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Action groups in BECC Effects of ozone, carbon dioxide and temperature on crops and forests in a global change perspective People: at GU: Ecophysiologists.

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Presentation on theme: "Action groups in BECC Effects of ozone, carbon dioxide and temperature on crops and forests in a global change perspective People: at GU: Ecophysiologists."— Presentation transcript:

1 Action groups in BECC Effects of ozone, carbon dioxide and temperature on crops and forests in a global change perspective People: at GU: Ecophysiologists at LU: Ecosystem modellers

2 Aim of the action group To facilitate the synthesis of ecophysiological and experimental expertise at GU with ecosystem modelling expertise at LU in order to improve predictions of the impacts of climate change on agricultural and forest ecosystem processes and services.

3 Output of the action group
Internal meetings, international ozone workshop Ongoing work: (i) Ozone impacts – meta-analyses & modelling (Arneth, Schurgers, Pleijel, Uddling et al.) (ii) Temperature & CO2 responses – experiments, natural gradients, meta-analyses, modelling (Wallin, Smith, Uddling et al.) (iii) Spruce bark beetle defence (Jönsson et al.) Planned projects: Large forest field experiment Forest water-use & hydrology

4 Action groups and collaboration?
The BECC environment has strongly increased GU-LU collaboration in this field! Links to all at LU

5 Communication Not much to communicate from the collaborative projects yet... It takes time to start new collaboration

6 Conclusions Scientific output? Poor, this far.
Time efficient action? Time will tell. Added values? Yes!


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