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Angelology Fallen Angels Part 2.

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1 Angelology Fallen Angels Part 2

2 Possession Demons are most effective when inhabiting a vehicle. It is in the human ______ that the demons intersect the world of mankind. Demons possession was a reality directed addressed in the ministry of Christ. (Mat. 4:24; 12:22; Mark 5:15-18; Luke 8:36; John 10:21) The demons recognized Christ as the Son of God and _________ His command to release the body, though they were loath to do so. (Mark 1:23-28) Demon possession continued ________ the Resurrection of Christ. (Acts 5:16; 8:7; 16:1-18; 19:12) It continues today. The effect of demon possession is ________ but includes physical maladies as well as behavioral issues. Blindness (Matthew 12:22) Muteness (Matthew 9:32,33) Lunacy (Matthew 17:15) Super-human strength (Mark 5:1-4) Divination (Acts 16:16) Immorality (Luke 8:27) Maniacal behavior (Mark 5:2-5) Suicide (Luke 8:33; Mark 9:22)

3 It is reasonable to believe that under the influence of demons people are capable superior ______________, superior performance, and leadership ____________. Some of the most successful and at times most diabolical figures in history have succeeded with power greater than their __________ ability. The burning question for some believers is whether demon possession is __________ in the body of a believer. The wrong answer to that question leaves believers _________ and defeated. The right answer lies in the fact that believers are __________ indwelt by God. (1 Cor. 6:19,20) We are God’s peculiar treasure. (Titus 2:14) The word peculiar means “possessed over and above, that is, specially selected for one’s own; _________ from ordinary laws of distribution.” (1 John 4:1-4) Destiny of Demons Certain demons are already _____________, probably in the abyss, where Satan will be bound for a thousand years during the millennium. (Revelation 20:1-3) The demons in the Gergesenes acknowledged the fact that their judgment was _______. (Mat. 8:29 ) They also feared being consigned to the abyss. (Luke 8:31) Ultimately the demons will be cast into the lake of fire along with the _________. (Mat. 25:41; Rev. 20:10)

4 The Believer’s Response
We must recognize that there are no moral vacuums in this world. No one is ________. The absence of saving grace leaves great vulnerability in people. The demons clearly design the human body as the vehicle of their work of evil. (Luke 11:24-26) There is no Biblical instruction as to __________ in the church age. The only instruction we have is the admonition to the disciples when they failed for the first time to cast out a demon. (Mat. 17:14-21) Believers must absolutely resist ______ connection with the occult regardless of the fascination of worldly people with the macabre. Current culture is saturated with references to witchcraft, necromancy (contacting the dead), zombies (the so-called living dead), fortune telling, tarot cards, astrology, and various manifestations of demonic activity. This all serves to _________ the world the appearance of antichrist and his minister, the False Prophet. The solution to the emptiness of human hearts in our secular world is not Satanism. It is the _________ of Christ! Believers should expect _________ demonic activity as the end of the age approaches.

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