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A Revolutionary Presentation!!

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Presentation on theme: "A Revolutionary Presentation!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Revolutionary Presentation!!
The French revolution A Revolutionary Presentation!!

2 King Louis XV

3 American Revolution

4 King Louis XVI

5 Marie Antoinette

6 Versailles

7 Conditions of the Working Class

8 Weather and Harvest

9 Taxes and Inflation Before After

10 Alexandre de Calonne

11 Jacques Necker

12 Estates General

13 Estates General

14 We demand equality and liberty? The ball is in your court…no really…
Tennis Court Oath We demand equality and liberty? The ball is in your court…no really…

15 Firing of Necker

16 National Assembly POWER

17 Bastille

18 Storming the Bastille

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