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You can read it better when I make the change.

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3 You can read it better when I make the change.

4 Results do not let me illustrate my point
Results do not let me illustrate my point. I am going to change and look for edition 2.

5 You can think of this as 2003 and course or 2003 and 2.

6 This illustrates the results
This illustrates the results. All of the records have a yr of 2003 and one has the publisher Course and one has the edition 2.

7 a notepad document for better viewing in class.

8 This query will show all fields from all records.

9 FROM booktable;


11 records. This only got records where yr was equal to 2003.



14 This shows an AND relationship.


16 This shows an OR relationship.



19 This is like putting the yr criteria and the publisher criteria on the criteria line and then putting the edition criteria on the or line if you were using the user interface.


21 Four of the records are here because they met the standalone edition = 2 criteria.

22 That means I need to put parenthesis in to change the order of operation. Now the things in the parenthesis are resolve and combined with yr = 2003.



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