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The nature of the lightest scalar meson, its Nc behavior

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1 The nature of the lightest scalar meson, its Nc behavior
Departamento de Física Teórica II Universidad Complutense de Madrid The nature of the lightest scalar meson, its Nc behavior and semi-local duality J.R. Peláez In collaboration with: J. Ruiz de Elvira, M. Pennigton and D. Wilson arXiv: [hep-ph]

2 ● UChPT and the 1/Nc expansion.
Outline ●Introduction ● UChPT and the 1/Nc expansion. ● FESR and local duality. ● Results

3 The scalar nonet may appear above 1 GeV
Introduction and motivation Light scalars, and particularly the sigma are of interest for nuleon-nucleon attraction, glueballs, chiral symmetry breaking, Chiral Perturbation Theory etc… In general they are hard to accommodate as ordinary mesons Actually, there is mounting evidence that these states may not be ordinary quark-antiquark states Jaffe, van Beveren,, Rupp, Tornqvist, Roos, Close, Schecter, Sannino, Fariborz, Black, Oset, Oller, JRP, Hanhart, Achasov, Kalashnikova, Maiani Polosa, Riquer and many others… The scalar nonet may appear above 1 GeV Actually, NLO ChPT+ dispersion relations finds different Nc behaviours JRP, Phys.Rev.Lett. 92:102001,2004, The ρ becomes narrower with Nc, as expected for a meson. The σ becomes broader and its contribution to the amplitude decreases

4 Local duality requires cancellation between the σ and ρ .
Introduction and motivation In general, non states have DIFFERENT Nc dependence than the ρ PROBLEM: Local duality requires cancellation between the σ and ρ . IF SIGMA “DISAPPEARS AT LARGER Nc Possible contradiction with local duality? At NNLO a subdominant component suggested for the σ around >1 GeV. (probably related to the ordinary nonet around that region ) G. Ríos and JRP Phys.Rev.Lett.97:242002,2006, Here we show that this >1 GeV subdominant component ensures that local duality is still satisfied.

5 ● UChPT and the 1/Nc expansion.
Outline ●Introduction ● UChPT and the 1/Nc expansion.

6 Chiral Perturbation Theory
Weinberg, Gasser & Leutwyler ’s Goldstone Bosons of the spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking SU(2)V SU(2)A  SU(2)V QCD degrees of freedom at low energies << 4f~1 GeV ChPT is the low energy EFFECTIVE THEORY OF QCD most general low-energy expansion of a pion lagrangian with the QCD symmetries Leading order parameters: , At higher orders, QCD dynamics encoded in Low Energy Constants determined from experiment ππ scattering : : leading 1/Nc behavior known from QCD !!! ChPT limited to low energies

7 Elastic two-body Unitarity Constraints: One channel
Partial wave UNITARITY (On the real axis above threshold) KNOWN EXACTLY (kinematics) EXACT unitarity not satisfied by ChPT series (or any other series) Unitarity bound Badly violated if ChPT series extrapolated to high energies or resonance region How to fix that? exactly unitary !! We only need the Real part of 1/t (dynamics) We can use ChPT for Re 1/t But it is better to use this info inside a dispersion relation

8 IAM Define We have just seen that, for physical s and PHYSICAL cut
The Inverse Amplitude Method: Dispersive Derivation: THE REAL THING Define We have just seen that, for physical s and PHYSICAL cut EXACTLY Opposite to each other Write dispersion relations for G and t4 Subtraction Constants from ChPT expansion OK since s=0 G(0)=t2(0)-t4(0) Up to NLO ChPT Opposite to each other IAM All together…we find AGAIN PC is O(p6) and we neglect it or use ChPT

9 Mass Width/2 Very simple. Systematic extension to higher orders
The Inverse Amplitude Method: Results for one channel Truong ‘89, Truong,Dobado,Herrero,’90, Dobado JRP,‘93,‘96 Very simple. Systematic extension to higher orders Simultaneously: Unitarity + Chiral expansion ChPT used ONLY at low energies: subtraction constants and left cut, NOT in resonance region Dispersion relation allows us to go to complex plane. Generates Poles of Resonances: f0(600) or “”, ρ(770), (800), K*(892), =f0(600) (770) K*(890) Width/2 Mass f0(600) pole: 440-i245 MeV Dobado, JRP ‘96

10 The 1/Nc expansion provides a clear definition of states
ChPT parameters: Leading 1/Nc behavior known and model Independent UChPT predicts 1/Nc Behavior of resonances The IAM reliable for Nc < 15 – 30 at most beyond that, just a qualitative model (since QCD weakly interacting for large Nc)

11 The IAM generates the expected Nc scaling of established qq states
LIGHT VECTOR MESONS The IAM generates the expected Nc scaling of established qq states JRP, Phys.Rev.Lett. 92:102001,2004 qqbar states: The (770) The K*(892) MN/M3 N/3 MN/M3 N/3 Nc MN/M3 N/3 Nc

12 What about scalars ? The  (=770MeV) The  (=500MeV) MN/M3 N/3
JRP, Phys.Rev.Lett. 92:102001,2004 The  (=770MeV) The  (=500MeV) Nc MN/M3 N/3 MN/M3 N/3 Nc Similar conclusions for the f0(980) and a0(980) Complicated by the presence of THRESHOLDS and except in a corner of parameter space for the a0(980) Requires coupled channel formalism

13 results to those at O(p4): Robust Non qqbar dominant component
Results O(p6): the sigma G. Ríos and JRPelaez, Phys.Rev.Lett.97:242002,2006 Near Nc = 3 similar results to those at O(p4): Robust Non qqbar dominant component M becomes constant ~ 1GeV For Nc ~ 10 tor 12 Γ starts decreasing Mixing? The O(p6) calculation suggests a subdominant qqbar component for the σ with a LARGER MASS ~ 2.5 Mσ ~ 1 to 1.2GeV This subdominant qqbar component can fix the duality problem of a non-qqbar interpretattion for the sigma

14 ● UChPT and the 1/Nc expansion.
Outline ●Introduction ● UChPT and the 1/Nc expansion. ● FESR and local duality.

15 Introduction. Local Duality
Local duality implies that a large number of s-channel resonances are, “on the average“, dual to t-channel Regge exchanges. No resonances exchanged in repulsive I = 2 ππ scattering s-channel I = 2 t-channel exchange should be suppressed respect to other isospin Crossing relates t-channel I=2 amplitude to s-channel amplitudes: σ ρ T Very small The I=2 suppression requires strong σ-ρ cancellation

16 Local duality & FESR “On the average-cancellation" properly defined via Finite Energy Sum Rules. Regge theory interpretation is:

17 But if σ - ρ behave differently with Nc,
Local duality vs. non-qqbar sigma The I=2 ππ scattering s-channel remains non resonant with Nc. In t-channel suppressed respect to other isospins The Regge parameters don’t depend on Nc. (at LO) The I=2 FESR should be still suppressed for any Nc. σ - ρ cancellation needed for all Nc But if σ - ρ behave differently with Nc, this cancellation does not occur!!

18 ● UChPT and the 1/Nc expansion.
Outline ●Introduction ● UChPT and the 1/Nc expansion. ● FESR and local duality. ● Results

19 For Nc =3, local duality is satisfied.
FESR for Nc = 3. Check with real data First point: Check the FESR suppression for Nc=3 Using real data parametrizations, we have checked: Kaminski, JRP and Yndurain, PRD77:054015,2008 for t = th For Nc =3, local duality is satisfied.

20 For n= 2, 3, this cancellation occurs below 1-1.5 GeV.
FESR and IAM For n= 2, 3, this cancellation occurs below GeV. We can use the IAM to study local duality, but only applies for S0, P and S2 waves We calculate the FESR using the IAM and check the influence of those waves. The influence of higher waves is around 10%. The IAM predicts correctly the FESR suppression. We can use the IAM to study the FERS dependence on Nc

21 T T FESR and Nc. Case with vanishing σ
Local duality implies a σ - ρ cancellation with Nc. However, the σ and ρ mesons show a different Nc behaviour. If we take a case where the σ amplitude vanishes (typically the NLO IAM) the ρ dominates the FESR. T T Vanish with Nc SMALL Local duality spoilt at larger Nc!!

22 FESR and Nc. Case with vanishing σ
At higher Nc The σ amplitude vanishes: there is no σ-ρ cancellation. Local duality fails FESR suppression, checked using a real parametrization. CONFLICT WITH LOCAL DUALITY IF THE SIGMA DISAPPEARS COMPLETELY This is the expected problem

23 FESR and Nc. Case with subdominant quark-antiquark mixture
But if a subleading component for the σ emerges around 1 GeV, As it happens naturally within two-loop ChPT. There is still a cancellation between the σ and ρ amplitudes. The FESR are still suppressed with Nc Local duality is still satisfied

24 FESR and Nc. Case with subdominant quark-antiquark mixture
FESR remain small with Nc. The subleading qqbar σ component at 1 GeV , ensures local duality. LOCAL DUALITY IS SATISFIED with Nc Two loop UChPT solves the problem naturally FESR suppression, checked using a real parametrization

25 Case with subdominant quark-antiquark mixture. Other states
Cancellation occurs only if the subdominant state has a mass below 1.5 GeV Important: a LARGE width when reaching back the real axis around1.2 GeV (FESR are 1/sn suppressed), otherwise no cancellation Most likely this is an ordinary meson component common to other mesons in that region (J.Ruiz de Elvira, F. J. llanes Estrada, JRP in preparation) OTHER mesons or qqbar components in that region are not enough for the cancellation at large Nc. They have a too narrow width for larger Nc

26 Case with subdominant quark-antiquark mixture. Other states
In particular f0(980) effect too small We have also added a crude model of the f2(1275). It contributes a littke to the cancellation, but not enough. The effect of the Subdominant component is larger.

27 Local duality is satisfied.
FESR and Nc: With and without subdominant quark-antiqurk admixture No subdminant component: No FESR suppression With subdominant component FESR suppression Local duality is satisfied. Local duality fails

28 The suppresion continues. It is an stable efffect
We have even extrapolated to (too) large Nc. The cancellation continues The suppresion continues. It is an stable efffect But IAM reliable for Nc < 15 – 30 at most beyond that, just a qualitative model (since QCD weakly interacting for large Nc)

29 Summary Light scalars and particularly the σ seem likely non ordinary quark-antiquark mesons Actually, the 1/Nc expansion within UChPT shows that the σ meson is not predominantly a state, while genrating the correct ρ dependence. All non-qqbar scenarios where the σ completely disapperars from the spectrum pure tetraquark, pure molecule, etc…), suffer CONFLICT WITH LOCAL DUALITY The σ 1/Nc behavior is predominantly that of a non ordinary meson, but a subdominant component with the 1/Nc behavior naturally suggested by two-loop unitarized ChPT ensures that local duality is still satisfied.

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