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Onslow County Schools Science Fair and Engineering Fair

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Presentation on theme: "Onslow County Schools Science Fair and Engineering Fair"— Presentation transcript:

1 Onslow County Schools 2016-17 Science Fair and Engineering Fair

2 Elementary Science Fair
The Richlands Primary School Science & Engineering Fair will be held Tuesday, December 6.  Students will complete at the school level and the top ten students from our school will progress to display their projects at the county level Science & Engineering Science Fair on December .  (numbers are subject to change based on level of participation)

3 Required for All Projects
Question or problem being addressed Hypothesis/Engineering Goals Experiment Steps Conclusion and Explanation of Why Science Journal (record of evidence) Research Plan

4 Research Plan Provide a typed research plan and attach to Student Checklist 1A. Please include your name on each page. The Research Plan is done prior to experimentation. The research plan for ALL projects is to include the following: Question or Problem being addressed Goals/Expected Outcomes/Hypothesis Description in detail of method or procedures Procedures: Detail of procedures and experimental design to be used for data collection Data Analysis: Describe the procedures you will use to analyze the data/results that answer research questions or hypothesis Bibliography: List at least 3 major references(e.g. science journal articles, books, internet sites) from your literature review.

5 Science Fair Projects

6 Steps to Finalizing a Student Project
For the Science Fair Complete Research Plan Begin Experiment Analyze Results Draw Conclusions Present Finds

7 Begin the experiment An experiment is a test you plan to find the answer to a question. This is something your child should be able to do by themselves or with a little help from an adult. It should never harm your child, another person, or any animal. Be sure you have enough time! Make sure the experiment has little variables and that it is fair!

8 Analyze Results After experiments, examine and organize findings
Use graphs to show data Identify patterns in data Look for experimental error and where they could occur.

9 Draw Conclusions After the experiment generate a graph to show your data. You can use pictures in addition to the graph as well. The conclusion may prove that the hypothesis is incorrect, but that is okay! The important thing is that you made a discovery! Now research to explain why something happened the way it did

10 Present Findings Explain what happened from beginning, middle, to end in your science journal. Prepare a display board that shows everything you did! Record observational data (what you noticed with your eyes) too! Present your project to the school!

11 Display Boards Size: Depth (front to back): 30 inches or 76 centimeters Width (side to side): 48 inches or 122 centimeters Height (floor to top): 108 inches or 274 centimeters Not allowed on project: living/dead organisms, including plants Soil, sand, rock, and/or waste samples, even if permanently encased in a slab of acrylic sharp objects water glass chemicals taxidermy specimens or parts preserved vertebrate or invertebrate animals human or animal food human/animal parts or body fluids (for example, blood, urine) hazardous substances or devices

12 Display Boards - continued
Photographs/images must be cited; labeled with credits for photographer/creator and permission of subjects other than student Graphs/charts must be cited; labeled with credit for person who made/generated Pictures off web must be cited Abstract is not posted on display board, but is displayed vertically Data/log books along in front of display

13 Resources Science Buddies: information for students, teachers, and parents Science Project Ideas, information and support for Science Fair: Science Fair Projects - Project Ideas Demonstrations and Instructions: ISEF Science Primer: Agricultural Ideas for Science Fair Projects: Cool Science Fair Project Ideas and Science Fair Projects: Nexus Research Group - Science Fair Main page: Science Projects: Research Project Ideas: Applying Science to Sustainability: Neuroscience For Kids - science fairs:

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