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M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! ! Multi- Q Introd uction 5 th Grade Sample CRT Questions Adapted by Mrs. Goff, LMS M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! ! Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! ! Multi- Q Introd uction 5 th Grade Sample CRT Questions Adapted by Mrs. Goff, LMS M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! ! Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! ! Multi- Q Introd uction 5 th Grade Sample CRT Questions Adapted by Mrs. Goff, LMS M M U U L L T T I I - - Q Q ! ! Welcome to … Skip Rules

2 Game Rules M u l t i – Q R u l e s Points are collected as a team. Only one team member during each turn may answer for the group. Other teams cannot help during another teams question. If this occurs, that team will loose points. MORE RULES MORE RULES

3 Game Rules M u l t i – Q R u l e s If a question is answered correctly, that team adds those points to their team score. The opposing team may now chose a question. MORE RULES MORE RULES

4 Game Rules M u l t i – Q R u l e s If a question is answered incorrectly, the team score does not change. The opposing team may now chose a question. MORE RULES MORE RULES

5 Game Rules M u l t i – Q R u l e s This game does not support automatic scoring. Your teacher/librarian will assign a scorekeeper for both teams. This person will keep track of points for both teams. GET READY TO START GET READY TO START

6 Choose from the followin g topics You will choose questions from the following six topic areas: CLICK TO VIEW TOPIC AREAS CLICK TO VIEW TOPIC AREAS

7 TOPIC 1 Databases What do you know about…

8 TOPIC 2 What do you know about… Research

9 TOPIC 3 What do you know about… Library Catalog

10 TOPIC 4 What do you know about… Authors Purpose

11 TOPIC 5 What do you know about… Reference Resources

12 TOPIC 6 What do you know about… Parts of a book

13 MultiQ Choices DatabasesResearch Library Catalog & Computers Authors Purpose Reference Resources Parts of a book 10 20 30 40 50 FINAL QUESTION FINAL QUESTION FINAL QUESTION FINAL QUESTION

14 ReturnReturn Whoops! Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

15 1:101:10 Which Internet search would most likely give a student information about the main topic from the passage The Nurse Who Taught the Doctors? A.Physical therapy B.Important doctors C.Treatment of Polio D.Famous Female Nurses CLICK TO CHECK DATABASES f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

16 1:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … D. D. Famous Female Nurses CLICKMultiQ Choices TO PLAY AGAIN MultiQ ChoicesMultiQ Choices 10

17 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

18 1:201:20 Which type of database would most likely contain information on the Revolutionary war? A.Science B.History C.Math D.Art CLICK TO CHECK DATABASES f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

19 1:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … B. History CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 20

20 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

21 1:301:30 Which web page would give the most information about African American Achievements? A.The Slave Trade Comes to America B.Notable African Americans C.Development of the Slave Trade D.The History of the Slavery CLICK TO CHECK DATABASES f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

22 1:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … B. Notable African Americans CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK TO PLAY AGAIN 30

23 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

24 1:401:40 What would be the best database to find out when the rose rock became the official rock of Oklahoma? A.Look in a book containing data on the geography of the Southwestern United States. B.Use an Internet search engine with the keywords Oklahoma and rose rock. C.Access an online catalog to search for historical references of Oklahoma. D.Locate several books on the history of the Southwestern United States. CLICK TO CHECK DATABASES f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

25 1:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … B. Use an Internet search engine with the keywords Oklahoma and rose rock. CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 40

26 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

27 1:501:50 comprehensive information on Oklahoma colleges? Which web site offers the best comprehensive information on Oklahoma colleges? A.A web page developed by the American Educational Guidance Center, entitled: College Scholarships, Colleges, and Online Degrees. B.A web page developed by the American Academy of Actors, entitled: How to become a Star. C.A web page designed by the American Education Society, entitled: The Problem with High School Dropouts. D.A web page designed by the American Agricultural Institute, entitled: Get the Dirt on Universities. CLICK TO CHECK DATABASES f o r 5 0 p o i n t s …

28 1:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … A. A web page developed by the American Educational Guidance Center, entitled: College Scholarships, Colleges, and Online Degrees. CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 50

29 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

30 2:102:10 What information should be included in notes about why the nurse, Elizabeth Kenny, was successful? A.Visitors are welcome to tour the Sister Kenny Institute Minneapolis. B.She worked to educate the medical people who did not believe in her. C.Elizabeth grew up on a farm in Australia and was educated at home. D. In 1952 a new medicine was developed which prevented polio. CLICK TO CHECK RESEARCH f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

31 2:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … A.She worked to educate the medical people who did not believe in her. CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 10

32 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

33 2:202:20 Which book would have the most information about llamas? A. Animals of Peru B. The Life of a Llama C. Spinning Wool for Fun and Profit D. How to Operate Your Own Llama Farm CLICK TO CHECK RESEARCH f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

34 2:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … B. The Life of a Llama CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 20

35 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

36 2:302:30 The best way to remember the important events from nurse Elizabeth Kennys life would be read the article several times. make an outline showing her achievements. copy the first and last paragraphs in your notes. underline all of the important dates in the article. CLICK TO CHECK RESEARCH f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

37 2:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … B. to make an outline showing her achievements. CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 30

38 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

39 2:402:40 Which of these would be the third step in writing a report about the nurse Elizabeth Kenny? A.write a rough draft copy of the report B.decide what information is to be learned C.go to the library and look for information D.take notes from the sources of information CLICK TO CHECK RESEARCH f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

40 2:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … A. write a rough draft copy of the report CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 40

41 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

42 2:502:50 In 1911, Kenny helped a young girl recover from polio by wrapping her legs with hot damp rags and having the patients do special exercises. (Thomas, Henry. Elizabeth Kenny, p. 58) In 1940, Kenny demonstrated her technique to doctors in the United States, which was suffering through a severe polio epidemic. (Ostenso, Martha. Biography of Elizabeth Kenny, p. 241) Which best summarizes the information from these two sources? A.In 1950, Kenny traveled to the United States to give doctors a demonstration of the technique for treating polio that she had first developed in 1911. B.Kenny showed doctors her technique by helping a young girl recover from polio by wrapping her legs with hot, damp rags and having the girl do special exercises. C.When a polio epidemic hit the United States in 1940, Kenny showed doctors there her technique for treating the disease with special exercises and hot, damp leg wraps. D. Kenny helped a young girl recover from polio by wrapping her legs with hot, damp rags and having her do special exercises, and she demonstrated this technique to doctors in the United States. CLICK TO CHECK RESEARCH f o r 5 0 p o i n t s …

43 2:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … C. When a polio epidemic hit the United States in 1940, Kenny showed doctors there her technique for treating the disease with special exercises and hot, damp leg wraps. CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 50

44 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

45 3:103:10 What is the URL for our online catalog? CLICK TO CHECK LIBRARY CATALOG f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

46 3:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 10

47 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

48 3:203:20 Which terms describe the contents of a book or database? A.Keyword B.Subjects C.Topic D.Author CLICK TO CHECK LIBRARY CATALOG f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

49 3:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … B. Subjects CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 20

50 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

51 3:303:30 When you search by important words, you are searching by A.Subject Searching B.Heading Searching C.Keyword Searching D.Topic Searching CLICK TO CHECK LIBRARY CATALOG f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

52 3:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … C. Keyword Searching CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 30

53 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

54 3:403:40 What is the best way to make sure words are spelled correctly when using a computer? A.Locate the words in a thesaurus B.Look up the words in a dictionary C.Go to Spelling and Grammar on the tool bar D.Find Language under Tools on the computer CLICK TO CHECK LIBRARY CATALOG f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

55 3:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … C. C. Go to Spelling and Grammar on the tool bar CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 40

56 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

57 3:503:50 What is a student probably doing to a document when choosing Insert from a computers toolbar? A.Checking a thesaurus B.Performing a spell check C.Adding some information D.Removing unnecessary text LIBRARY CATALOG f o r 5 0 p o i n t s … CLICK TO CHECK

58 3:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … C. Adding some information CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 50

59 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

60 4:104:10 Why does the statement Llamas like to have a job have quotation marks around it? A. It is a direct quote from a person. B. It is an important statement. C. It is the author speaking to the reader. D. It is a sentence from the encyclopedia. CLICK TO CHECK AUTHORS PURPOSE f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

61 4:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … A. It is a direct quote from a person. CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 10

62 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

63 4:204:20 The author uses footnotes call attention to personal opinions. B. to provide definitions for unfamiliar words. C. to indicate the source of factual information. D. to indicate the correct way to pronounce a word. CLICK TO CHECK AUTHORS PURPOSE f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

64 4:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … B. to provide definitions for unfamiliar words. CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 20

65 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

66 4:304:30 The author includes a picture of a llama in order help readers visualize the animal. B. to show why llamas are helpful. C. to explain how llamas protect sheep. D. to teach readers to respect unusual animals. CLICK TO CHECK AUTHORS PURPOSE f o r 30 p o i n t s …

67 4:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … A. to help readers visualize the animal. CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 30

68 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

69 4:404:40 In The Nurse Who Taught the Doctors, why is the word Sister in quotation marks? A.It is an emphasis word used in an unusual way. B.It is the name used in a foreign country. C.It is the name she was called by the doctors. D.It shows that the word is used as slang. CLICK TO CHECK AUTHORS PURPOSE f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

70 4:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … C. It is the name she was called by the doctors. CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 40

71 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

72 4:504:50 What is the purpose of an author who writes a nonfiction book on the Revolutionary War? A.Persuasion B.Entertain C.Inform D.Propaganda AUTHORS PURPOSE f o r 5 0 p o i n t s … CLICK TO CHECK

73 4:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … C. Inform CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 50

74 5:105:10 Which resource would give the best information about what a llama looks like? A.An encyclopedia B.A dictionary C.A thesaurus D.A novel CLICK TO CHECK REFERENCE RESOURCES f o r 1 0 p o i n t s … REFERENCE RESOURCES f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

75 5:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … A. An encyclopedia CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 10

76 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

77 5:205:20 Which reference book would be best for a student to use to find a synonym for the word blossom? A.Encyclopedia B.Almanac C.Glossary D.Thesaurus CLICK TO CHECK REFERENCE RESOURCES f o r 2 0 p o i n t s … REFERENCE RESOURCES f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

78 5:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … D. Thesaurus CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 20

79 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

80 5:305:30 Which book would be the best source of information about a nurse, Elizabeth Kenny? A.Medicines of the 19 th Century B.Training Doctors in Australia C.Women Doctors in the 1800s D.Women Pioneers in Medicine CLICK TO CHECK REFERENCE RESOURCE f o r 3 0 p o i n t s … REFERENCE RESOURCE f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

81 5:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … D. Women Pioneers in Medicine CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 30

82 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

83 5:405:40 Which book would be the best source of additional information about elephants? A.Taking Elephant Pictures B.Ginger and Grandma Elephant C.Meet our Elephant Family at the Zoo D.Elephants Wait at the Water Hole CLICK TO CHECK REFERENCE RESOURCE f o r 4 0 p o i n t s … REFERENCE RESOURCE f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

84 5:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … C. Meet our Elephant Family at the Zoo CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 40

85 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

86 5:505:50 Which book would give more information about where llamas came from? A.Charlie the Llama B.Learning More about Llamas C.Llama, Alpaca, and Camel Health D.Llama Hiking, Packing and Trekking REFERENCE RESOURCE f o r 5 0 p o i n t s … REFERENCE RESOURCE f o r 5 0 p o i n t s … CLICK TO CHECK

87 5:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … B. Learning More about Llamas CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 50

88 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

89 6:106:10 Which section in a science book would give the pages that have more information about llamas? A.Index B.Glossary C.Title page D.Chapter headings CLICK TO CHECK PARTS OF A BOOK f o r 1 0 p o i n t s …

90 6:10 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … A. Index CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 10

91 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

92 6:206:20 Which part of a book tells when the book was published and how current the information is in the book? CLICK TO CHECK PARTS OF A BOOK f o r 2 0 p o i n t s …

93 6:20 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Copyright Page CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 20

94 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

95 6:306:30 Which part of a book tells you the topic of each section in a chapter? CLICK TO CHECK PARTS OF A BOOK f o r 3 0 p o i n t s …

96 6:30 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Headings (Subject Headings) CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 30

97 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

98 6:406:40 What is the name of the group of words listed at the top of a dictionary, encyclopedia, and thesaurus that will help you locate words or topics quickly? CLICK TO CHECK PARTS OF A BOOK f o r 4 0 p o i n t s …

99 6:40 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Guide Words CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 40

100 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

101 6:506:50 What is the part of the book or report that has an alphabetical listing of sources used and can be a source for finding more information? PARTS OF A BOOK f o r 5 0 p o i n t s … CLICK TO CHECK

102 6:50 Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … Bibliography CLICKCLICK TO PLAY AGAIN CLICK 50

103 ReturnReturn Click here to return to the Multi-Q Game BoardMulti-Q

104 Bonus Question B O N U S Q U E S T I O N Congratulations! If you answer the Bonus Question correctly, your team receives double the points assigned to this question. Congratulations! If you answer the Bonus Question correctly, your team receives double the points assigned to this question. TO THE BONUS QUESTION TO THE BONUS QUESTION

105 Last Questio n Which strategy would be most helpful if a student wanted to view events in President Roosevelts life and compare them to other historical events? A. create a book which illustrate the events B. a graph which illustrate the events C. a timeline which details the events D. draw pictures of the events CLICK TO CHECK T H E BONUS Q U E S T I O N

106 Last Answer T h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r i s … C. a timeline which details the events CLICKCLICK TO END THE GAME CLICK ADD OR SUBTRACT WAGERED AMOUNTS

107 Turn in team score Add up your team score and see how much you have learned! T H A N K S F O R P L A Y I N G ! DONT FORGET TO STUDY & REVIEW ON YOUR OWN!

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