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Welcome Cheetah Parents

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Cheetah Parents"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Cheetah Parents
Mr. Honeycutt Social Studies

2 Social Studies Chronology of World Development
Quarter 1: Age of Exploration, Age of Colonization, Absolutism & Enlightenment Quarter 2: Age of Revolution, Industrialization & Imperialism, WWI and the Russian Revolution

3 Social Studies Chronology of World Development
Quarter 3: Interwar Period & WWII, New Nations Emerge, The Cold War Quarter 4: Human rights, Globalization, Current Events & The World Today

4 Grade Weights Quiz= 20% 3-4 per quarter Unit Test= 35% 2-3 per quarter
Project = 40% 2 per quarter Classwork/Homework = 5% Done on a weekly basis

5 New Grading Scale (10 point)
80-89 (B) 70-79 (C) 60 – 69 (D) Below 60 (F)

6 Make-Up Policy Students will have 5 days to make corrections to assignments (tests only) Only students who score below a 70 will be eligible. They will receive a rework form that parents need to sign. After completing reworks, there will be a “retest” assignment.

7 Weebly My website is linked to the team weebly site
Our weebly will have updates on coming units as well as field trips and team updates

8 My Wiki
My website will include homework for each week as well as links to assignments and upcoming quizzes/tests/projects

9 Edmodo Edmodo will primarily be used for formative homework assignments Can be downloaded for free on Desktop/Laptop/Tablet/Phone

10 Class Dojo If you are able to volunteer for chaperoning you will need to get your clearance.

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