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Progress in reforming budget elaboration process

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1 Progress in reforming budget elaboration process
Republic of Moldova Ministry of Finance Progress in reforming budget elaboration process Warsaw February 2005


3 Transition Context Severe economic decline
In 2000 GDP represented 35% of 1990 value Public spending fell by 9% GDP during Total public debt exceeded 90% of GDP by 2000 Strong economic recovery since 2000 Budget deficit: -0.1% of GDP (2001), -1.8% of GDP (2002), +0.5% of GDP (2003)

4 Reform of the Budget System
1996 Budget Law consolidated previous reforms formalised budget planning arrangements budget Concept budget planning cycle new budgetary classification But slow progress with budget planning reforms economic crisis and instability - short-term outlook weak macro-fiscal framework weak linkage between policies and budgets unrealistic ministry budgeting

5 2001 - Decision to introduce more strategic approach to budget planning – Introduction of MTEF
2 stage budget planning cycle: MTEF to be prepared prior to budget preparation. Design of MTEF based on international good practice (assisted by WB and other donors)

6 MTEF Objectives Realistic macro-fiscal framework for budgeting
Greater predictability for budget planning Policy-led resource allocation process Multi-year perspective for budget planning Greater transparency and wider participation 1.

7 Main Elements of MTEF in Moldova
Macro-fiscal framework macroeconomic outlook projections of revenue, budget deficit and financing Analysis of cross-cutting budgetary issues implications of EGPRSP for expenditure allocations wagebill analysis inter-governmental finance Sector level analysis and expenditure priorities Strategic expenditure strategies Expenditure plans sector resource ceilings for budget planning

8 Introduction of MTEF Required
Extended budget planning cycle Effective management arrangements Strong stakeholder involvement Capacity building

9 Extended Budget Cycle MTEF – inseparable part of budget cycle
Macro-fiscal framework at centre of budget process Sets out budget parameters and priorities Allows annual updating of expenditure plans Provides for greater stakeholder participation

10 Middle Term Expenditure Framework and Budgetary Cycle

11 Effective Management Arrangements
MTEF Coordination Group chaired by Minister meets regularly during MTEF preparation Technical Working Groups fiscal policy macro-fiscal framework wagebill Sector Working Groups education health social protection MoF Budget Synthesis Department and Sector Divisions Operational coordination Preparation of MTEF document

12 MTEF Organizational Chart
MTEF Coordinating Group Working Group responsible for the macroeconomic framework Analyzes macroeconomic trends and developments Assesses main macroeconomic aggregates Elaborates alternative scenarios Macro policies and budgetary implications Sector Working Group (education, health care and social protection) Sector expenditure strategic plans Assess current situation Review policy objectives State’s role in sector Expenditure programs priority reform actions Implications on public expenditures Identify monitoring and performance indexes Working Group responsible for public resource framework Analyzes revenue trends Revenue policy measures and objectives Assesses and distributes the revenues Financial equalization and financing sources Working Group responsible for public expenditure policies and priorities Cross-cutting expenditure policy issues Analyzes expenditures on main economic categories Identifies key problems and makes recommendations Makes long term assessments Branch expenditure priorities and policies; Revise and analyze the allocations on branches Government policy implications on public expenditures Recommendations for future allocations Incorporate strategic expenditure plans on branches Branch Finance Divisions within the Ministry of Finance Budgetary Synthesis department within the Ministry of Finance

13 Stakeholder Involvement
Membership of MTEF Coordination Group Discussion of MTEF in Government Briefing of Parliamentarians Seminars for Local Government Officials

14 Capacity Building Macro-fiscal forecasting model
Formats and guidelines for sector analysis Seminars and workshops MTEF manual being developed

15 MTEF Experience – Expanding Coverage
State Budget Special Means Donor Projects Local Budgets Social and Health Care Funds State Budget Local Budgets Special Means Social and Health Care Funds Donor Projects Budget Coverage State Budget Local Budgets Special Means Education Health Social Protection Wagebill Analysis Risk Analysis Sector Prioritisation Education Health Education Health Social Protection Scope of Analysis

16 MTEF Experience - Future Challenges
Strengthen linkage between EGPRSP and MTEF affordability of EGPRSP proposals sequencing of updating EGPRSP and MTEF Policy and budgeting capacities in line ministries stronger sector policy frameworks linking policy and budget planning in line ministries More detailed analysis of key budget issues extended process of policy and expenditure reviews spread work throughout year Capacities for budget planning enhanced training programme staff retention issues

17 MTEF Experience - Impact on the Budget Process
On Budget preparation has made budget preparation quicker and easier greater realism in budget proposals On involvement of Government lengthy discussion of MTEF in Government seen as key stage in budget decision-making increasingly referred to by Prime Minister and President On engagement of Parliament MTEF provides context for discussion of annual budget More strategic approach to budget debate in Parliament

18 Thank You!

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