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Full of Energy! Science with Mrs. Williams Week of January 7

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Presentation on theme: "Full of Energy! Science with Mrs. Williams Week of January 7"— Presentation transcript:

1 Full of Energy! Science with Mrs. Williams Week of January 7
SPI Distinguish among gravitational potential energy, elastic potential energy, and chemical potential energy. SPI Interpret the relationship between potential and kinetic energy. Essential Question: How are potential and kinetic energy related? You may chat until class starts.

2 What is Energy? Have students share their ideas on energy.

3 For Your Viewing Pleasure……
Here are a couple different youtube videos you can use…watch and choose the one you like the best. P&K Energy song (I may use at end of class if time) Bill Nye P Vs. K (I’m using this one)

4 Potential Energy Energy that is stored in an object
The object is not moving, but could move The objects on the table have to potential to move Have students sit completely still. Explain that they could “potentially” move if they needed to. As they sit still, they have potential energy.

5 Gravitational Potential Energy
Objects that can move because of gravitational pull The potential energy increases with an objects mass and height.

6 Gravitational Potential Energy
If the red vase and the blue vase have the same mass, which has the most gravitational potential energy?

7 Elastic Potential Energy
Objects have elastic potential energy because of their shape or the material it is made of What items might have elastic potential energy?

8 Elastic Potential Energy
Which hand has the most potential energy? Which rubber band will travel the farthest?

9 Chemical Potential Energy
Has potential energy that is released during a chemical reaction For example: When we eat, the food is broken down through chemical reactions and energy is supplied to our body.

10 Chemical Potential Energy
Can you think of other things that have chemical potential energy?

11 Identify the Potential Energy
Gravitational Elastic Chemical Gravitational: Apple on Chair, beach ball Elastic: spring, bow Chemical: food, beakers Allow students to share thoughts if they disagree 

12 Copy these pictures to the previous slide for students to sort into appropriate categories once you have uploaded to blackboard

13 Kinetic Energy If potential energy is energy that is stored, what is kinetic energy?

14 Examples of Kinetic Energy
Have students give examples of kinetic energy

15 Let’s Review You will use your polling tools to answer the following TCAP practice questions. A B C D

16 J

17 H

18 A

19 B

20 J

21 H

22 C

23 How are potential and kinetic energy related?
Essential Question How are potential and kinetic energy related?

24 Assignments Science Fair Final Prezi Presentations are due Friday, January 11th Thursday, January 10th: Additional Science Study Hall at 2:30 ET/1:30 CT for PREZI HELP Study Island Custom Assessment (assigned by your HR teacher) titled Kinetic and Potential Energy

25 Questions

26 Please make sure you answer all of the questions carefully.
In order to receive attendance credit for watching a recorded lesson, you MUST fill out the following survey. Recordings should be viewed by the end of the week of the original Class Connect session’s date. Recordings are reserved for students whose LC’s have contacted teachers via K-mail to discuss scheduling conflicts or illness. Please make sure you answer all of the questions carefully.

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