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BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

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1 BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials
Announcements 2/21/08 HW #7 due Monday Due March 3rd Lab #2 due Wednesday Feb. 27th Dr. Jones will be out of state next week. February 25th : Jim Hardin will lecture on ozone research and other research at SPREC February 27th: Lab will be held at SPREC 3:30 – 4:30. the class will tour SPREC and the animal feed mill facilities west of Stillwater on Range Road north of Hwy. 55 February 29th: No scheduled class. You should plan to work with your design group on the popcorn project. 2/22/08 BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

2 BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials
HW #7 Due 3/3/08 Describe one aspect of the research presented by Jim Hardin. Describe how ozone kills insects. What advantages does the use of ozone have over traditional chemical fumigation? What are the challenges in ozonating large bins containing wheat? What size are the majority of the research bins at SPREC? What is the mission of the SPREC facility? What departments do research at the SPREC facility? List one research project conducted at SPREC. What is the largest motor in use at the feed mill? What specific challenge did the feed mill have when installing equipment in the basement? What is the mission of the feed mill? What physical properties are of specific importance at the feed mill? 2/22/08 BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

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