEOPLE Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 11

12 HANDICRAFTS Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 12 Basket weaving Fur or leather work Rustic furniture in wood or iron Cork work Wood work Horn carving Blankets/carpets

13 Traditional dishes are based on pork and lamb Soups, bread-soups and stews Game, such as rabbit, hare, partridge, boar Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 13

14 Bread, olive oil and spices are fundamental ingredients in the mediterranean cooking Cheese, sausages and ham (prosciutto) Desserts – convent pastries Wine Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 14

15 TRADITIONAL ACTIVITIES Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 15

16 Centro de Estudos e Formação Aquiles Estaço, Lda (Portugal) is a Private enterprise in theaching area that owns Professional School Fialho de Almeida and, at the same time, is the promoting entity of this project. The school promotes international projects since 2003: Leonardo da Vinci_Mobility and Partnerships, Comenius Bilateral and Multilateral, Comenius Assistent, Grundtvig and it is also responsible for local projects. Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 16

17 This Centre was created on the 1 st September 1999 and it is the owner of the Vocational School - Escola Profissional Fialho de Almeida (EPFA). It provides professional or vocational courses (10 courses) that give the students secondary and professional qualifications. The School was born from a contract between the Portuguese Ministry of Education and two City Halls (in July, 1991). The City Hall of Vidigueira is, now, the schools owner. Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 17

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19 2007_2009 LLL55+ …aiming for the future Portugal; Luxembourg; Poland; Denmark; Latvia 12 mobilities Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 19

20 During this project period there were different activities developed in Portugal, which included IT and English Courses for people + 55 years old. There were 9 students in English and in IT. They attended 3 hours of IT and 3 hours of English per week, in a total of 100 hours in two years. Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 20

21 Through these workshops the school intended to: to value the students' life-long learning and knowledge, to share customs and traditions with people in the same age group in other countries also working on this project, to promote an active integration of people and respect other cultures and values. Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 21

22 Through these courses EPFA is able to provide the people who live in rural or disadvantaged areas new skills and a new way of facing life, encouraging them to communicate with their families, friends and the project partners using the internet. Socialization is very important too, because the courses are also a perfect time to make conversation, meet new people, contact old friends, share experiences and ideas and at the same time feel valued by the other members of the community. Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 22

23 For most of the students it was the first time they had ever worked with a computer and surfed the internet, but everything went very well and they easily started working with the computers. Currently the students make research on the web and they exchange e-mails with their families, friends, teachers, coordinator and partners of this project. Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 23

24 They searched for information related to the location of the different partners/countries; their traditions; food and monuments too. They searched for information related to the Portuguese traditions, especially from Alentejo. They found information on the web about the village they live in: monuments; songs; food; history… They got more confident using IT and having communication over the internet with people from other countries. Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 24

25 visiting the region and the village of Cuba to see some monuments, to find out more about its history, to share experiences and to promote an active integration between people involved; visiting Lisbon and a Traditional Fair in Estoril; Presentation from a Polish Language Assistant about her country, and its traditions, food, monuments,... Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 25

26 Grundtvig Project 2010_12 Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 26

27 "Helpful small communities: Integrate disadvantaged women by applicable adult education" Partners CEFAE/EPFA - Portugal Conned eG Bildungswerb - Germany Malpils Folk School - Latvia The health and sobriety Foundation - Polond CESFOR - Centro Studi Formazione - Italy Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 27

28 15 learners 12 mobilities Realization (Activities): Workshops (twice a week): Psychological Therapy Drama workshop Plastic and handicraft workshop English and IT Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 28

29 Psychological Therapy: Development of parental abilities and skills; Workshop for personal skills development; Promoting self confidence and self concept; Sexuality in adult life (health care, personal care; familiar planning; affects…); Self evaluation in groups (personal, familiar and social behaviour and atitudes); Partner relationships; Improving the communicational and the assertive skills of the participants. Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 29

30 Drama Workshop: The aim is to explore new and recreational ways to experiment body expression from simple exercises of improvisation, gesture, movement and performance; To express themselves from body and gestures; To get better confidence. Plastic and Handicraft Workshop: A recreational way of expressing feelings and to show their myself and me by Art. Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 30

31 IT and English: Learn how to use a computer; Get more confident using IT and exploring communication over the internet with people from other countries; Learn a new language, using basic expressions and vocabulary; Improve the literacy of disadvantaged women; Promote the contact with their families using the new technologies. Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 31

32 In Portugal: Municipality of Vidigueira (City Hall) Local municipalities of Pedrógão, Selmes, Vila de Frades, Vidigueira Social Security Terras Dentro Association Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Vidigueira Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 32

33 Objectives To have a exchange of good practice in adult education projects with disadvantaged women (in all ages of life) and the special possibilities to realize this in smaller communities. To make it possible, that concerned women can take a active part in the project and in international project meetings to have exchange with people, which live in the same circumstances. To develop and/or improve education methods (e.g. teaching soft skills and foreign languages) addressed to disadvantaged women. To develop - based on the experiences in the partnership - a good practice concept, how small initiatives can practice ongoing useful European contacts and mobility. Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 33

34 Psychological Therapy (once a week; 1h and a half, for 2 years) 1 Workshop - Twice a week(another day of the week; 1 h and a half); Months: October_ December January_March September_December January_May Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 34

35 Start-up-leaflet, web presentation, newsletter, questionnaires, reports; School board to inform about the project and the partners; SCHOOL FOR APPLICABLE ASSISTANCE: The vocational school in rural region assists women for better social and economic inclusion. Activities are tested = mixed work groups, workshop, theatre project, seminar: disadvantaged women with helpful specialists, networking with regional social institutions. Exhibition of plastic and handicraft works made by the students (paintings; découpage; jewels...) Photography workshop and presentation of a final exhibition; Meetings. Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 35

36 At the beginning: women's expectations towards the workshops what they would like to do having in mind this specific area diagnosis/identification of the competences and characteristics individual characterization (interview/personal report) Intermediate evaluation: competences acquired self-evaluation (inquiry and report) Intermediate evaluation: Intermediate evaluation meeting in May 2011; In July 2011 the partners have to prepare a half time report for their National Agency (N.A.) Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 36

37 Final: Two hours review in the beginning of each meeting; Final report: On the last general meeting in summer 2012 and in July to the N.A.; questionnaires and reports from the learners and staff involved on the workshops. Long Life Learning Programme_Grundtvig 37

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