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Akademiese Steundienste Academic Support Services

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1 Akademiese Steundienste Academic Support Services
STUDENTETERUGVOERVORM STUDENT FEEDBACK FORM Akademiese Steundienste Academic Support Services

2 Instruksies / Instructions
Die doel van hierdie vraelys is om te bepaal hoe u as student die doeltreffendheid van die dosent se onderrig ervaar. Hierdie inligting sal die dosent help om die onderrig-leer-ervaring van die student te verbeter, indien nodig. U word dus versoek om eerlik in u antwoorde te wees. Gebruik die onderstaande skaal om aan te dui hoe u die dosent se onderrig en leer ervaar. Kleur die betrokke syfer met potlood op die multi-keusekaart in. The aim of this questionnaire is to determine how you as a student experience the effectiveness of the lecturer’s teaching. This information will assist the lecturer to improve the teaching-learning experience of the student if necessary. You are therefore requested to be honest with your responses. Use the following scale to indicate how you experience your lecturer’s teaching and learning. Colour the relevant number on the multi choice card.

3 Evalueringskaal / Evaluation Scale
Stem glad nie saam nie. Stem nie saam nie Stem saam saam Stem volkome saam 1 2 3 4 Stongly disagree Disagreee Agree Strongly agree

4 Vraelys / Questionnaire
Die dosent The Lecturer 1. Is betyds vir klasse. Is on time for classes. 2. Beplan deeglik en berei deeglik voor vir kontaksessies. Plans thoroughly and prepares thoroughly for contact sessions. 3. Maak van die studiegids gebruik tydens kontaksessies. Makes use of the study guide during contact sessions.

5 Die dosent (vervolg) / The lecturer (continuous)
4. Gebruik ‘n vlak van taal wat ek kan verstaan. Uses a level of language that I can understand 5. Bied kontaksessies aan wat vir my waardevolle leergeleenthede is. Presents contact sessions that are valuable learning opportunities for me. 6. Meld spesifieke uitkomste wat ek vir elke kontaksessie moet bemeester. States learning outcomes I have to master for every contact session. 7. Maak gebruik van multimedia ter ondersteuning van leer / maak doeltreffend van visuele hulpmiddels gebruik. Makes use of multimedia in support of learning / makes effective use of visual aids.

6 Die dosent (vervolg) / The lecturer (continuous)
8. Moedig studente aan om tydens kontaksessies saam te werk. Encourages students to work together during contact sessions. 9. Moedig studente aan om aan die klasbesprekings deel te neem. Encourages students to participate in the class discussions. 10. Moedig studente aan om krities te dink, vrae te vra en aan besprekings deel te neem. Encourages student to think critically, ask questions and participate in discussions. 11. Is vriendelik teenoor studente. Is friendly towards students.

7 Die dosent (vervolg) / The lecturer (continuous)
12. Bevorder ‘n atmosfeer van wedersydse respek. Promotes an atmosphere of mutual respect. 13. Moedig studente aan om ‘n groter poging aan te wend in hulle studies. Encourages students to make a greater effort in their studies. 14. Bied ondersteuning en hulp wanneer daarom gevra word. Offers support and assistance when requested to do so. 15. Verduidelik hoe uitkomste geasses- seer sal word. Explains how outcomes will be assessed.

8 Die dosent (vervolg) / The lecturer (continuous)
16. Gee binne ‘n redelike tyd terugvoer oor toetse en take. Gives feedback on tests and assignments within a reasonable time. 17. Assesseer opdragte en projekte regverdig en deursigtig.. Assesses assignments and projects fairly and transparently. 18. Baseer assesserings op leeruitkomste soos in die studiegids gestel. Bases assessments on learning outcomes as stated in the study guide. 19. Moedig studente aan om leerondersteuning op kampus by te woon wanneer hulle swak presteer. Encourages students to attend learning support on campus when their performance is weak.

9 Die dosent (vervolg) / The lecturer (continuous)
20. Verduidelik die toepaslikheid van konsepte en teorieë. Explains the relevance of concepts and theories. 21. Verduidelik die verband tussen teorie en praktyk. Explains the relationship between theory and practice. 22. Verwys na toepaslike en onlangse ontwikkelings in die vak. Refers to relevant and recent develpments in the subject.

10 Die dosent (vervolg) / The lecturer (continuous)
23. Verduidelik die verband tussen leereenhede. Explains the relationship be- tween study units. 24. Skryf ‘n billike volume studie- materiaal voor. Prescribes a fair volume of study material. 25. Bied studiemateriaal op ‘n ge- organiseerde wyse aan soos in die studiegids uiteengesit. Presents study material in an organised manner as set out in the study guide/

11 Ek, die student / I, the student
26. Woon alle klasse by wat deur hierdie spesifieke dosent aange- bied word. Attend all classes presented by this specific lecturer. 27. Lees deur die studiegids / hand- boek voordat ek die kontak- sessie bywoon. Read through the study guide / textbook before attending the contact sessions. 28. Luister en vra vrae om die module inhoud te verstaan. Listen and ask questions in order to understaqnd the module content.

12 * Algemene kommentaar / * General Comments
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