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Stockport Work and Skills Commission

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Presentation on theme: "Stockport Work and Skills Commission"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stockport Work and Skills Commission
Workforce Workshop 27th January 2018 The Alma Lodge Welcome. Paul Holme, independent chair of the commission

2 Today’s workshop Introduction and domestic arrangements.
Stockport Work and Skills Commission -process and next steps. Background context: - Stockport's Inclusive Growth Strategy. - Economic and social. Work and skills. Table discussion (1) and feedback Plenary. Table discussion (2) and feedback. Plenary. Closure of workshop and next steps.

3 Introductions and domestics
Thank you for attending today and giving your time to contribute. No fire drill expected, if we need to leave the building, go out through the fire exits and gather on the car park. Toilets. Please help yourself to drinks. Lunch will be available from 12.30pm.

4 Stockport Work and Skills Commission -process and next steps
Today is one of four workshops for different groups. With an online survey enabling anyone to comment and contribute . Leading to a full day Commission event on 8 March. Published report, priorities and action plan. A new Stockport Work and Skills Board will progress the work and actions from May 2018 onwards.

5 Background context - Stockport's Inclusive Growth Strategy
Our vision: ‘We believe that we can foster economic growth in a more inclusive way so that all communities enjoy good life chances, and, the benefits of growth in terms of jobs, prosperity and access to public services, are distributed to best meet the needs of Stockport residents both now and in the future.’ This work links to other work being done by Stockport Council including new developments to create more jobs and insight work that is looking at people’s experiences through the use of community reporters. The reporters will be joining us at lunchtime and will invite you to take part should you wish to do so.

6 Background context; Economic and Social
Diverse and successful local economy. High proportion of professional and managerial occupations. Productivity levels above North west average. Good mix of large and micro businesses. Average house prices above North West and Greater Manchester. Two way commuting flow into Manchester. But - Not everyone has benefited.

7 Background context; Work and skills
Employment and economic activity rates above North West and UK averages. Low levels of unemployment relative to Greater Manchester and North West. Qualifications at level 4 and above exceed UK average. Average wage levels exceed  Greater Manchester and North West levels. Achievement levels at 16 above the levels for English schools. But - Not everyone has benefited.

8 Table discussion 1 Facilitated discussion with all contributions recorded and 3 key issues reported back. Points for discussion: -1) From the perspective of an adult worker (employee seeking progression with their existing employer, employee seeking progression with another employer, perspective employee seeking a job) what do think are the issues impacting on your ability to access or progress in employment? -2) What issues do we need to consider if we are to deliver a successful inclusive growth agenda for Stockport?

9 Plenary - feedback and discussion

10 Table discussion (2) Proposed solutions to issues identified in Table discussion (1). 1 – issues with recruitment processes; 2 – relevance of qualifications and skills; 3 – in work issues; 4 – progression to a different employer Facilitated discussion with all contributions recorded and 3 key issues reported back.

11 Table discussion (2) Plenary feedback and discussion. 

12 Closure of workshop and next steps
Thank you again for your attendance and your contribution. Please complete your evaluation form. Please enjoy your lunch.

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