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Maintaining Unmaintainable Systems

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1 Maintaining Unmaintainable Systems
Jim Van Laak SAE Aerospace Standards Summit 10/3/2018

2 The Challenge Robotic systems are becoming ubiquitous
Well suited to hostile and distant locations Once deployed, maintenance is difficult or impossible Three potential paths: Make systems inexpensive and expendable Achieve extreme levels of reliability System self-recovery (including maintenance)

3 Option 1: Inexpensive and Expendable
Space systems tend to be expensive High performance, low mass, low margin Significant launch and support costs (operations and engineering) Systems can be made less expensive More COTS elements, commercial manufacturing and processing BUT potential for reduced reliability is real Goal is to find sweet spot for reliability, performance, and cost Faster-Better-Cheaper was an honest attempt to do this Poor results due mainly to poor individual decisions

4 Option 2: Achieve Extreme Reliability
Reliability is difficult to guarantee in space systems Quantities are very low so statistics are not helpful Many environments have large unknowns, opening door to design failures Cost/benefit ratio for quality is asymptotic The easy part has already been done Most modern products have excellent reliability within design envelope Consequences of failure for space systems can be severe

5 Unintended Consequences
Extreme reliability comes at extreme cost Betting on perfection Creates vicious cycle: cost – criticality – perfection – more cost Example: Space Shuttle lack of crew escape system Operations must make perfect decisions Such perfection is difficult to maintain over time Conservative decisions reduce system performance Over-confidence becomes a major force in decision process

6 Option 3: Self-recovery
Diagnostics First step is knowing what is going on System architecture Robust design for inherent reliability and graceful degradation Autonomy Reduce support costs and time criticality Introduces significant risk – only as smart as human designers Robotics Limited scope High system impact for access and compatibility Significant probability of error (K-factors)

7 Summary Achieving high reliability in unmanned systems is very challenging Maintenance can contribute but is not a panacea System architecture is key For More Information:

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