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Scientific Method Section 2.

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1 Scientific Method Section 2

2 What are Scientific Methods
Scientific methods are a series of steps followed to solve a problem Way scientists follow steps Steps are the same; but the order may be different May use all the steps May use some of the steps May repeat steps Order depends on what works best to answer the question

3 No matter what the question is, scientists are always:
Curious about the natural world Use scientific method to solve problem

4 Steps of the Scientific Method

5 Ask a Question Questions are formed from observations
Using the senses Accurate observations include Measurements Length Volume Time speed Behavior patterns Observations need to be accurately made and recorded

6 Form a hypothesis A hypothesis is a possible explanation to a question
Based on observations of the known world Can be tested Testable hypothesis means an experiment can be designed to prove it Untested hypothesis means there is not an experiment to test it It may not be wrong; just not supported or disproved

7 Predictions A prediction is a statement of cause and effect that can be used to set up a hypothesis If – then format Can have more than one predictions

8 Test Hypothesis Scientists design experiments to show one factor caused an outcome Controlled experiment tests one factor at a time Control – factors kept the same Variable- one thing that is changed

9 Designing Experiment Collecting Data Requires planning
Every factor needs to be considered Collecting Data Include observations and record keeping Scientists try to test many individuals More individuals = more certain data Differences in data is from change in variables Repeat experiments to support conclusions

10 Analyze Data After the experiment, scientists must organize their results Into graphs Or tables/charts Easier to interpret and make comparisons

11 Draw Conclusions At the end of the experiment, a conclusion must be made Decide whether the results support the hypothesis Answers may lead to other questions or experiments Need more information Asks a new question

12 Communicate Results Scientists are a global community
Communicate by writing a paper, making a presentation, or website Must communicate results to others so they can Repeat to see if they got the same results Information used may explain or disprove previous science

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