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Greek and Latin Roots Unit 4 week 13 definitions

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1 Greek and Latin Roots Unit 4 week 13 definitions
Neg, nom, mon, lex

2 Week 13 Day 1 Make a box in your vocab journal like the one below
Week 13 Day 1 Make a box in your vocab journal like the one below. Title it day 1. Separate it into 4 sections. Write the root word at the top of each box. Write it’s definition, origin, and examples in each box. neg non Mon or mono lex Definition: no Origin: Latin Examples: negligence, renege, renegade, negation Definition: not Origin: Greek Examples: nonsense, nontoxic, nonstop, nonprofit, noncontemporary Definition: single Examples: monotone, monologue, monocycle, monocle Definition: word Examples: lexical, lexicon, lexicographer, dyslexia, lexicology

3 neg (Latin)=no

4 negligence Definition: to be careless or thoughtless
Sentence: Negligence while doing homework could result in a bad grade.

5 renege Definition: to say no to a promise
Sentence: My parents promised me the new iPhone but decided to renege and got me the older version.

6 renegade Definition: a person who says no to their country; traitor
Sentence: The renegade soldiers left base and refused to fight for their country.

7 negation Definition: proving something incorrect
Sentence: No negation of a fact can involve a contradiction.

8 non (Greek)=not

9 nonsense Definition: not understandable
Sentence: It sounds like the baby is speaking nonsense.

10 nontoxic Definition: not poisonous
Sentence: I would like to use a nontoxic cleaner since I have a dog in the house.

11 nonstop Definition: not stopping
Sentence: The radio plays nonstop in my grandparents’ garage.

12 nonprofit Definition: not to gain money
Sentence: The American Red Cross is a nonprofit organization that provides disaster relief and emergency assistance to those in need.

13 noncontemporary Definition: not living in the present time
Sentence: Their great grandparents are used to the noncontemporary dance; not the contemporary style if this performance.

14 mon (Greek)=single

15 monotone Definition: one type of voice
Sentence: The professor’s monotone voice puts me to sleep.

16 monologue Definition: speaking by one person
Sentence: A monologue is a speech by an actor in a play.

17 monocycle Definition: one-wheeled bike
Sentence: We saw someone ride a monocycle at the circus.

18 monocle Definition: glasses for one eye
Sentence: The monocle he used made him look smart.

19 Lex (Greek)=word

20 lexical Definition: relating to words and vocabulary
Sentence: A book’s lexical level is its reading level.

21 lexicon Definition: a book of words; dictionary
Sentence: I used a lexicon to find the word’s meaning.

22 lexicographer Definition: someone who studies words
Sentence: A lexicographer might be one of the writers of a dictionary.

23 dyslexia Definition: a disorder where it is difficult to interpret words Sentence: I attended a dyslexia training where I learned how to help students with dyslexia to read better.

24 lexicology Definition: the study of words and their history
Sentence: The English professor taught a lexicology class.

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