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Sequential CPU Implementation

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1 Sequential CPU Implementation

2 Outline SEQ timing Organizing Processing into Stages Suggested Reading ~ 4.3.3

3 SEQ: Sequential Processor
What is SEQ ? SEQ: Sequential Processor Y86 processor Process a complete instruction in each cycle What we have and we need? Combinational logic and storage ALU, Register File, Memory, PC, and CC

4 SEQ Components Combinational Logic

5 SEQ Components Combinational Logic Combinational Logic ALU

6 SEQ Components Combinational Logic Combinational Logic ALU Memory

7 SEQ Components Combinational Logic Combinational Logic Memory Memory
ALU Memory Memory Register File

8 SEQ Components Combinational Logic Combinational Logic
ALU Clocked Register Memory Memory Register File

9 SEQ Components Combinational Logic Combinational Logic
ALU Clocked Register Memory CC Memory Register File PC

10 SEQ Components Combinational Logic Combinational Logic
ALU read write Clocked Register Memory CC read write Memory Register File PC

11 SEQ Components Combinational Logic ALU Control logic Memory reads
Inst. memory Data memory Register file Combinational Logic ALU read write Memory CC read write Register File PC

12 SEQ Components Sequential Logic (All updated as clock rises)
Program counter (PC) Condition code (CC) Register File Memories a single clock signal (All updated as clock rises) Combinational Logic ALU read write Memory CC read write Register File PC

13 Process Instruction on SEQ
Process a complete instruction in each cycle A single clock controls all states Load CC and new PC Write register file and memory Principle只是对ISA设计的指导,不是严格的rule 因为即使是updated state总是存在于某电路上,仍然可以通过合适的设计获得的 (但是有额外的硬件开销且造成设计复杂度的提高) The processor never needs to read back the state updated by an instruction in order to complete the processing of this instruction.

14 Beginning of Cycle 3 Clock 0x000: irmovl $0x100,%ebx # %ebx0x100
irmovl $0x200,%edx # %edx0x200 Cycle 3: 0x00c: addl %edx,%ebx # %ebx0x300 CC000 Cycle 4: 0x00e: je dest # Not taken

15 Beginning of Cycle 3 state set according to 2nd instruction
0x006: irmovl $0x200,%edx # %edx0x200 Combinational Logic ALU state set according to 2nd instruction PC: 0x00C CC: 100 (assume) %edx: 0x200 %ebx: 0x100 combinational logic starting to react to state changes read write Memory 100 read write Register File %ebx=0x100 %edx=0x200 0x00C

16 End of Cycle 3 Clock 0x000: irmovl $0x100,%ebx # %ebx0x100 0x006:
irmovl $0x200,%edx # %edx0x200 Cycle 3: 0x00c: addl %edx,%ebx # %ebx0x300 CC000 Cycle 4: 0x00e: je dest # Not taken

17 End of Cycle 3 state set according to 2nd instruction
0x00c: addl %edx,%ebx # %ebx0x300 CC000 Combinational Logic ALU state set according to 2nd instruction combinational logic generates results for 3rd instruction read write Memory 100 read write 000 Register File %ebx=0x100 %edx=0x200 %ebx0x300 0x00C 0x00E 0x00C

18 Beginning of Cycle 4 Clock 0x000: irmovl $0x100,%ebx # %ebx0x100
irmovl $0x200,%edx # %edx0x200 Cycle 3: 0x00c: addl %edx,%ebx # %ebx0x300 CC000 Cycle 4: 0x00e: je dest # Not taken

19 Beginning of Cycle 4 state set according to 3rd instruction
0x00e: je dest # Not taken Combinational Logic ALU state set according to 3rd instruction PC: 0x00E CC: 000 %edx: 0x200 %ebx: 0x300 combinational logic starting to react to state changes read write Memory 000 read write Register File %ebx=0x300 %edx=0x200 0x00E

20 End of Cycle 4 Clock 0x000: irmovl $0x100,%ebx # %ebx0x100 0x006:
irmovl $0x200,%edx # %edx0x200 Cycle 3: 0x00c: addl %edx,%ebx # %ebx0x300 CC000 Cycle 4: 0x00e: je dest # Not taken

21 End of Cycle 4 state set according to 3rd instruction
0x00e: je dest # Not taken Combinational Logic ALU state set according to 3rd instruction combinational logic generates results for 4th instruction read write Memory 000 read write Register File %ebx=0x300 0x00E 0x013 0x00E

22 Naïve Design: One-by-one
How to design SEQ ? Naïve Design: One-by-one Straightforward, but waste Advanced Design: Multi-stages Formulate instruction execution as sequence of simple steps (stages) Like: function for programming Best use of hardware Challenge: use same general form for all instructions

23 Y86 Instruction Decoding
5 rA rB D icode ifun valC Optional Instruction Format Instruction byte icode:ifun Optional register byte rA:rB Optional constant word valC

24 Y86 Instruction Set Byte 1 2 3 4 5 cmovle 2 1 nop cmovl 2 halt 1 cmove
1 2 3 4 5 cmovle 2 1 nop cmovl 2 halt 1 cmove 2 3 rrmovl rA,rB 2 rA rB cmovne 2 4 cmovl rA,rB 2 fn rA rB cmovge 2 5 irmovl V,rB 3 F rB V cmovg 2 6 复习第一节课的内容。 rmmovl rA,D(rB) 4 rA rB D addl 6 mrmovl D(rB),rA 5 rA rB D subl 6 1 OPl rA, rB 6 fn rA rB andl 6 2 xorl 6 3

25 Y86 Instruction Set Byte 1 2 3 4 5 jmp 7 jle 1 jl 2 je 3 jne 4 jge 5
1 2 3 4 5 jmp 7 jle 1 jl 2 je 3 jne 4 jge 5 jg 6 jXX Dest 7 fn Dest call Dest 8 Dest ret 9 pushl rA A rA F popl rA B rA F 复习第一节课的内容。

26 Instruction Execution Stages
Fetch Read instruction from instruction memory Decode Read program registers Execute Compute value or address Memory Read or write data Write Back Write program registers PC Update program counter 可能不是每条指令都需要执行每个阶段,而且让指令做一些它不需要的工作会降低速度。 但一个统一的框架可以将实现的复杂度降到最小。因为它们可以尽可能的共用一些部件。 比方说,ALU,如果我们允许不同的指令有不同的执行路径,那么可能就需要几个ALU来实现不同的目的。重复一些硬件电路的开销要比软件大的多。 另外,一个统一的框架也会使得处理各种特殊情况和硬件的各种古怪行为变得比较容易。

27 PC Write back Data memory Memory CC ALU CC Execute Decode Register M
A B Register File Register M E M Instruction memory Instruction PC increment Fetch PC

28 Fetch PC Write back Data memory Memory CC ALU CC Execute Decode
A B Register File Register M E M Instruction memory Instruction PC increment Fetch PC

29 Decode PC Write back Data memory Memory CC ALU CC Execute Register M
A B Register File Register M E M Instruction memory Instruction PC increment Fetch PC

30 Execute PC Write back Data memory Memory CC ALU CC Decode Register M
A B Register File Register M E M Instruction memory Instruction PC increment Fetch PC

31 Memory PC Write back Data memory CC ALU CC Execute Decode Register M
A B Register File Register M E M Instruction memory Instruction PC increment Fetch PC

32 Write back PC Data memory Memory CC ALU CC Execute Decode Register M
A B Register File Register M E M Instruction memory Instruction PC increment Fetch PC

33 PC Write back Data memory Memory CC ALU CC Execute Decode Register M
A B Register File Register M E M Instruction memory Instruction PC increment Fetch PC

34 SEQ Hardware Structure
Instruction Flow Read instruction at address specified by PC: 1 Process through stages: 25 Update program counter: 6 之所以Write back阶段和PC Update阶段要回下来,是因为他们要访问Register file和PC这两个前面阶段用过的部件。 要注意的是虽然在语义动作中说各个可能写状态的阶段写状态的动作是顺序发生的。但实际上对于硬件来说,它们是同时在clock rising的时候发生的。

35 Executing arith./log. operation
opl rA, rB 6 fn rA rB OPl rA, rB 6 fn rA rB Fetch Read 2 bytes Decode Read operand registers Execute Perform operation Set Condition Ccodes Memory Do nothing Write back Update register rB PC Update Increment PC by 2

36 Stage Computation: arith./log. ops
OPl rA, rB icode:ifun  M1[PC] rA:rB  M1[PC+1] valP  PC+2 Fetch Read instruction byte Read register byte Compute next PC valA  R[rA] valB  R[rB] Decode Read operand A Read operand B Execute valE  valB ifun valA Perform ALU operation 注意:execute中的运算是valB OP valA,而不是valA OP valB M1[PC] 表示从PC开始的内存中读取一个字节的数据。 Set CC Set condition code register Memory R[rB]  valE Write back Write back result PC  valP PC update Update PC

37 Stage Computation: arith./log. ops
OPl rA, rB subl %edx, %ebx 0x00c: 6123 Fetch icode:ifun  M1[PC] icode:ifun  M1[0x00C] = 6:1 rA:rB  M1[PC+1] rA:rB  M1[0x00C+1] = 2:3 valP  PC+2 valP  0x00C+2 = 0x00E Decode valA  R[rA] valA  R[%edx] = 9 valB  R[rB] valB  R[%ebx] = 21 Execute valE  valB ifun valA valE  = 12 注意:execute中的运算是valB OP valA,而不是valA OP valB M1[PC] 表示从PC开始的内存中读取一个字节的数据。 Set CC ZF  0, SF  0, OF  0 Memory Write back R[rB]  valE R[%ebx]  valE = 12 PC update PC  valP PC  valP = 0x00E

38 PC Write back valM Data memory Memory addrs,data valE CC Cnd CC ALU CC
Execute valA,valB valA, valB rA, rB Decode A B Register File Register M E M rB,dstM icode:ifun, rA:rB valC valE valM valP Instruction memory Instruction PC increment Fetch PC PC PC valP

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