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Emotional Intelligence and Student Success Catherine Andersen Gallaudet University.

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1 Emotional Intelligence and Student Success Catherine Andersen Gallaudet University

2 Emotional Intelligence Defined
“EI is an array of non-cognitive capabilities, competencies, and skills that influence one’s ability to succeed in coping with environmental demands and pressure” (Bar-On, 1998). How we understand and express ourselves How we understand and relate to others How we deal with our emotions and strong impulses How we handle change and solve personal or social problems

3 Emotional Competencies (EQ-i®) MHS 2006
ADAPTABILITY Reality testing Flexibility Problem solving STRESS MANAGEMENT Stress tolerance Impulse control GENERAL MOOD Optimism Happiness INTRAPERSONAL SCALES Self-regard Emotional self-awareness Assertiveness Independence Self-actualization INTERPERSONAL SCALES Empathy Social responsibility Interpersonal relationship

4 Why Emotional Intelligence Matters in Higher Education
Infusing emotional intelligence into university settings can: Increase student retention Enhance personal development Address learning outcomes Foster leadership skills Improve interpersonal relationships

5 Some recent Findings Examining the Impact of EQ on Student Success
Higher achieving students demonstrated higher Total EQ, Intrapersonal Skills, Stress Tolerance and Adaptability Students who are anxious or depressed get lower grades/lower achievement scores Students who can delay gratification earn better grades and have an average of 210 more points on their SAT tests Students who respond to setbacks with hope and resilience vs. anger and hopelessness achieve higher academic and social success Low levels of empathy are associated with poor achievement Resiliency training can improve the resiliency of students

6 Connecting Emotional Intelligence to Liberal Education
Interpersonal & Intrapersonal Competence Realistic self-appraisal and self understanding Persistence and Academic Achievement Manage college experience to achieve academic and personal success Practical Competence Effective communication: capacity to manage one’s affairs From Transformative Liberal Education Learning Reconsidered - A Campus-Wide Focus On the Student Experience (ACPA and NASPA 2004)

7 Connecting Emotional Intelligence to Liberal Education
The Empowered Learner Communicates effectively Has the ability to manage change Works within diverse groups The Informed Learner Understands the human imagination, expression, and the products of many cultures The Responsible Learner Has deep understanding of one’s self and respect for the complex identities of others, their histories and their cultures. From Greater Expectations: A New Vision for Learning as a National Goes to College (AAC&U 2002)

8 Expanding your view… you are not limited to the classroom
Orientation groups Class Academic Advising Students on Academic Probation Department Team Institution Service Unit Wellness Housing Office of Students with Disabilities Judicial Affairs Campus Activities

9 Emotional Intelligence and Group Work
Working in groups (large or small) is a critical skill for workers of the 21st century. Working in groups may be the single most effective activity way to address the wide range of emotional intelligence skills. Working in groups can easily be infused in all aspects of campus life.

10 Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
What makes a successful leader? Vision Relationship building People development Self awareness Empathy Adaptability (Rollin, Brown, Richmond Leaders Speak Out on Emotional Intelligence 2005)

11 Applications are limitless
Common readings Films Literature Cultural issues Diversity Religion Gender Identity Case studies-your text Service Learning Campus events Current events Clubs, sports, organizations Code of conduct Student concerns Drugs and alcohol Dating Making friends Time management

12 Focus on Four Approaches: Purposeful Connections to EQ
Goal Setting Writing Journal Formal writing Discussion Debate Reponses to activities, events, current events or readings Activities Continuum Bulls Eye Empty Chair Envelope Self Portrait Films, TV, Theater, Literature –Character analysis

13 Goal Setting Activities
Helps students to connect to EQ skills college success? Helps students identify strengths and challenges? Helps students to identify skill(s) they would like to work on and why? Helps students to identify practical steps to take to achieve their goal? Helps students to monitor progress towards goal(s)?

14 Journal Writing Establishes relationships and builds trust between student and instructor/leader (interpersonal) Helps students engage with text and connect readings to self (intrapersonal) Enhances personal growth through ongoing dialogue (total EQ) Helps students connect personal experiences to goals (intra/interpersonal) Builds self confidence through writing (self regard)

15 Formal Writing Examples:
Examine the character of one of the doctors in The Pact. Choose two EQ competencies that changed (was enhanced) from from the time his character was first introduced until he became a doctor. What accounted for this change? Choose a character from the Wizard of Oz and describe in EQ terms why that character is most like you. What are the character’s strengths and what areas could be improved?

16 Discussion Examples: Discuss which EQ skills one needs to win on the T.V. show Survivor? Are these skills that would help a student succeed in college? Given the character/role you are assigned, (from a reading, performance, etc.) argue for why the character needs to develop a particular EQ skill. In Tuesdays with Morrie, which EQ skills did Mitch develop, and how? Give evidence.

17 Activities -The Continuum
Goal: Belonging EQ Skills: Reality testing, self-regard, assertiveness, emotional self awareness, self-actualization, interpersonal relationships Identify one side of the room as one pole (I feel very connected to the university). The other side as the opposite pole (I feel completely isolated at this university). Ask group members to take a position that best represents their response. Ask each member individually to explain why he/she chose the position. Follow up discussion: What enables individuals to comfortably and honestly place themselves on the continuum?

18 Activities-The Bull’s Eye
EQ skills: reality testing, problem solving, self-actualization The center of the bull’s eye represents success in achieving a goal. For example, “I will pass all of my classes.” Steps: Ask group members to put their names on or outside the bull’s eye to represent their level of success in achieving the goal. Ask each individual: to explain her/his choice of placement to explain her/his satisfaction with the placement to explain what she/he needs to do to move to a more desirable placement To reflect in writing about the experience

19 Additional Activities
Envelope –write yourself a letter at the beginning and end of the semester Self Portrait –draw a picture of yourself at the beginning and end of the semester Films, TV, Theater, Literature – any character analysis

20 How do we know this works?
All first year students were divided into two groups. Half received an EQ-I enhanced curriculum.. Post test results indicated students in the EQ enhanced sections had significantly higher (p<.05) General Mood. Two additional EQ factors approached significance: Interpersonal Skills and Total EQ-i. While not statistically significant, students in enhanced sections had higher FYS course grades and semester GPAs. Students in enhanced sections were less likely to be on academic probation Student narrative supported the results

21 Emotional Intelligence & Assessment
Connect targeted emotional intelligence skills and any of the following: GPA Self awareness Sense of belonging Increase in community involvement Class attendance Group productivity Number of incident reports Course grades Retention NSSE data and other Benchmarking Data

22 Resources Bar-On, R. (1997). BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory: Technical manual. Toronto: Multi-Health Systems. Bar-On, R. (2002). BarOn Emotional Quotient Short Form (EQ-i:Short): Technical manual. Toronto: Multi-Health Systems. Donald, D.E., Seay, S., & Bushko, A. (2004) Measuring undergraduate hardiness as an indicator of persistence for graduation within four years. Best Practices for Access and Retention in Higher Education (pp ). Jaeger, A. J. (2003). Job competencies and the curriculum: An inquiry into emotional intelligence in graduate professional education. Research in Higher Education, 44(6), Multihealth Systems (2005) Mayer, J. D., Salovey, P., & Caruso, D. (2000). Emotional intelligence as Zeitgeist, as personality, and as a mental ability. In R. Bar-On & J. D. A. Parker (Eds.). The handbook of emotional intelligence (pp ). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Parker, J. D. A., Duffy, J., Wood, L. M., Bond, B. J., & Hogan, M. J. Academic achievement and emotional intelligence: Predicting the successful transition from high school to university. Journal of First-Year Experience and Students in Transition. Vol. 17.(1) 2005. Parker, J. D. A., Summerfeldt, L. J., Hogan, M. J., & Majeski, S. A. (2004). Emotional intelligence and academic success: Examining the transition from high school to university. Personality and Individual Differences, 36, 163–172.

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