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Welcome to Keele University

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1 Welcome to Keele University
Year 1 Induction September 2018 Paul Horrocks What is a Keele Research Degree Student?

2 What is a Keele Research Degree Student?
….students that share the same qualities? The key qualities of the completed doctoral researcher should be; a capacity for original and autonomous thinking, an ability to command a field of knowledge, research skills - the ability to frame and explore research questions - the ability to frame and test a hypothesis - the ability to manage a project - an understanding of the appropriate research methods - the ability to produce a cogent argument - to engage in critical thinking an ability to communicate at a high level. AHRC Working Group on doctoral studies

3 What is a Keele Research Degree Student?
….students that share the same objective?

4 What is a Keele Research Degree Student?
….students that share the same objective (PhD)? The creation and interpretation of new knowledge, through original research or other advanced scholarship and/or creative practice, of a quality to satisfy peer review, extend the forefront of the discipline, and merit publication; A systematic acquisition and understanding of a substantial body of knowledge which is at the forefront of an academic discipline or area of professional or creative practice; The general ability to conceptualise, design and implement a project for the generation of new knowledge, applications or understanding at the forefront of the discipline, and to adjust the project design in the light of unforeseen problems; A detailed understanding of the applicable techniques for research and advanced academic enquiry.

5 What is a Keele Research Degree Student?
….students that share the same objective (MPhil)? A systematic understanding of knowledge, and a critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, much of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of their academic discipline, field of study or area of professional or creative practice; A comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to their own research or advanced scholarship; Originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in the discipline; Conceptual understanding that enables the student: to evaluate critically current research and advanced scholarship in the discipline; to evaluate methodologies and develop critiques of them and, where appropriate, to propose new hypotheses.

6 What is a Keele Research Degree Student?
….students that share the concerns?

7 Your supervisor……..and co-supervisors
What is a Keele Research Degree Student? ….students that share the same support? Your supervisor……..and co-supervisors

8 What are the responsibilities of your supervisors?

9 Mainly, but not limited to…….
An expert in your subject area (but perhaps not your topic)…. Someone who will regularly meet you….. Someone who will provide you with feedback….. …advise and support….. …and who is your FIRST link to the University Section 6.2 in PGR CoP

10 They are not……. Someone who is your teacher – this is not a taught degree…. Someone who will prepare your thesis…..these are your ideas and data.. ..they are not your editor….. …nor are they your parents or best friend….. See them as a professional mentor

11 What are your responsibilities?

12 Mainly, but not limited to…….
…maintaining regular contact with your supervisor.. …providing regular updates on your research.. …keeping to agreed timetables.. …and communicating appropriately (we don’t, as a rule, use SNAPCHAT).. …taking ownership of your work and your personal and professional development. Section 6.2 in PGR CoP

13 Integrity Competence Predictability Benevolence
This is an important relationship. And like all relationships, they have good spells and difficult spells – but they only work when you work at them! Factors that both sides contribute to a successful student-supervisor relationship Integrity Competence Predictability Benevolence There are courses available to support you working with your supervisor

14 Postgraduate Research Director
Keele Library Services and Courses Postgraduate Research Director Keele Academic Development Team Keele Postgraduate Association SU services (ASK) Counselling Services Disability Support International Support team English Language Centre School PGR coordinator Your PGR peers and a rep Faculty staff

15 Keele Academic Development Team
Remember: you are a Researcher as well as a PGR student – there are a wide array of courses available for you. October 30th: How to work with your PhD supervisor October 31st: How to plan your first year

16 Moving forward from here…today…
Edward Smith and Rachel Westwood PGR Milestones – the milestones up to the Annual Progress Review 1 (FT take 1 year, PT take 2 year) and what we expect from you to help with monitoring of your progress An introduction to the ePDLP - the online Professional Development Learning Plan Courses available to you to support your PGR studies Student Services to explain the support available Take some time to meet and greet your peers, you are all in the same boat!

17 Moving forward from here…for the rest of the week…
You will have Faculty or Research Institute inductions to attend These will be led by your Postgraduate Research Directors Here, information on more discipline specific training and local support will be provided Why not start that conversation with your supervisor? How often shall we meet, what can I do for our first meeting, shall we plan out the first three month’s activities, where else can I get this information…? Read the Code of Practice or perhaps book a course?

18 And whilst I have your attention…
If you teach or demonstrate during your PGR studies, you could do some additional training and consider making an application to the Higher Education academy for an Associate Fellowship. These accreditation schemes offer to the opportunity to demonstrate engagement in teaching and learning to future employers In February 2019 we will ask you to take part in a national survey called PRES This is a really important part of us understanding your experiences at Keele and information that feeds into how we work to improve it.

19 Welcome to Keele University
There are some 600+ postgraduate research students at Keele University….. ….. but only one like you. This is the start of an exciting adventure…. …you are not alone….

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