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Reference Information Specifications for Europe

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1 Reference Information Specifications for Europe
Nick Land, EuroGeographics – on behalf of the project consortium

2 Project goal To define guidelines – a ‘repeatable methodology’ - for geospatial implementation specifications: Feature Catalogue UML Conceptual Schema; GML application schema; Product specification Focus on 2 key themes: ‘Water’ & ‘Elevation’ in the context of ‘River Basin Management’ (countries & real data still tbc) WFD GIS Meeting, 22 November 2005

3 Exploitation guidelines
Approach Prototype Testing Application schema Use Cases Requirements Cost benefit Conceptual schema Exploitation guidelines RISE Methodology WFD GIS Meeting, 22 November 2005

4 Key Milestones By end February ’06 – requirements & methodology
By end August ’06 – implementation specifications By end February ’07 – prototyping & testing By end August ’07 – guidelines (repeatable methodology) WFD GIS Meeting, 22 November 2005

5 Example Use Case: Water Framework Directive Reporting
Water District Authorities Local Ministries, River Commissions EC European WFD GIS Meeting, 22 November 2005

6 Suggested Use Cases + Interdependencies
Guidelines for Reference Data Implementation Specifications (Coordinated with INSPIRE DT) River Basin Thematic GMES Use Cases ? Together with MOTIIVE Nutrient leakage into rivers: GSE Land ?/… Flooding: Risk-EOS/EFAS ?/… Coastal issues: MARCOAST ?… Thematic River Basin issues Other relevant projects: -EUROHARP ? -HARMONI-CA ? -HARMONIQUA ? -BMW ? -ORCHESTRA ? -WIN ? -SSE ? -HMA ? Output from RISE Application of Guidelines for Surface Water and Elevation (Coordinated with INSPIRE DT) Suggestions WFD Reporting National Improved hydrological information ? (Sweden) Regional SDIGER ? (Spain/France) Pan-European (EC-level) WISE? River Basin WFD Use Cases ? WFD GIS Meeting, 22 November 2005

7 How to stay in touch Contribute – data harmonisation requirements; uses cases; review project deliverables Subscribe to our eNewsletter Check our website: Contacts: WFD GIS Meeting, 22 November 2005

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