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Presentation on theme: "STRENGTHENING COUNTRY-LED M&E SYSTEMS Good practices in using DevInfo"— Presentation transcript:

1 STRENGTHENING COUNTRY-LED M&E SYSTEMS Good practices in using DevInfo
Live Webcast Knowledge Sharing Event 15 April 2009 DevInfo

2 STRENGTHENING COUNTRY-LED M&E SYSTEMS Good practices in using DevInfo

3 Evidence-based planning
GLOBAL Can you give us few examples of how DevInfo has been used for: evidence-based planning? Response: DevInfo can be used to zoom in on key indicators. Here is a regional view of poverty where sub-Saharan Africa is shown as “High” when compared to the rest of the world. Poverty High Medium Low No data Sub-Saharan Africa

4 East and Southern Africa
Evidence-based planning AFRICA In East and Southern Africa there are some countries in each poverty category: high-medium-low. Poverty High Medium Low No data East and Southern Africa

5 EAST AND SOUTHERN AFRICA Evidence-based planning Poverty High Medium
Now let’s take a look at one country in East and Southern Africa in the medium poverty category: Malawi. Malawi Poverty High Medium Low No data

6 MALAWI Evidence-based planning Regions Poverty High Medium Low No data
National level estimates of poverty are not helpful for Malawi planners. All three regions are “Medium”: Northern, Central and Southern. Poverty High Medium Low No data

7 MALAWI Evidence-based planning Districts Poverty High Medium Low
Here is the same indicator shown at the second sub-national level. This map begins to show disparities which can help planners target programmes and resources to the most needy districts. Poverty High Medium Low No data Southern Region

8 MALAWI Evidence-based planning Districts Poverty High Medium Low
Within the Southern Region, most districts are in the Medium poverty category. Data are missing for two key districts. Poverty High Medium Low No data Southern Region

9 MALAWI Evidence-based planning Sub-Districts Poverty High Medium Low
Here is a more detailed poverty map showing sub-districts in the Southern Region. This disaggregated information is much more helpful for planners. Now let’s zoom in further to see what is happening closer to the community level. Poverty High Medium Low No data Southern Region

10 MALAWI Evidence-based planning Sub-Districts Poverty High Medium Low
This maps shows wide disparities in poverty levels at the sub-district level around Blantyre. Poverty High Medium Low No data

11   MALAWI  Evidence-based planning  INFRASTRUCTURE Poverty  
High Medium Low No data Settlement Health post School Road River MALAWI Sub-Districts Here we zoom down further to see the social infrastructure at the community level: health posts, schools, roads, rivers. This disaggregated information can be used as practical and useful tools for community programme planning.

12 Increased access to information
Can you give us few examples of how DevInfo has been used for: increasing access to information Response... DevInfo database technology has been used to provide access to the official MDG data through the annual editions of MDG Info. This data is used by the United Nations to report to Member States on the progress toward achieving the MDGs. 12

13 Dissemination of information to a broad audience
Can you give us few examples of how DevInfo has been used for: disseminating information to a broad audience Response: CensusInfo is being implemented as an adaptation of DevInfo database technology to assist national partners in the dissemination of census results UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIAT DESA Statistics Division 13

14 Support for harmonized monitoring systems
di Indicators di Sources di Maps Can you give us few examples of how DevInfo has been used for: supporting harmonized monitoring systems Response: Leadership and compliance with emerging international standards for statistical databases on human development. 14

15 Advocacy and awareness-raising
Can you give us few examples of how DevInfo has been used for: advocacy and awareness-raising Response: New suite of web 2.0 features for social networking. 15

16 Is DevInfo used only in Low-income countries, or also in Middle-income countries? Response: DevInfo is used by a broad spectrum of countries. You are invited to visit for more information on DevInfo Worldwide. 16

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