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-based on transfer of innovation from partner countries-

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1 -based on transfer of innovation from partner countries-
Project no: RO1-LEO SETTING-UP THE CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE FOR INITIAL AND CONTINUOUS TRAINING ON PROFESSIONAL STRESS MANNAGEMENT AND DUTY WEAPONS USING TACTICS -based on transfer of innovation from partner countries- BIA Consortium meeting in Cluj, 20th-21st of September 2012

2 Between 20th and 21st of September 2012, „Septimiu Muresan” Police School Cluj-Napoca hosted the third meeting of BIA Project coordination group, organized simultaneously with a new section of WP3 meeting, group in charge with developing the research for creating a stress management and duty weapons using tactics model.

3 All the three partners involved in the project were present and also a guest from the Ministry of Administration and Interior (M.A.I.): - Romanian Police General Inspectorate: European Affairs, Programs and International Relations Department, represented by police superintendent Camelia Dâncă, chief of the Department, and police inspector Andreea Cernăzeanu - asistent manager; Office of Professional Training from The Management and Human Resources Department, represented by police inspector Loredana Marin; - Bereitschaftspolizeiprasidium Baden-Wurttemberg: police chief superintendent Hans-Jorg BARTH – coordinator of the German experts; - Országos Rendőr-főkapitányság: police captain Laszlo GYORI - representing the Hungarian partner; - from M.A.I. - European Affairs and International Relations General Department, principal inspector Ionuț Băncescu.

4 MEETING’S AGENDA The activities developed during the first year of BIA project implementation; WP3 activities carried out between the 15th of June and the 14th of September 2012, including the German and Hungarian partners conclusions on the results of WP3; Presentation made by the external expert - Mr. Gabor Adam, on the partial results of the research developed in WG3; The next activities of WG4 and the content of the documents that will be put together: methodology, manual, curricula; Financial aspects regarding the documents needed for fulfilling the interim report for The national Agency; Problems and risks identified until now in the project implementation; Dissemination and visibility of the project, including the project’s website, that will be launched soon; Discussions regarding the objectives and the steps needed for creating The Excellence Center.


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