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Benefitting From Utility Coordination

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Presentation on theme: "Benefitting From Utility Coordination"— Presentation transcript:

1 Benefitting From Utility Coordination
Chris Ciriello Envista

2 The Problem

3 Typical Ecosystem Municipality
Coordination through Cooperation…there is only one Right of Way and you are all there Municipality Gas Utility Electric Utility Telecom Utility State DOT Reclaimed Water Sewer Utility Water Utility

4 Typical Ecosystem Municipality
Coordination through Cooperation…there is only one Right of Way and you are all there Municipality Electric Utility Gas Utility State DOT Telecom Utility Sewer Utility Water Utility

5 Municipalities and Transportation Agencies
Common Problems Municipalities and Transportation Agencies Utilities are tearing up our streets. Streets that should last 30 years last 15. Our only resort is to put street cut moratoriums on newly paved streets for 5 or even 10 years. Our projects are routinely held up waiting for utility companies to finish their portion of the project. We don’t believe the utilities want to play ball on this – why would they? Utilities Digging up new streets it makes us look bad. It is not good for anybody. Street cut moratoriums cost us huge dollars since we can’t get to new customers or replace pipes until the moratorium ends. We spend many days trying to chase down construction plans from the munis, but we have a 30% - 40% success rate. We don’t believe the munis will play ball on this – why would they?

6 Why Are Utilities Interested?
Massive Infrastructure Replacement Programs Underway Gas – Bare Steel & Cast Iron Replacement programs Water – Lead Pipe Replacement and Relining Sewer Separation Projects One System for Entire Service Area Significant Cost due to: Moratoriums/Protected Streets AGA estimates $3 Billion annual cost due to municipality restrictions Degradation Fees 3rd Party Damage Protect existing infrastructure Ability to see encroaching utilities work

7 Why is this Difficult? Magnitude Timeliness Rate of Change
So many projects to coordinate Timeliness Exchange of information is not real time Rate of Change Information changes are tough to track and to communicate (contacts, dates, locations) Data Jungle (Data-rich information poor) Multiple data formats, different systems, multiple locations, i.e., silos of data Spatial No visual component of all the work

8 Degrees of Coordination
Low Coordination Not at all In someone’s head White board Meetings/phone calls Website Spreadsheets Database/GIS Real time mapped projects for all to see High Coordination

9 What’s the Cost of Doing Nothing?
Burlington VT (Population 38K) $500K/year unnecessary cost attributed to utility cut patching Kansas City (Population 442K) $4.4M damage caused by street cuts to streets resurfaced in last 3 years Cincinnati (Population 331K) 33% service life reduction of streets with cuts Ottawa (Population 865K) 32.4% life cycle reduction over trenched area 7.8 % life cycle reduction over entire network Boston (Population 589K) 1 street cut shortens roadway life 5 years 3 street cuts shortens roadway life 15 years

10 Significant Cost Due to Lack of Coordination
Multiple interests working in the Right Of Way No means to effectively coordinate and communicate projects Data rich, Information Poor Data Silos are External & Internal Work Orders/ Permits Sewer Utility Gas Utility Roads/ DOT Spatial Data Water Utility

11 Benefits APWA Committees’ compilation of Pavement Degradation studies
Ten cities from 1993 to 2001 9 or more utility cuts reduce useful life of road to 13 years or less

12 Significant Cost Due to Lack of Coordination
Issues caused by lack of Coordination Excessive Street Cuts on State and Municipal Roads Project Delivery Delays Reduced Quality of Roads/Service Traffic Delays/Emissions

13 Benefits Cost escalate if conflicts are not caught early

14 Benefits AASHTO/ Strategic Highway Research Program
Safety, Capacity, Reliability, Renewal Rapid Renewal implies accelerated construction, project delivery, design, and operational & maintenance features that minimize the total project length and produces long lasting facilities “Get In. Get Out. Stay Out.” Collaboration provides immediate return over the current manual, reactive practices San Francisco – 27% reduction in number of street cuts Collaboration provides significant cost savings Palo Alto Water – $100k Savings in Pavement cost (50% of budget) Baltimore & BGE – $1 Million in annual savings each

15 Benefits Third party damage prevention
Reduction of fees for street cuts Avoid paving a location more than once in short time frame “the doubler” Cost of Paving Disturbing residents/ Public relations CO2 emissions Increased available budget for other activities Protect investment in assets

16 Communicate ROW Projects & Impacts
Avoid bad press Customers do not know what you are doing Coordination efforts improve public image Community understands difficulties & related costs Understanding What & Why without asking , Twitter & Facebook Maps on Website

17 Pitfalls to Avoid in Creating Coordination Solution
Ease of Use – Stick to the Basics Allow for Multiple Ways to Enter Data Allow for Mass Importing of Projects Ensure it is Available to Everyone Focus on Your Core Competencies Don’t Focus Success on One Person Stay Flexible with Technology Create Value for Everyone Factor in all Costs # of Users Upgrades Maintenance Hardware/Software People

18 Thank You Chris Ciriello Envista_Chris Envista Corporation EnvistaCorp

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