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Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope

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1 Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope
Associating CalMip and Track Variables Stefano Germani Monica Pepe INFN Perugia Instrument Analysis Meeting December 16, 2005

2 All plots refer to following cuts
Outlook The second part of the study concerns Mip reconstructed directions consistency check correlation with the Mip segment length comparison to the Track directions All plots refer to following cuts TkrNumTracks = 1 CalMipNum > 0

3 CalMip Position On Axis events have more homogeneous
TkrNumTracks=1 CalMipNum > 0 On Axis Events VtxZDir< (25.8 deg) All 1 Track Events CalMip1Pos(Y) CalMip1Pos(Y) CalMip1Pos(X) CalMip1Pos(X) On Axis events have more homogeneous CalMip1Pos distribution

4 Mip direction and segment length
CalMip1Dir(Z) TkrNumTracks=1 CalMipNum > 0 Try to understand the meaning of second peak in the next slides CalMip1ArcLen Cal thickness ~160 mm (8×1Layer = 8×20 mm) CAL thickness At least 3 layers mm

5 CalMip1Dir(Z) vs CalMip1ArcLen (I)
TkrNumTracks=1 CalMipNum > 0 Mip Finder requires: XtalEnergy > 8 MeV NLayers >= 3 CalMip1Dir(Z) CalMip1ArcLen (mm) The plot structure reflects the number of CAL layers crossed by the MIP (see next slide)

6 CalMip1Dir(Z) vs CalMip1ArcLen (II)
TkrNumTracks=1 CalMipNum > 0 Energy deposition > 8 MeV in 8 Layers MIP Mip Finder requires: XtalEnergy > 8 MeV NLayers >= 3 mm MIP Energy deposition > 8 MeV in only 6 Layers mm

7 Investigating long Mip segments
Energy deposition > 8 MeV in Layers 07 TkrNumTracks=1 CalMipNum > 0 All Events CalMip1Dir(z) -.88 <CalMip1Dir/z) <- .78 28° ° CalMip1Dir(z) > -.78 Selected Region CalMip1ArcLen (mm) All Events CalMip1ArcLen (mm) 28° 39° We understand correlation between Mip direction and arc length but Why so many “green” MIPs? CalMip1Dir(z)

8 Look at MIP segment direction
TkrNumTracks=1 CalMipNum > 0 CalMip1Dir(X) CalMip1Dir(Y) vs CalMip1Dir(X) CalMip1Dir(Y) On Axis Tracks CalMip1Dir(Z) second peak Fred please cross check!

9 Correlating CAL and Track
CAL: CalMip1Dir(X,Y,Z) Track: Vtx(X,Y,Z)Dir TkrNumTracks=1 CalMipNum > 0 X Dir Z Dir CAL CAL Track Y Dir Track CAL MIP finder well correlated to reconstructed track but………. Track

10 CalMip1Dir vs Tkr1EndDir
VtxZDir Tkr1EndDir(2) CAL: CalMip1Dir(X,Y,Z) Track: Tkr1EndDir(X,Y,Z) X Dir CAL Track Z Dir CAL Beware of different orientation for initial (Vtx) and final (Tkr) Track direction Track

11 Conclusions Mip direction is well correlated to Track direction as expected We have still to understand better the peaks in the Mip Direction distributions (X,Y,Z) maybe they reflect the Cal Layer geometry ?

12 Summary of CalMip SVAC variables
We are waiting for real data!! Analyzed CalMipNum CalMipnPos(3) n=1,2 CalMipnDir(3) CalMipnChi2 CalMipnArcLen CalMipnEcor CalMipnErm Not yet checked CalMipnD2edge CalMipnEcorRms Thanks Frederic for useful explanations !!

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