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Follow Up Interact with your notes on pg Circle Key Terms

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Presentation on theme: "Follow Up Interact with your notes on pg Circle Key Terms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Follow Up Interact with your notes on pg 7-8 1. Circle Key Terms
2. Highlight Main Ideas 3. Write questions for each box 4. Complete your summary

2 Backdrop to the French Revolution
Workbook pg

3 Essential Question What was life like in France prior to the French Revolution?

4 Early French History France formed around 481 A.D.
Grew in size over the years Bourbon Dynasty begins in 1272 As new provinces were added each had a unique tax and legal structure Most laws favored the clergy and wealthy landowner

5 18th Century French Economy
Nearly all of the 70,000 government offices were purchased Most wealthy elite had tax exemptions Mismanagement of money left France in massive debt Spent money lavishly in order to look financially secure

6 18th Century French Society
France was divided up into 3 Estates 1st Estate: Clergy “Those Who Prayed” Made up of the clergy 1% of the population Controlled about 5-10% of the land

7 18th Century French Society
2nd Estate: Nobles “Those Who Fought” Made up of the nobility About 2-7% of the population Owned 25% of the land Most inherited their titles However, most enjoyed both privileges and wealth ($$$).

8 18th Century French Society
3rd Estate: Commoners/Peasants “Those Who Worked” Made up of the common people About 90-97% of the population Owned about 40-50% of the land INCLUDES: Doctors and lawyers Shopkeepers The urban poor The peasants Bourgeoisie

9 18th Century French Society
Growing discontentment about the state of France Legal System Laws differed by class and by location Tax Structure Poorer citizens could be forces to buy or sell goods at a set price Private agencies were hired to collect taxes Often “shook down” rural peasants Royalty Appeared disconnected from French citizens The Palace at Versailles was created to draw wealthy out of Paris to “fawn” over the King


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