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Get out a half sheet of paper

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1 Get out a half sheet of paper
Bell Work Get out your notes Get out a half sheet of paper

2 Creating the Constitution

3 The Constitutional Convention
Goal was to fix the Articles of Confederation Held in Philadelphia, PA All states except Rhode Island sent delegates Delegate – Person representing interests 74 delegates were appointed but only 55 showed up Began on May 25, 1787

4 The Framers Framers – Name given to the delegates that attended
Average age: 42 George Washington was unanimously elected as leader James Madison – Known as the ‘Father of the Constitution’. Arrived with a general outline for the Constitution

5 Key Agreements All of the delegates agreed to 5 basic principles at the beginning of the convention Popular Sovereignty Limited Government Representative Government Separation of Powers Checks and Balances

6 Virginia Plan Big State Plan Bicameral Legislature
Representation based upon population or $$ given to central gov’t Congress chooses President and Judiciary

7 New Jersey Plan Small State Plan
Unicameral Congress with equal representation Federal executive of more than one person chosen by Congress Executive office chooses judiciary

8 Connecticut Compromise
Bicameral legislature House of Representatives – Based on population Senate – Equal Representation People choose the President President chooses the judiciary.

9 Connecticut Compromise
Quick Write: Which side do you feel received the best outcome from the Connecticut Compromise, the large states or the small states? Why?

10 Three-Fifths Compromise
Argument over how slaves would be counted for apportionment of representatives in the house North didn’t want slaves counted, the south did Compromise was to count 3/5ths of the slave population toward apportionment

11 Three-Fifths Compromise
Quick Write: How did the South benefit from the Three-Fifths Compromise? How did it hurt them?

12 Slave Trade Compromise
The delegates from the north wanted the ability to regulate commerce The south feared that the power to regulate commerce would hurt slavery The compromise was to prevent any action on slavery until 1808

13 Slave Trade Compromise
Quick Write: Why do you think that the delegates banned the Congress from acting on the slave trade until 1808, 20 years later?

14 Wrap Up Question What is the purpose of compromises? Why was there a need for the delegates to reach compromises instead of one side winning? Answer in one 6-8 sentence paragraph

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