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Configuration Management Fundamentals including Margin Management

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1 Configuration Management Fundamentals including Margin Management
Bill Kline FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) June 11-14, Richmond, VA

2 CM Fundamentals CM Equilibrium Objective of Configuration Management
Margins Using CM to protect Design and Operating Margins CM Process Model Restoring CM Equilibrium Functional Areas Five Functional Areas of CM CM Equilibrium This module describes a well established, widely accepted model of the equilibrium state of Configuration Management in nuclear power plants. CM Process Model This module describes the processes that are used to return a plant to the equilibrium state. Design and Operating Margins This module describes how CM is used to protect design and Operating Margins Functional Areas This module demonstrates how Configuration Management applies to the normal everyday functions performed by most organizations across the site.

3 What is CM Equilibrium? In its simplest terms Configuration Management is what we do to assure ourselves and our regulators that we are doing everything we said we would do. The objective of Configuration Management is the conformance of the three elements represented by the CM Equilibrium Model This same figure is used in the following standards to represent the objective of nuclear power plant Configuration Management. It has been alternatively called the “CM Triangle” and “Three-Ball Model” ANSI / NIRMA CM “Configuration Management of Nuclear Facilities” In 2000, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) adopted this standard on Configuration Management, which was based on TG-19, a technical guideline from the Nuclear Information and Records Management Association (NIRMA). IAEA TECDOC-1335 “Configuration Management Guideline” issued Jan 2003 In 2003, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) adopted this guideline document, which contains many of the same features as the ANSI standard.

4 CM Equilibrium Design Require- ments Design Requirements technical requirements, derived from the design process, that are reflected in the final design. What Needs to be there Design characteristics and bounding parameters needed for the design to work Must be verified or monitored to confirm that design is valid Examples of Design Requirements Pump performance parameters In the design process a pump is selected with certain performance characteristics (pump curve). In order for the design to be valid, the pump must continue to meet those performance characteristics. We do periodic testing to verify that the pump performance meets the pump curve (doesn't matter if pump is safety related or not) Lake Level In the design process, a minimum lake level is assumed that would provide adequate suction head (NPSH) to a safety related pump. This value (with margin) is recorded as a Tech Spec limit. If we have a drought and the lake level falls below the limit, we invalidate the design and have to shut the plant down. (Even if it wasn't a nuclear plant the example applies – except for the tech specs)

5 CM Equilibrium Facility Configuration Information (FCI)
documentation that defines how the plant is designed and how we operate it. What we say is there Design Output Documents Operational Configuration Documents Other Operating, Maintenance, Training and Procurement Information Facility Config Info Examples of Facility Configuration Information Design Output Documents engineering drawings, design specifications describes how the plant is designed This would include the pump curve from the manufacturer. Operational Configuration Documents technical procedures used to manipulate components, equivalent replacements describes how the plant is operated in different configurations while staying with design envelope Other Operating, Maintenance, Training and Procurement Information maintenance procedures, training lesson plans, procurement specs, testing, retest manual plant documents that allow components to be worked on while they’re out of service or are used to train personnel. This would include the completed periodic test that verified the pump performance meets the pump curve

6 Physical Configuration
CM Equilibrium Physical Configuration actual physical location, arrangement and material condition of SSCs What is actually there SSCs installed (design configuration) component position (operating configuration) Physical Config An example would be the actual pump performance that is verified to meet the pump curve from the manufacturer

7 Work Processes must assure that:
CM Equilibrium Work Processes must assure that: Elements conform all the time processes in place to restore CM Equilibrium if it is lost All Changes are Authorized people are trained and qualified Conformance can be verified determine what configuration is and prove it was done correctly Design Require- ments Physical Config Facility Config Info Elements conform all the time When a non-conformance exists, processes are in place that will assure that the CM Equilibrium is reestablished. All Changes are Authorized This assures that changes are acceptable from the standpoint of safety and design and assures that people are trained and qualified. Conformance can be verified You have to document what’s there before you do anything, document what you plan to do, and document what you did after you did it.

8 CM Equilibrium Upsets Upsets Between Design Requirements & Facility Configuration Information errors in analysis, design inputs errors in licensing documents Operating procedure invalidates design calculation (response time) desired changes, such as power uprating Design Require- ments Facility Config Info These are examples of where the Design Requirements change or the Facility Configuration Information is found out of compliance with the Design Requirements.

9 CM Equilibrium Upsets Upsets Between Physical Configuration & Facility Configuration Information drawing / plant discrepancies components in wrong position maintenance errors that affect plant configuration desired changes: modifications, manipulating plant components Physical Config Facility Config Info Most common occurrence of an upset in CM Equilibrium. When the plant and the documents don’t match, people in the design organization are likely to say “The plant doesn’t look like the drawing” and people in operations are likely to say “The drawing doesn’t look like the plant” The first thing to do is to find out which one meets the Design Requirements. For example, valve “A” is installed but equipment database says that valve “B” is installed. You must first perform an evaluation to determine if valve “A” or valve “B” or both meet the Design Requirements. If “A” doesn't meet Design Requirements, it must be replaced. If “A” is okay it may be more cost effective to revise database. Similar process is used to evaluate a component that is found out of its expected position. For new plants, many errors are uncovered during start-up when the Architect Engineer turns over documents to the Owner.

10 CM Equilibrium Upsets Upsets Between Physical Configuration and Design Requirements failure of SSC to meet performance criteria as designed equipment out of tolerance unexpected degradation in performance of SSCs Design Require- ments Physical Config As plant components age or break they may not meet the performance requirements that were assumed in the original design. This is why we constantly monitor their condition and performance using established programs, such as: field walkdowns, including operator rounds component testing & performance monitoring erosion & corrosion monitoring

11 CM EquilibriumMargins
NSD 106.7 Figure 106-3 Design Basis Design Configuration Operational Configuration Protect the Design Basis Design Configuration conforms to Design Basis Operational Configuration conforms to Design Configuration Operational configuration is conservatively maintained within the design configuration, while the design configuration is maintained within the design bases. This is the way we use Configuration Management to protect the design basis Source: INPO AP-929 Each boundary has margins to protect these limits

12 INPO Margin Model Let’s view this cross-section Analyzed Design Limit
Operating Limit Normal Operations Operating Margin Design Margin Unanalyzed Margin Range of Normal Operation Equipment /Function Failure Source INPO model developed in 2005 to illustrate what is meant by Margin Here is the fully developed model we have been building with the key elements of margin which we must manage: We have the range of normal operations which we should not allow to become too tight for our operators Operating margin which addresses normal events and events of moderate frequency And Design margin which provides additional conservatism for some degradation issues and unanticipated conditions.

13 Margins Failure Point Undetermined depends on many variables
Documented in engineering calculation Ultimate Capability Analytical Margin unanalyzed region Analyzed Design Limit Design Margin controlled by Engineering Operating Limit Operating Margin controlled by Operations This is the model that appears in INPO AP-929, Rev 1, which was issued in 2005 Stress that Operations controls the Operating Margin Design Authority (Engineering) control Design Margin Failure is not necessarily imminent in the Unanalyzed Region … only unanalyzed Range of Normal Operation Documented on design documents

14 describes one parameter only; different parameters may be interrelated
Margins Failure Point Undetermined depends on many variables Notes on Model describes one parameter only; different parameters may be interrelated direction may be positive or negative doesn’t represent all possible limits and setpoints gaps not intended to represent relative size of margins – may be zero Documented in engineering calculation Ultimate Capability Analytical Margin unanalyzed region Analyzed Design Limit Design Margin controlled by Engineering Operating Limit Operating Margin controlled by Operations Model is limited to one parameter only because analysis is based on inputs and assumptions from several interrelated parameters. For example the analysis assumes Pressure = P0 Temperature = T0 If P0 is exceeded but T0 is not, the resultant stress may not exceed the allowable limit for stress. Range of Normal Operation Documented on design documents

15 Other Limits and Setpoints
Margins Other Limits and Setpoints Failure Point Undetermined depends on many variables Documented in engineering calculation Ultimate Capability Regulatory Limit Analytical Margin unanalyzed region Analyzed Design Limit Design Margin controlled by Engineering Operating Limit Operating Margin controlled by Operations Tech Spec Limit This slide demonstrates how many limits and setpoints may be built into the design to ensure that margins are protected Range of Normal Operation Operator Alarm (HI-HI) Documented on design documents Operator Alarm (HI)

16 Margins Elevator Example
Failure Point – undetermined depends on many variables Ultimate Capability Analytical Margin Analyzed & tested to 4650 lbs Analyzed Design Limit Design Margin Dept of Labor - design for 25% passenger overload 4375 lbs Operating Limit Operating Margin 25% margin based on NC Department of Labor Analytical margin includes large conservatisms built into cable design and manufacturing Range of Normal Operation Rated Load posted in elevator = 3500 lbs 100 – 600 lbs

17 Margins HVAC Example Original analysis:
Room temperature must be kept under 90° F to protect computers Note: vendor’s Operating Limit = utility’s Ultimate Capability Analyzed Design Limit = 84° F, calculated for worst case conditions Operating Limit =78° F to give operators time to take action (analysis assumption) High Alarm is set at 75° F (warning of abnormal condition) 90° F Analytical Margin 84° F Design Margin 78° F Operating Margin Air conditioning unit on the roof of the Aux Bldg cools the room with the Operator Aid Computer manufacturer says that computers must be kept at less than 90 degrees F Our analysis shows a maximum room temperature of 84 degrees under worst case conditions (Analyzed Design Limit) Operating Limit is 78 degrees - Operations has to take action (High Alarm goes off at 75 to give them time to take action Normal operating range is less than 72 degrees 75° F 72° F Normal Operation OAC Room Temperature

18 Margins HVAC Example Over time margin is lost due to one or more of these causes: heat loads added to room lake temperature higher than analyzed poor heat exchanger performance due to fouling Normal Operation Operating Margin Analytical Margin 88° F 82° F 74° F 78° F 90° F Design Margin New Analyzed Design Limit (88°F) reduces Analytical Margin and affects Operating Limit (78° to 82°) affects Operating Margin affects Alarm Setpoint (75° to 78°) Over time things happen that impact the margin Has your plant every experienced these? other heat loads are added to room we experience lake temperatures higher than we assumed in original analysis raw water is hurting performance of heat exchanges more that we had assumed. Normal operating range goes to 74 degrees We run the calculations again using new inputs and the Analyzed Design Limit goes up to 88 degree We get frequent nuisance alarms at 75 degrees, so we raise the Alarm Setpoint to 78 We raise the Operating Limit to 82 to allow time for operator action Analytical Margin is now only 2 degrees = Vendors Limit (90F) – Analyzed Design Limit (88) A new larger Air Conditioning Unit will provide greater cooling capacity OAC Room Temperature

19 Roof Structural Analysis
Margins HVAC Example Larger air conditioning unit can restore room temperature margin but will require more electrical power increase weight on Aux Bldg roof Normal Operation Operating Margin Design Margin Analytical Margin OAC Room Temperature 84° F 78° F 72° F 75° F 90° F Voltage Analysis Roof Structural Analysis Normal Operation Operating Margin Design Margin Analytical Margin Bigger air conditioning unit results in more power, which reduces available margin on breaker increased weight on roof decreases available structural margin of roof. …resulting in other margin losses

20 CM Process Model high level model
integrated processes used to return CM Equilibrium developed in early 2002 by CMBG task force. influenced content of industry guidance documents: NEI Standard Nuclear Performance Model INPO Operation Excellence Outcomes enablers used by CMBG to develop CM Performance Indicators This is a high-level model that describes the process for returning to CM Equilibrium. Each site has detailed processes for: changes in design configuration (modifications) manipulation of operation configuration (operating procedures) Evaluating and resolving discovered errors in Design Requirements, Facility Configuration Information or Physical Configuration (corrective action systems)

21 CM Process Model Evaluate Identified Problem or Desired Change
Change Design Requirements ? Change Physical Configuration ? Change Facility Configuration Information ? Evaluate Identified Problem or Desired Change Do Nothing More No No No CM Equilibrium CM001 Yes Yes Yes Design Requirements Change Process Physical Configuration Change Authorization Process Facility Configuration Information Change Process This step is identified in the NEI Standard Nuclear Performance Model as CM001. Identify and evaluate the upset in the equilibrium. discovered error (plant/drawing mismatch or mispositioned component) desired change (modification or operational configuration change) . At a high level the process is the same whether it’s a discovered error or a desired change. First evaluate the problem or desired change. Usually this is done through the Corrective Action Program and/or the modification process. Evaluate Identified Problem or Desired Change apparent discrepancy (discovered error) desired change (modification, manipulating plant components)

22 CM Process Model Change Design Requirements?
Change Physical Configuration ? Change Facility Configuration Information ? Evaluate Identified Problem or Desired Change Do Nothing More No No No CM Equilibrium Yes Yes Yes Design Requirements Change Process Physical Configuration Change Authorization Process Facility Configuration Information Change Process CM002 This step is identified in the NEI Standard Nuclear Performance Model as CM002. Next step: Evaluate problem or desired change. What are the Design Requirements? Does this error or change affect the Design Requirements? Are the Design Requirements correct or do they need to be changed? If Design Requirement must be changed, use plant processes for changing Design Requirements. This part of the process is what is described in INPO-929 for modifications “Configuration Control Process Description” Change Design Requirements? What are Design Requirements? Does change affect Design Requirements? Use Design Requirements change process

23 CM Process Model Change Physical Configuration?
Change Design Requirements ? Change Physical Configuration ? Change Facility Configuration Information ? Evaluate Identified Problem or Desired Change Do Nothing More No No No CM Equilibrium Yes Yes Yes Design Requirements Change Process Physical Configuration Change Authorization Process Facility Configuration Information Change Process CM003 This step is identified in the NEI Standard Nuclear Performance Model as CM003. Do I need to make a physical change? If so, use normal change authorization process to implement physical change Use work orders to replace a component within the modification process. Use work orders to replace equivalent parts. Use operating procedures to change the position of a component. Change Physical Configuration? Modify components or change position of components? Use mod process to change design Configuration Use operating procedures to change component position

24 CM Process Model Change Facility Configuration Information?
Change Design Requirements ? Change Physical Configuration ? Change Facility Configuration Information ? Evaluate Identified Problem or Desired Change Do Nothing More No No No CM Equilibrium Yes Yes Yes Design Requirements Change Process Physical Configuration Change Authorization Process Facility Configuration Information Change Process CM004 This step is identified in the NEI Standard Nuclear Performance Model as CM004. “The job is not complete until the paperwork is done” Update documents (including databases) that need to be updated to match the physical configuration and file them as records. For changes in operational configuration changes, file the documentation of completed procedure. Any of these may be in electronic format. Change Facility Configuration Information? Design Output documents (drawings & specs) Operational Configuration Documents Other operating, maintenance, training, etc.

25 CM Process Model Do Nothing More
Change Design Requirements ? Change Physical Configuration ? Change Facility Configuration Information ? Evaluate Identified Problem or Desired Change Do Nothing More No No No CM Equilibrium Yes Yes Yes Design Requirements Change Process Physical Configuration Change Authorization Process Facility Configuration Information Change Process In some cases no changes are needed and the most cost effective solution is to do nothing more. Examples: a misunderstood Design Requirement faulty test equipment a set point that can operate within it’s documented range. Document your decision to no nothing more. Do Nothing More If cost effective, do nothing more…except Document your conclusion

26 Functional Areas of CM #1 Protect the Design Basis
Design Basis Configuration #2 Modify the Plant Engineering Change Control #3 Operate the Plant Operational Configuration Control #4 Maintain the Plant Configuration of SSCs not in service #5 Test the Plant Plant Design Validation This is one way to break down the normal functions in a nuclear plant to identify people who have a part in Configuration Management processes and show how they contribute. This model does not necessarily match the organizational structure. For example, operational configuration may be maintained by Operations, Chemistry, Radiation Protection or others. We use this model to tell people how CM applies to their job function and to help build performance measures.

27 Functional Areas of CM Protect the Design Basis
Objective: Understand and maintain design basis consistent with licensing basis design Major processes control of licensing and design basis documents (such as & UFSAR) engineering calculations Causes for upsets in CM Equilibrium new or revised Design Requirements inadequate original review Many site organizations are responsible for understanding and maintaining the design basis: Licensing negotiates regulatory commitments. Design organization translates Design Requirements into plant design. Operations must maintain awareness of Design Basis.

28 Functional Areas of CM Modify the Plant
Objective: Assure that changes to design configuration conform to Design Requirements and are accurately reflected on Facility Configuration Information Major processes modification process Causes for upsets in CM Equilibrium desired change (modification) undocumented plant changes Plant modifications usually change the Physical Configuration and may require changes to the Design Requirements Design modification organization revises design to conform with Design Requirements, Other organizations participate in the modification process Operations revises operating procedures to conform with design. Maintenance revises maintenance procedures to conform with design. Training revises lesson plans.

29 Functional Areas of CM Operate the Plant
Objective: Assure that alignment of in-service equipment is consistent with approved design through use of approved technical procedures. Major processes operating procedures tag out process Causes for upsets in CM Equilibrium failure to follow operating procedures human errors due to workarounds, abandoned equipment, temp mods, etc. Groups which operate plant systems and components may include: Operations Chemistry Radiation Protection Security Maintenance

30 Functional Areas of CM Maintain the Plant
Objective: Assure that SSCs are procured and maintained in accordance with approved design Major processes maintenance procedures procurement procedures Causes for upsets in CM Equilibrium failure to follow procedures inadequate procurement QA Groups which are responsible for configuration of SSCs that are not currently in operation: Maintenance Procurement (Supply Chain) When a component is put in service or when it is returned to service it must conform to the documented design and the expected condition.

31 Functional Areas of CM Test the Plant
Objective: Assure the performance of SSCs meets Design Requirements Major processes performance testing plant walkdowns Causes for upsets in CM Equilibrium inadequate performance testing programs inadequate plant aging programs Testing is used to assure that SSCs still meet the design requirements that were assumed in the current design

32 When you don’t have to do anything When it’s too late to do anything
“It’s what you do now When you don’t have to do anything That lets you be What you want to be When it’s too late to do anything about it.” Warren Owen, former Exec. VP Duke Power

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