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Eschatology The Millennium Part 1.

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1 Eschatology The Millennium Part 1

2 Differences about the Second Coming that Impact Understanding of the Millennium
Premillennialism – Christ will return before the Millennium Postmillennialism – Christ will come at the end of the Millennium Amillennialism – Dismisses the millennium as a symbol. Time will end with a general resurrection and a general judgment. The Definition The word “millennium” does not appear in Scripture. What does appear are ______ references to a period of 1,000 years, all in the Revelation 20. It is very poor __________ to take 2 Peter 3:8 out of its context to explain away the six references in Revelation 20. The context of that passage is a description of the character and being of God. He is ____________ because He is eternal. He is not bound to constraints of time as are men. That truth was given as a comfort and instruction while prophesying the ________ judgment upon the physical globe of the earth. It is a misapplication to suggest that God __________ time according to what is suggested as a formula.

3 The Expectation The Description
Significant _________ are described as transpiring before and after the 1,000 year period. A _________ reign of Christ on the earth for 1,000 years is the only thing Rev. 20 can possibly mean. The Expectation Because of the _________ nature, men cannot achieve the most noble of aspirations. Hopes for peace and safety ________ from the presence of power of God are misplaced hopes. The history of the planet mitigates __________ that hope. Not only was the reality of the millennium _____________ held by the church until Augustine in the fourth century, it was also embraced by the _______ themselves. They expected Messiah to fulfill the David Covenant. The Description The kingdom of heaven – Mat. 6:10 The kingdom of God – Luke 19:11 The kingdom of Christ – Rev. 11:15 The regeneration – Mat. 19:28 The last day – John 6:40

4 The Characteristics The times of restitution – Acts 3:18-24
The times of refreshing – Acts 3:19 The fullness of times – Eph. 1:10 The world to come – Heb. 2:5 The Characteristics There is nothing in human _____________ comparable to the significant changes that will transpire in the Millennium. There will be changes in the ___________, at least in Palestine (Zech. 14;8-10; Eze. 47:8-10) Dramatic changes will transpire during the Tribulation Period with ______________ earthquakes and other natural disasters. There will be a histrionic change in the __________ structure of the world. From the malevolent reign of _____________, the world will come under the _____________ rule of Jesus Christ. Israel will have turned to Christ whom they had previously rejected. (Zec. 12:10-14) The battle of Armageddon and the Judgement of the nations will purge ______________ from the globe. Initially the _________ population of the world will be saved. (Zech. 12:9)

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