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Genetics Topic 17.

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1 Genetics Topic 17

2 Chromosome Polymer Gene Heredity DNA Ribosome RNA Transcription
Vocabulary: Chromosome Polymer Gene Heredity DNA Ribosome RNA Transcription Nucleotide Translation Gamete

3 Can you roll your tongue?
Do you have a widows peak? Clasp your hands. Is the right or left thumb on top? Do you have dimples? Do you have a hitchhikers thumb?

4 Genetics The study of heredity
Heredity- transfer of genes from parents to offspring

5 Gregor Mendel “Father of Genetics” 1800’s
Studied heredity in pea plants

6 100 Greatest Discoveries: Genetics: http://science. discovery

7 Which type of reproduction leads to more variation?

8 Reproduction Genetic material is passed to the next generation

9 DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid Contains all genetic information
Located in Nucleus

10 Gene Small section of DNA Codes for a specific trait

11 Chromosome Contains several genes

12 Gene Chromosome Theory

13 Chromosomes

14 DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid Organic Molecule Double stranded

15 Structure of DNA Shape = Double Helix or “twisted ladder”
Discovered 1953 Watson & Crick made first model

16 Watson & Crick

17 Franklin & Wilkins

18 Structure of DNA Polymer- long chain of repeating nucleotides

19 Nucleotide Contains: Phosphate group Deoxyribose (sugar)
Nitrogenous bases (Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine & Guanine)

20 Draw this diagram!!!!!! Phosphate Nitrogenous Base Deoxyribose

21 The Structure of DNA:

22 Complementary Bases Adenine (A) ONLY pairs with Thymine (T)
Cytosine (C) ONLY pairs with Guanine (G) A-T C-G

23 If you know the bases on one strand of DNA, you can determine the other strand

24 DNA Replication DNA makes a copy of itself before MITOSIS

25 DNA Replication DNA unwinds DNA unzips
Strands from original DNA called Template Strands New bases pair with template strands


27 Replication Results Each new DNA contains one template strand and one new strand

28 Mutations Change in the sequence of bases. Changes the genetic code.

29 Original DNA Template:
Types of Mutations Original DNA Template: CACCGTATTA Substitution: one base for another CACCTTATTA Deletion: missing a base CACCG_ATTA Addition: adding a base CACCGTAATTA Inversion: bases are rearranged CACCTAGTTA

30 Mutations

31 What causes mutations? Exposure to radiation Exposure to chemicals
Nuclear, UV, x-rays Exposure to chemicals Nicotine, asbestos

32 When are mutations passed on?
Mutations which occur in the sex cells will be passed on to offspring.


34 DNA RNA Double Stranded Sugar- Deoxyribose Thymine (T)
Too big to leave nucleus Single Stranded Sugar- Ribose Uracil (U) Small enough to leave nucleus

35 3 Types of RNA Messenger (mRNA) Transfer (tRNA) Ribosomal (rRNA)

36 mRNA Only 1 gene long! Made during a process called TRANSCRIPTION

37 Making mRNA DNA template needed RNA polymerase (enzyme) unwinds DNA
mRNA forms from complementary bases


39 More Transcription

40 mRNA’s Job Carry the code for building proteins from the nucleus to the ribosome.

41 Ribosome Site of TRANSLATION
Using the mRNA sequence to build a protein

42 Codon 3 base codes Code for a specific amino acid
Amino acids make proteins! AUC GAC UAG CUA

43 tRNA Reads the mRNA codons
Anticodon part of the tRNA that reads the codon Translates (tells) which amino acid is needed

44 tRNA

45 Building a Protein

46 When a STOP codon is reached the protein is complete

47 Codon Chart



50 Selective Breeding Choosing which animals or plants should be breed
Creates offspring with desirable traits

51 Brahman cattle: Good resistance to heat but poor beef.
English shorthorn cattle: Good beef but poor heat resistance. Santa Gertrudis cattle: Formed by crossing Brahman and English shorthorns; has good heat resistance and beef.

52 Lion + Tiger = LIGER

53 Labrador + Poodle= LABRADOODLE

54 Genetic Engineering Recombinant DNA
Cut or copy a section of DNA with an enzyme Add that gene to the DNA of another organism Organism will express traits from the new gene



57 Cloning

58 Steps of Cloning Take a parent cell nucleus & remove it
Take an egg cell from a female and remove the nucleus Take the nucleus from the parent cell and put it into the egg cell Implant the egg cell into a female for development

59 Cloning of Dolly

60 Mapping Genes If we know what each gene does, we can see what diseases or disorders we may have.

61 Human Genome Project Began 1990
Goal: understand what every gene in human body does



64 Gene Therapy “Bad” genes can be replaced with “good” genes

65 DNA Fingerprinting



68 DNA & Protein Synthesis Activity: http://www. pbs
Create a DNA Fingerprint Activity (Parts 1-3):

69 Karyotype Picture of chromosomes
Can be used to diagnose genetic disorders

70 Normal Male

71 Female- Trisomy 21

72 Genetic Counseling Family history of genetic disorders
What are the chances that the disorder will be passed on?

73 Gene Expression Environmental factors can turn genes on or off.

74 Himalayan Rabbit

75 Mutations

76 Genetic Disorders Mutations, incorrect DNA sequences, can be passed to offspring only if they occur in the gametes!

77 Osteogenesis Imperfecta (fragile bones)

78 Color Blindness

79 Albinism

80 Polydactyly

81 Dwarfism

82 Images

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