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Pre-reading & Literary Analysis Activities

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-reading & Literary Analysis Activities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-reading & Literary Analysis Activities
Lord of the Flies Pre-reading & Literary Analysis Activities

2 Leadership & Decision Making

3 Semantic Map Group Activity
What makes a good leader? On your white board MAP it out 5 Qualities which are needed in a good leader 5 Qualities which make for a bad leader

4 Survival STEP 1: Individually
Complete Survival Handout individually. Do not discuss your choices. STEP 2: As a Group Discuss and compare choices. Using a new Survival worksheet, come to a consensus and agree on final choices as a group.

5 Follow-up How easy was it to come to decisions in your group?
Did someone emerge as a leader? Do you think some people are natural leaders and some are natural followers? In a survival situation, do you think that leaders should be intellectuals or those who are physically strong? Why have leaders at all? Can’t everyone just look after himself or herself?

6 Lecture

7 Respond to these questions on your handout
What is a society? What makes a society run smoothly? What do you need? What expectations do you have of a leader? How do you destroy a society? Respond to these questions on your handout

8 Psychology The study of mental functions and behaviors
3 Parts of the Psychic Apparatus or the Psyche (created by Sigmund Freud)

9 Id Basic drives and instinctual tendencies wants, desires, impulses
Ex. Drives like fight or flight

10 Ego Organizes thoughts Seeks to mediate between the Id and reality
to resist impulses Conscious of social rules But more loyal to the Id (ex. Resist the impulse to grab another’s belongings)

11 Superego Moral voice or conscience.
Internalizes learned cultural rules nurtured by environment. Seat of your sense of guilt comes from Location of the conscience (Right and Wrong) Location of defense mechanisms like denial


13 Sociology Social Norms- accepted practices
The science of society, social institutions, and relationships. The systematic development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings. Sociology Social Norms- accepted practices Mores- formal rules or morals that emphasize right and wrong Folkways- informal rules or norms; cultural practices like proper dress and greetings Taboo- moral violation (forbidden, unmentionable action) that can have consequences Culture- a set of attitudes, values, goals, beliefs, and practices shared by a group of people Rules- prescribed guide for conduct or action Law- practice or rule of conduct/action that is formally recognized as binding and/or enforced by controlling forces.

14 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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