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Correcting Sentences Since i had done a superb job my employer harshly admonishes me. In order I might diffusing the powder I stired the lickwid for 30.

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Presentation on theme: "Correcting Sentences Since i had done a superb job my employer harshly admonishes me. In order I might diffusing the powder I stired the lickwid for 30."— Presentation transcript:

1 Correcting Sentences Since i had done a superb job my employer harshly admonishes me. In order I might diffusing the powder I stired the lickwid for 30 minutes.

2 The Hero’s Journey This is based on material created by Susan Thompson and Reg Harris

3 The Hero’s Journey Not just a pattern from myth
Is pattern of life, growth and experience – for all of us. In mythology, to slay Medusa, to kill the minotaur, to find the golden fleece In Movies Star Wars Harry Potter

4 Transformation Individual process of growth and transformation
Sequence and duration of the experience will vary from one character to another.

5 Steps of the Hero’s Transformation
Call Threshold meets guardians, helpers and mentors Challenges Abyss and rebirth Transformation Atonement Return

6 The Call The call invites the hero into the adventure. May involve supernatural aid Hero may choose to undertake the quest, or may be dragged into it unwillingly. Three scenarios The hero has something taken from him The quest is to reclaim it. The would-be hero wants to save or restore honor.

7 The Threshold Hero must pass over the threshold, once past hero
enters the unknown. Hero may encounter people, beings, or situations blocking passage.

8 Threshold Guardians Have two functions:
Protect the hero by keeping them from taking journeys before they are ready Once ready, step aside and point the way. Once heroes are past guardian, they are committed and ready for the journey.

9 Helpers and Mentors Helpers come in the form of a divine gift such as a talisman Mentors keep the hero focused on the goal and gives moral support when danger is greatest.

10 Initiation Hero faces a series of challenges or temptations.
Early challenges are easy. Challenges become more difficult forcing change and growth. Process of transformation challenges greatest weakness: his poorest skill, his shakiest knowledge, his most vulnerable emotions

11 Into the Abyss Hero faces greatest challenge of the journey
Hero must surrender himself completely to the quest Hero must overcome his greatest fears and face them alone

12 Transformation As the hero conquers the abyss and overcomes his fears, his transformation is complete. Often final step in process is a moment of death and rebirth. A part of would-be hero dies so a new part can be born.

13 Atonement After being transformed, hero goes on to achieve Atonement.
Hero has absorbed the changes caused by the journey and is “reborn.”

14 The Return After the transformation and Atonement the hero faces the final stage of the journey: his return to everyday life.


16 Your Mission 1) Create a hero/heroine 2) Give a description of the character 3)Write an OUTLINE telling what would happen on each stage

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